
wanna be a adventurer

The world of Entra magic is in everything to the people who inhabit it. The nobles with large amounts of magic running through there veins to the commoner who have to work for there power and there name. Most use the military, but the truly brave become adventurer

Jonathan_A_May · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

chapter 1


general pov:

"Keith please don't run" yelled a woman who looks to be in her mid twenties as she chases after Keith

"But mama I wanna be the first in line for the magic test" yelled Keith as he stopped and turned around to look at the woman

"I know but if you rush you'll be too tired to take the test" said the woman as she caught up to her son

Keith looked at her with immense shock in his eyes "Mama will I be able to take the test" asked Keith

after catching up to her son the woman holds his hand and walks with him "You will if you don't run"

after walking 5 minutes Keith looked forward with a smile on his face "Mama were here were here" said the boy excitedly

the woman looked at her son with a smile "It's almost time" said the woman as they walked inside the guild hall

as Keith and his mother entered the guild hall Keith was mesmerized by the guild even though has had been in the hall hundreds of times before if felt different this time and he didn't quite know why

"is something wrong Keith" asked his mother with a worried expression

"I don't know mama," said Keith with a slight quiver in his voice

"don't worry you're just nervous," said Keith's mother with a reassuring smile

before Keith could respond they arrived at a large desk with three women in suits behind it

"Hello Ms.Winfull are you here for another quest," said the woman in the middle

"Hello Jane and I'm here for my son's magic aptitude test," said Keith's mother

"right this way Ms. Winfull" said Jane as she walked to a side door

as the three enters the room Keith could see a large order with two gold handprints on one side

"please wait here while I get the guild master" said Jane as she walked out the door

after fifteen or so minutes of waiting and a man walks into the room Keith could see the man was on the older side but not too old to be considered elderly

"Ms. Winfull" said the guild master as he looked at her

"guild master ruin" said Keith's mom as she gave a slight bow

"All right Keith let's get right to it" said the guild master as he walked over to Keith

"y-yes sir" said Keith as he watched the guild master

"no need to be nervous Keith just place your hand on the golden handprints and we can start" said the guild master as he walked over to the orb

as Keith placed his hands onto the handprints he could feel that he was getting tired and he could see something inside the orb

"looks like your son has extreme proficiency in dark magic and moderate proficiency with fire magic quite a powerful combo if I say so" said the guild master with a large smile on his face

"Keith this is amazing" said Keith's mother as she rushed over and hugged him

"but isn't dark magic evil" said Keith with a worried look

"no Keith dark magic isn't evil" said the guildmaster as he gathered a few papers from Jane

"ok" said Keith as he hugs his mom back not fully believing what the guildmaster said


hi I hope you enjoy the first chapter and please be patient I'm not the best of writers and don't have alot of time on my hand