
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

A week gap didn't feel so good to Junya. He really wanted to meet Tao and his Mama. He and Tori has been walking around after school to look for the mother and son(s), but to no avail. They even returned home quite late to have more time looking around.

Just for what? Somehow Tori understood why Junya behaved like that ever since he met Tao and his Mama for the first time, but he wanted to hear the reason by Junya himself. He also believed Junya became that eager because the way Tao treated him nicely might mean the kid could befriend him too.

That Friday, Junya and Tori decided to literally play sport together somewhere. It was Tori's idea to jog or play catch at the nearest park to the bakery they used to meet Tao, and Junya agreed to it because he envisioned the Mama bringing the kids there for a walk. With T-shirts and jogging pants, they jogged around with wandering eyes.

One hours of jogging, half an hour of brisk walking, and the remaining minutes for cooling down, yet not even once did they catch a glimpse of those family. Everyone was unknown to him, distracting his emotion a little too much. Tori as his company felt sorry for his demolished hope.

He really looked forward to their next meeting, huh?

"We've sweated enough. Let's go back home," Tori nudged at Junya's forearm.

Junya pouted, but nodded agreeing to the suggestion. The sun was almost setting though, so he should be returning. They were drinking water and about to depart when they heard someone shouting for help.

"What happened?" Tori and Junya exchanged look.

They dashed to the source of commotion outside the park entrance just to witness someone they knew lied unconsciously on the road, with a little kid crying helplessly beside.

"He was trying to help me from being raped!" claimed the one shouting earlier. "Please help him! He might be injured!"

Both Junya and Tori halted middle way. That explained the crowd but no help lent. Everyone was wary of her pheromone leaking everywhere. So she was having her heat.

"Tori, please watch me," Junya said, clenching fists. "My illness might help in this situation."

Tori didn't reply a word. He watched Junya coming to the victims. The woman, reddish face and gasping, thanked Junya countless times for willingly saved the victim.

"Seems like he knocked his head rather hard till it bled," Junya examined the victim. "Are you okay, Tao-chan?"

The little kid by his Mama's side wailed and hugged Junya tightly. He cried his eyes out in Junya's embrace. Junya hugged him back, whispering soothing words to ease him. Tao grabbed Junya on the sleeve.

"Mama-san, Mama-san. How are you?" Junya gently slapped the Mama on the cheek to determine if he was half awake or fully fainted.

The Mama's eyes opened a little. "...You..."

Junya grasped the Mama's hand and drew himself closer, "Yes, Mama-san? Do you remember who you are?"

The Mama breathed really weakly, as if he was dying. Apparently he was about to faint but he tried to stay awake. It must be that he was worried of his son being left to unknown people. "...My...Tao..."

"Are you aware what happened just now?" Efficiently Junya dialled emergency number with one hand and another hand firmly held on the Mama's wrist.

The Mama kept quiet for a moment before he replied, "Someone... someone beat me up..."

"Good," Junya heard his call being picked up and reported the incident to the receiver. "I've called the ambulance. For now, can I accompany you here? With Tao-chan?"

The Mama didn't answer straight away. He stared at Junya blankly before he nodded. "I... promised him... some bread," he mumbled.

"Mama, it's okay," Tao was really quick to catch, "We can buy them next time."

The Mama smiled despite blood trailed down to his chin. "You can buy them today, my dear."

What am I feeling? Junya could feel his heart crumbled as he heard their conversation. The small kid was being considerate because he understood his Mama was unwell. He must have witnessed how his Mama was beaten to pulp earlier.

"Can you, please... buy him some bread? He loves eating..." his voice dragged at the end, "...the ones you like..."

Junya's eyes widened as the Mama's head fell on the side. He has fainted due to blood loss. He must have endured the dizziness for quite sometime just to see his son was secured with someone trustworthy. The presence of Junya and Tori was just at the right time.

"Mama? Mama!" Tao shook his Mama vigorously. "Mama! Mama! Please don't sleep!"

Initially Junya was calm, but seeing how scared Tao was, he instantly became anxious. He was so sure the Mama fainted because of blood loss, but the kid must be scared of losing his mother. Junya dragged the younger back into his arms.

"Please listen, Tao-chan," Junya said, still calm, "Mama is taking a nap because he was dizzy. That's all. We stay by his side while waiting for ambulance to arrive. Okay?"

Tao listened to Junya really well. He cooled down and sobbed quietly in Junya's arms. Junya patiently hushed him, head spinning from thinking how to coax Tao. He was still a small kid though.

"Tori," Junya called the mesmerized Tori. "Can you help me buy the breads Tao-chan wanted?"

"Yes, sure," Tori didn't find it hard. Perhaps it was better so that Junya could stay with both Tao and the Mama.

"T-Tao wants to stay here," Tao hiccupped. He gripped on Junya's shirt.

"Okay, we stay here. With Mama," Junya brought the Mama in bridal style to a shadier spot where it could protect Mama at least from the crowd, not even three meters from the original place. So ambulance should still be able to find them.

As for Tori, he was still astounded by the view just now. Just when everyone was frightened of lending a hand to the victims because of the Omega in heat, Junya came forward to help. For the first time, he felt Junya's illness was convenient. Junya's calmness proved the ineffectiveness of Omega's pheromone towards him.

Also, he just found out Junya was really good with kids.