
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Kazu and Tao exchanged glares. Both refused to give in. The reason Kazu got in rage was understandable, but Tao's logic was acceptable too. In that case, Nao was actually abused sexually by someone no one knew. If only Nao realized the fact that he was actually raped, the twins would definitely lodge a police report, thus damaging the image of Kazu as a prestigious Alpha and the party host.

Minutes of indulging into awkward silence, Kazu sighed, a long one. He immersed himself into the bench at the waiting section. Tao stood still but his eyes watched him keenly.

"You are right," Kazu initiated. "Nao-chan is also a victim here."

"Told you," Tao finally sighed and took his seat beside Kazu. "Can you even imagine how long nii-san has kept all these from me? Do you think I shouldn't be mad? In my opinion, my twin is the victim."

"What else did he tell you before our rendezvous today?" Kazu seemed cooler and calmer. Probably he has loosen his own tense.

Tao glanced at the latter before replied, "No matter how much I forced him to reveal you, he always pretended to not pay attention to the topic. After our meeting today, I could guess what his reason is," definitely he talked about Kazu's status. "All I could say, he loves you. Ever since we were informed about the pregnancy, even he fell sick several times, despite not having you his beloved Alpha by his side, he loves your baby. Very much."

The memory they had together after the pregnancy was uncovered replayed in Tao's mind. He always caught Nao talking to his baby bump, as if he was having a conversation with the baby. He gently caressed his bump and smiled to himself.

"He never hates the baby although he had many consequences. Vomiting, fever, losing appetite, getting skinnier, and other changes. But he's a strong Mama," Tao's voice vibrated, "Yes, he's strong. He willingly takes part time job to support ourselves, but he doesn't allow me to do one because he wants me to study hard so that I won't be like him. He isn't a drop-out though."

From Kazu's sight, Tao's hands were shaking. Memory recollection wasn't needed but it still came.

"I was relieved when I found out he's in relationship with you. But my heart tore when you accused him cheating on you, while he doesn't even have a time for himself."

"I'm deeply sorry!" Kazu bowed at Tao. "I know I was wrong. When Nao-chan disappeared on me, I refused to contact him too. I assumed he has moved on from our relationship and got a new Alpha. I never ever thought that he... is pregnant."

Tao snorted it. So he almost burst to tears, but he manageably held it.

"People may judge us since we come from a poor family. But, I hope nii-san won't break up with you," Tao said cautiously, "It's not that I want your wealth. It's just that I want nii-san to get reward for his sacrifice. He has done a lot."

The door swung widely by someone from the inside. A doctor wearing a scrub exited with a nurse of the same attire. Both Tao and Kazu rose from their bench to meet him.

"Are you the family of the patient?" The doctor asked Tao, then got nods as answers, "Thanks to your fast action, the patient is stable. The baby is safe, heart beating and already kicking. It turns out that the Mama and Papa have done great job taking care of the baby," he glanced at Kazu.

As if every mess happened in their respective lives have come to the end, both let out a really heavy sigh, not out of tire but more to relief. Tao, who has been holding his tears, didn't hold back anymore and cried his eyes out. Kazu covered his upper face with his one hand and secretly sobbed, as if no one was looking.

"You may visit the patient after we transfer him to the ward. He still needs monitoring though," then the doctor and nurse left them there.

One hour later, they went to the assigned ward to visit the unconscious Nao. It was unsure whether Nao was given medicine or still fainted, but both of them waited patiently by Nao's side.

"I love my twin," Tao broke the silence, believably to stay awake, "He's my only family member that I have now. I can't bear losing him. Seeing him suffering during his pregnancy, I hate it so much," he clenched his fist, "But I know, he loves you and your baby. Such disturbance just a little to him though."

Kazu watched Tao from another side of the bed, amazed by how calm this little brother of Nao. Although he just figured out what happened to his beloved brother, he just got mad for a few moment before cooling down. Nao was like that too. They were really twins, resembling each other too much.

Kazu was about to response to Tao's attempt of breaking the deafening silence when they heard murmurs. It was Nao, waking up from slumber. Both sprang from their chairs and enclosed Nao in their grasp.

"Tao and... Kazu-san?"

"Thankfully you're awake, nii-san," again, Tao's tears freely flowed down his chin. "We were so worries that you might fall sick again."

Nao were adjusting his consciousness to his current state, especially when he saw Kazu. He have passed out a few time, but this time the place he woke up at was different, and there were even a presence he found hard to believe.

"My baby!" Out of the blue, Nao rose from his lie and held his belly. "Haahh, haahh, my baby..." he curled himself, relieved from the fright of losing his baby due to too much stress upon his body. "Mama's so sorry for putting your life at risk. My son..."

The atmosphere felt heavy - heavily, sorrowful, and saddening. Nao still loved the baby despite the pain he endured just now. Tao slowly pulled Nao into his arms, into his embrace. The wailing Nao immersed himself in Tao's chest, letting the warmness of his twin lingering through his own cold body. Tao's 'I'm here' was continuously heard by both Nao and Kazu...

"What are you doing here, you bastard?" Suddenly Nao broke the embrace and glared at Kazu.