
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 6

"What do you mean? I never cheat on you!" The shocked Nao replied, holding on his faithfulness which Kazu doubted. "I'm already at my 20th weeks, and if you calculated correctly, I got knocked up on the day of your birthday party!"

Tao jolted from Nao's stern reasoning. It did make sense; Tao remembered the party Nao mentioned. Somehow he slept before Nao returned home and when he woke up on the next morning, Nao was sleeping really soundly beside him. Nao didn't seem to change in behaviour, so Tao didn't suspect anything.

Due to responsibility as an elder brother, Nao worked as a part timer in a restaurant near their home. There were times that he would return home late, so Tao has gotten used to his schedule. He knew his brother could take care of himself well.

"So that was the day you lost your virginity, huh? The Alpha who had sex with you must be a really powerful fellow, because you even got impregnated."

"And the Alpha you are cursing was you," Nao began to grit. He couldn't stand the accusation Kazu has thrown to him and their child. "I never had multiple partner or such. I wasn't drunk on that day. I followed you to your bedroom, and since we were lovers, I willingly gave myself to you. You cannot accuse me that because I remembered everything."

Kazu crossed his arms and snickered at Nao. "Yes, I still couldn't forget how beautiful you were that time. Your slender body and whitish skin, the smoothness of every touches, your voice whispering to the ears. Everything was so perfect."

"Then, how could you say that to me?" Nao inadvertently grasped his belly, as if he protected his baby since the atmosphere became grim. "How could you do this to your baby? To our baby?"

Abruptly Kazu rose and slammed his palm on the table, startling the twins especially Nao. Nao covered his belly with both arms as a sign of elevating security.

"Because all those that you've done... they weren't with me!" Kazu cried hysterically, "Someone else had sex with you while I went to the bathroom to prepare myself!"

The nervousness from the tensed vibe hasn't even faded, but Kazu's revelation worsened it. Nao trembled harder, and seconds later he felt pain from his inside, believably his belly. He secretly hissed, yet only Tao heard it. Tao was about to spring to defend his twin when Nao stopped him by holding his sleeve.

"There was no one else in the room that day, other than the two of us," Nao insisted on his belief. He wouldn't accept Kazu's point easily. "I know you even in the dark."

"Nope, you forget one person."

Kazu hasn't even revealed the identity of the said person when Nao noticed something trickled down his thighs and feet. He looked down to figure out what it was, but the jolting pain hindered him. He immediately fell onto the floor, gasping in pain and half conscious. Tao quickly grabbed Nao and pillowed his upper body onto his laps.

Tao sent off helpless gaze to Kazu, but it was a disappointment as Kazu only watched with both hands kept in the pockets. Even the underlings around then paid no attention to Nao's sudden sickness. The clenching on Tao's shirt proved how painful it was.

"Kazu-san, I beg you," Tao said, throwing away the ego he put front since the moment they stepped into the restaurant, "I don't know what happened between you guys, but out of sympathy, please help me bring nii-san to hospital."

For a moment, Tao saw Kazu's eyes softened while looking at them, probably in sympathy but surely not as a mockery. Tao could sense that these couple were in love with each other though Kazu has just yelled at Nao. He hasn't known everything, but he knew Kazu wasn't a bad person initially.

"Guys, bring Nao to the hospital!" There went the absolute command by Kazu.

The underlings hurriedly brought Nao's weak body into an MPV; the one which had Kazu and Tao in it. In a flash, the driver drove to the family hospital and Nao was pushed to the emergency department. The excellent service the underlings complied amazed Tao.

"Well, I think I should know the entire story, right?"

It was to break the silence lingering the waiting section. There were only Tao and Kazu at the moment, while Kazu's men waited at the outside. Tao found guts to inquire, so he did.

Kazu glanced at Tao before he replied, "What do you want to know?"

Tao shrugged. "Literally everything."

A long sigh escaped. "Nao... I love him so much, even now. I was really hurt when I saw he had sex with one of my men. I was preparing myself in the bathroom when I heard their passionate kiss and snuggles. Right when I left the bathroom, they already did it."

Tao pressed his lips against each other. "Nao nii-san is a kind hearted person, I don't think he would cheat anyone. Do you know who had sex with him that night?"

Kazu intertwined his fingers, as if he was contemplating. "I always put a guard at each room in my mansion, even mine. But the guard at my room supposed to have left because I told him so. Definitely I don't want him to witness our sex." He leant his back of head against the white wall, "Up till today, I still don't know with whom he had sex because that particular guard had an alibi. He went straight to other guards to rest, seen in the CCTV footage. As for the incident, the footage was missing."

Tao couldn't hide his ogling eyes. How could it be like that? "Do you mean... a stranger has entered your room on that night?"

Kazu's drooping eyes denoted Tao's assumption was bull's eye. "Yes, and we're still finding the culprit. I still don't know who it was."

"It's your fault that your security wasn't on top notch!" Tao grabbed on Kazu's collar, putting aside the fact that the latter was a prestigious Alpha. Listening to a foggy story like that eventually angered him, because it meant Nao was abused by both Kazu and that unknown stranger. "Though that night was an open day for everyone to enter your house, you should be knowing who the fuck your guests were! You should be aware that people would tend to penetrate your personal space! And you should feel guilty upon what happened to my twin, not to get mad at him just because you ain't the one having sex with him!"