
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 5

"Tao, hmm? Such an easy name," Junya ruffled through the kid's hair, named Tao, till the younger giggled. For sure a child loved being pampered like how Junya did.

Tori crouched at the same level as the kid's eye level. "You're so cute, little Tao. How about the baby? Is it your brother?"

"Yes!" Again, Tao responded cheerfully. "His name is Nao. Three months old. And this," Tao cluelessly grabbed on his Mama's wrist and introduced him as well, "is our Mama!"

The Mama Tao proudly introduced seemed disturbed by their presence. Definitely Junya perceived that, thus he made an effort to cease the conversation and walk away. However, Tori didn't get the situation.

"Your brother is so cute! And fluffy!" Tori even peeped into the stroller, totally unaware of the Mama's annoyance. "If only I was cleaner, I would pinch his cheek."

"EHEM!" Finally the Mama interrupted, putting barrier between them, "Sorry, but we have to go now."

Ignoring Junya and Tori's pleading gaze, the Mama gestured to Tao that they would move on. Tao waved at them goodbye before leaving the boys, almost dumbfounded.

"Perhaps the Mama misunderstood," Tori smiled a little, "But the boy is really cute."

"Told you," Junya felt satisfied by the rendezvous. Destiny must have arranged them to meet that day, hence they did. "Since the day I encountered them, I felt a kind of attachment towards them. I mean," he averted from Tori's naughty side-eye, "I want to be with them. A normal family."

Born from a wealthy and elegant family, Junya must have been yearning for freedom. He wanted to play around with other kids, befriending everyone like how his classmates did. Getting to know a moderate family like the Mama and his sons was a new thing to him, however it did not feel wrong. Ever since birth, Junya has been blessed with unbounded wealth but strict parents. Studying was all he did - no playing around allowed.

"Do you want to know them better?" Tori leant against Junya's forearm, "I mean, without your family's knowledge."

Junya ogled at his one and only friend, "How do you know that?"

"I've been your friend, Junya," Tori curved a smile. A very sincere one. "I could say that you're interested in them, but you don't know what to do, especially when the Mama didn't seem to understand your intention."

Junya released a sigh, "I do want to. But, you know," he pressed his lips against each other, "I'm a defective Alpha. Even my family is being cautious of me because they can't figure out what my situation is. I could get into rut anytime due to my unknown medical condition."

"Doesn't it make you more convenient?" Tori patted on Junya's shoulder. Due to that particular health condition, he could say Junya was actually having slight trauma. "Since you can't smell pheromones, you won't be bothered by it, in case if the Mama is an Omega. Even if the Mama is a dominant Omega, you'll be fine. The Mama won't get too egoistic too."

For a moment, Junya sensed the concern in Tori's voice. Tori has been a good friend to him, but for him to suggest such idea was out of his assumption. Both of them were born from rich families, and he initially guessed Tori would be snobbish. Somehow, his guess was wrong and the Tori before him was far kinder than anyone in his own household.

"All right. Let's make this as our mission!" Tori cheered and pumped his fist, "Let's get close to the Mama and his sons! Are you with me?"

With a wide smile, Junya bumped his fist against Tori's. "I'm in!"

Ever since that day, two best friends Junya and Tori would make some time to walk at random places after school, almost everyday. To avoid suspicions by their families, they would inform their butlers and drivers in advance that they would return home a little later, and to add up the spice, they would return in sport attire. It was to deceive everyone as if they have just played basketball, soccer, or track. Other than changing clothes, they would end their so-called adventure at their houses - either one - so that their families would just need to find them there.

Besides, both families knew each other really well. Tori's was quite milder in term of reputation compared to Junya's. Junya's was really extreme.

Thus, they could not predict how long they could act like that.

"One month has passed, Tori," Junya lied flat on the field. It was during their PE class, and they have done a one-round track jog as a warm-up. "We never got to see them anywhere."

"Are you giving up already?" Tori greedily drank his water, "We both know nothing about them. It's natural that we won't bump into them out of the blue."

Junya locked his stare on the clouds above them. Imagining the displeased look on the Mama's facial, and the excited son Tao, made his heart skipped a beat. The Mama, who he has not known the name yet, was believably beautiful, as how Omegas were supposed to be. It has been twice that he walked without another male, or an Alpha, and he always rushed. So, Junya predicted that the Mama must be a housewife.

"I'm hungry," suddenly Junya complained. "Let's go eating outside."

"We're in the second period, still early to eat though. Let alone leaving the school compound." Tori brushed it off. "Besides, you never play truant."

"Why not? I'm basically rebelling," Junya smirked proudly, "Let's go while the others don't see us."

Surely Junya refused to reveal the real reason he invited Tori to leave the school out of the blue was because his instinct persistently told him that that day might be the day of their third encounter, and it was proven as true when they stepped into the bakery of their first rendezvous, with meeting gazes with the Mama as their greeting.