
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 4

"For heaven's sake, this is the fifth time for today."

Tao shook his head, disagreeing to Nao's stubbornness. Nao's pregnancy has already entered second trimester, yet he still had vomiting at random days and times. He also had headache and fever along with it, thus these made him difficult to even swallow food. All he could eat was porridge, only made by Tao.

Despite the symptoms, Nao's baby was magically healthy and grew accordingly. Nao's baby bump has begun showing, and kicks could be felt too. Nao loved how lively his baby was, since it was a baby produced by him and his beloved lover.

"Yeah, beloved lover," Tao rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Five months of pregnancy, but never ever once he called you. Let alone meeting you in person, right?"

Nao would usually brush it away. Somehow, his reaction this time was different. "I will meet him tonight."

"You what?" Tao ogled at his brother. "You never reveal to me about his identity, but you're going to meet him tonight? How come?"

"He has the right to know about our baby," Nao's eyes drooped, merely resisting from the headache after tormenting vomits. "Besides, I've disappeared on him for months."

Tao rubbed Nao's back to soothe the gag. Nao wryly smiled. "You mean, your baby has the right to know who its father is, right?" Tao guessed.

Tao's rubs didn't really help. "That- That's also necessary, right?"

Tao didn't know what changed Nao's mind after months of concealing the identity of his baby's father. He didn't know if Nao befriended street boys or such, but judging from the other's ability to impregnate Nao, Tao could say Nao has encountered a significantly dominant Alpha. The school they both went to consisted of mostly Beta, so if Nao pointed out how the Alpha looked like, it wouldn't be too hard to find.

If only Nao really found one within the students.

The restaurant, the promised rendezvous, stood tall and expensive. There was no way that a normal family like the twins could afford the cuisine there. Tao couldn't help himself but gape in pure amazement while his eyes skimming around the interior design.

"Your Alpha is really... abnormal. Surely he isn't your ex-lover." Tao commented without doubt. "I never imagine myself stepping into such a luxurious restaurant."

Nao bit his lower lip. Waddling carefully towards a direction Tao suspected to be the mentioned Alpha. "Please behave yourself, and don't ever mention about my ex."

Tao squinted at his brother. "Nii-san-"

The twins were interrupted by someone from their hind. "Nao-san, I assume? The master has been waiting for you."

Nao might seem strong and independent, but Tao could perceive his worry. Even from the outside, Nao purposely appeared sturdy and unfazed by the intimidation of the Alpha. However, while holding hands with Tao, his legs could barely walk due to too much trembling. Besides, he should be more careful for the sake of the baby too. Any careless steps, and they might anger the Alpha or his underlings.

They finally confronted face to face with the utterly rich Alpha. He was tall, probably in the middle of his 20s, strict expression despite his handsome features, and quite a large body stature. He definitely looked like a dominant and possessive Alpha as how they saw in TV drama or such. The way he propped his chin while staring into Nao chilled Tao out.

"I hope you don't get bothered by him, Kazu-san," Nao initiated a conversation between them. "He's my twin, the younger one. His name is Tao."

"Tao, hmm?" The Alpha called Kazu shifted to Tao for a few seconds before returning to Nao. "So, why are you demanding to meet me tonight? After months of disappearance on me?"

"First of all, I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was unwell, and couldn't really study due to my condition," Nao sternly made an eye contact with Kazu, totally ignoring the fact that every of his underlings were watching them closely, as if they were mafia who got busted of infiltration.

"I even heard from the school you're attending to that you keep on falling sick and always end up in the nurse's office. What happened to you?"

The intonation softened as Kazu spoke. Tao at first couldn't say whether he was angry or not, however the tone he used to chat with Nao was noticeably soft. He didn't raise his voice to Nao, depicting how concern he was regarding Nao's health condition.

"I saw you walk really carefully just now. Were you having a major operation? You look pale too."

From his seat, Kazu instinctively touched Nao's smooth yet pallid face, and instantly his own frown turned upside down. This Kazu person was the totally opposite of the Alpha Tao used to hate. Tao disliked Nao's previous lover, but this one was an exception. He never thought he could witness such gentleness an Alpha could give out, and he was watching his brother being pampered by.

This one, I approve!

"Kazu-san," the moment of truth has come, "I'm pregnant."

Honestly, Tao was shaken by Nao's abruptness. Nao's face was rigid, but not Kazu. Somehow, the aura lingering them slowly suffocating. Kazu was emitting his pheromones, but not out of happiness.

"Tell me you're kidding, Nao," The gentle face Tao has seen a moment ago vanished in a blink. "Tell me you are joking, Nao!"

"Do I look like I'm joking, Kazu-san? I'm not. The reason I met you tonight was to ask you to take responsibility," Nao stroked over his bulging belly. "I fell ill since the day I discovered about my pregnancy. Only now I feel quite strong to meet you."

Kazu glared at Nao, frightening both the twins although they basically did nothing wrong. Then, the Alpha rose from his seat.

"You cheated on me and got yourself pregnant, now you want me to take responsibility? Hell no!"