
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 3

Despite the misunderstanding, Junya found it hard to forget the beautiful man. He figured the Mama must be overly protective towards his son, thus his action proved it all. Though Junya really didn't have any other motive when he approached the kid, deep inside he wished to get to know the Mama better.

"He must be an Omega," Junya unconsciously mumbled. Too bad that he failed to notice the bite mark on the nape. "Judging from his face, I don't think he's an Alpha."

"Who're you talking about?"

A voice startled Junya from behind. He breathed in and out before gave the latter a light smack on the shoulder. "Could you greet me properly after this? You definitely gave me heart attack!"

"But you're still fine, getting mad at me and such," a boy, a classmate, a friend, and a childhood best friend of Junya named Tori giggled at Junya's uneasiness. "Are you seeing someone until you tend to talk to yourself?"

"You didn't forget about my problem, right? Unless I have myself fixed, I can't get a lover. Let alone a pair," Junya scratched the back of his head. "What're you doing?"

"I was about to invite you," Tori wrapped his arm around Junya, "I know you're free. Let's go shopping."

"What are you, a girl?" Sometimes Junya couldn't stand Tori's bad habit of shopping unnecessarily. Tori was born in a very wealthy family, but that didn't allow him to shop whenever he wanted. "I want to rest. I don't have such free time everyday."

"Too bad," Tori pulled a pout, "I just want to bring you walk around. The situation here never prefers you, so I guess you're having a tough day here."

Junya gave Tori a squint, then he loosened his furrow. "It's frightening that I've gotten used to this loneliness. Thank you for still befriending me, Tori."

Tori snorted in. He wondered why Junya has become this emotional after months of isolation from their classmates. Only Tori wanted to befriend him, whilst the others tended to side eye him. He was at a point which was that if even Tori left him alone, he would not mind.

He was bound to be alone, perhaps.

"Junya, Junya!"

Junya was startled by Tori's sudden cry. He accidently fell asleep while on the way to Tori's favourite mall, Pacifico. For a shopaholic like Tori, Pacifico was the best choice. Customers could purchase everything, from top to toe.

That was not the issue. How could Junya fall asleep in a 10-minute journey?

"Are you tired, Junya?" Tori was genuinely worried of Junya. As a Beta, he could not differentiate when a rut would happen. He could only notice Junya sweating a little too much with reddish face and such.

"I'm fine. Tired? Maybe," Junya breathed in and out calmly. "Have we arrived?"

"Yes. That's why I called you," there was a sound of guilt in Tori's tone. "I'm sorry to drag you here."

Junya shook his head, denying. "No, I'm sorry. I must have worried you. I'm totally fine. Trust me."

Those two best friends wandered around the retail shops, booths, and even stalls outside the mall. Junya's mood plummeted, as if waking him up was a bad idea. Tori thought hard to change the tense.

"I want to know what your wish is, Junya," Tori pouted and crossed his arms in dissatisfaction. "Don't you have anything you want?"

Somehow, Tori's curiosity initiated Junya's memory. He suddenly recalled that Mama's demeanor. That strict face intrigued him. "I... want to meet someone."

The gaping Tori puzzled Junya even more. Tori then frowned really deeply. "Are you sure you don't want game consoles or one-month worth holiday? Meeting someone isn't in my plan."

"It's in my plan though," Junya squinted at the latter.

As if his wish has become true, the one Junya wanted to meet so badly suddenly was seen walking before them, or to be exact, wandering to shops like them too. That someone was pushing a stroller, and at his side the little kid Junya accosted last time paced along. Both Junya and Tori froze at their respective spot.

"Wait. Who are they, Junya?" Tori asked despite his eyes unconsciously locked on the little family. "Do you know them?"

The small family didn't realize Junya's presence there, hence they kept on walking and even chuckled sometimes. That was the Mama Junya has been thinking of! In the previous meeting, the Mama was so tense, but this time he broadly smiled while chatting with his kid. The baby inside the stroller just looked around because it didn't know anything about the world.

Tori hasn't had the chance to hold Junya when Junya has already half ran to the Mama and approached them. Tori followed from behind.

"Um, hey," Junya initiated.

As expected, the Mama ogled at Junya, unsure whether it was out of surprise or dissatisfaction. Junya basically jumped out of nowhere just to approach this little family.

"Excuse me?" the Mama even gritted teeth. "Do I know you?"

The little kid at first seemed confused, then he beamed. "Mama! It's the man from the bakery we went yesterday!"

The Mama didn't faze by the kid's reminisce. His eyes were locked on Junya, like how Tori's was. Junya didn't notice the sharp glare he got, so he continued talking.

"Did you buy the cute breads yesterday, kid?" Junya crouched to talk to the kid on the same eye level.

"Yes! Mama bought me a lot of breads!" The kid excitedly told, flailing his arms randomly. "I brought some to school today."

Tori watched Junya chatting with the kid, secretly amazed by Junya's willingness to entertain little boy.

"What's your name, kid? You have a really handsome face as a boy." Junya tried entangling both the kid and his Mama into his conversation.

The Mama clenched on the kid's shoulder, yet the younger didn't get the sign. "My name is Tao. I'm 3 years old."