
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 2

Three weeks have passed, but Nao's vomiting has never calmed down. He kept on puking his stomach out to the point that he had to drag his feet to the restroom. He was very hungry and tired, but consuming just worsened his condition. From a thin-framed body, he has become a very feeble being.

Tao's disheartenment really displayed well on the face. He was the one witnessing Nao's sickness. His body temperature rose, he could barely walk and talk. All Nao did was lying around, restlessly.

From providing healthy breakfast, Tao had no choice but to cook porridge instead. Even so, Nao could not swallow much. The most he could was five; more than that would lead to nausea.

Tao initially suspected that Nao was having his heat cycle. It was a common for an Omega like both of them. It was just that Nao has just had his heat last month. He didn't smell Nao's pheromone too.

"Let's go to the clinic, nii-san," Tao pleaded. He hated the sight of Nao vomiting by the toilet. The Nao that he knew always appeared healthy and full of energy. "I dislike seeing you like this."

Nao shook his head, rejecting the proposal. "I'll be fine. Trust me."

"Problem won't solve if we don't find out the source," Tao rubbed Nao's back to ease the gag. "Please, nii-san."

Last vomit, and Nao had no strength left. Nao fell onto the floor, half-conscious but still unresponsive to Tao's calling. Ignoring Nao's denial, Tao carried his twin brother and drove to the nearest clinic.

"Congratulations, Nao-san. You're pregnant."

Surreal, but that was the truth. Nao and Tao exchanged looks, hugely confused and surprised. Even the mother, Nao, wasn't aware of the changes in his body.

"So the vomiting was due to... morning sickness?" Nao inquired to confirm.

The doctor proudly nodded. "Let's do an ultrasound. From your symptoms, you're still on early stage."

The gel smeared on his bloated belly felt so cold, and it was colder when the doctor pressed the device against his skin. Although Tao firmly grasped both his hands, it still seemed surreal when they saw by themselves a bean-like image appearing on the monitor.

"There you are, little one," the doctor grinned ear to ear, totally happy with the finding. "You're about six weeks by now."

Definitely, the mood has transformed. Drastically. The lingering uneasiness was terrifying even though when they reached home, bringing some meds and sonogram along.

"Tell me who the father is."

Tao was pissed off. Between both of them, Nao was more well behaved. He secured himself really tightly and he never missed his heat cycle. He locked himself up when his heat has come, and he would avoid contact unless with Tao only. As far as Tao could recall, Nao didn't have a lover.

Well, a few months back, he did. But they broke up already. Nao never told the reason, but Tao could figure out by himself - the lover has had another lover to have sex with. Since Nao took care of himself a little too much, he usually denied having sex with anyone.

That believably angered the partner, thus triggering the breakup.

"So who was the father, nii-san? Please don't tell me you didn't know," Tao slumped into the couch. Disheartened even more. Abortion was surely not an option because he knew Nao wouldn't have the heart, putting aside the suffer he would undergo later on.

"I can't tell you."

"Was it that Alpha?" was the phrase Tao itched to blurt out. He held it in since it could be his random assumption, but Nao's reaction denoted it. "He had sex with you, nii-san?"

Nao averted from Tao's sharp glares. Tao has been warning him about that Alpha. The Alpha was rather kind to Nao, but Tao disliked the friends he was with. They seemed suspicious and malicious, which indirectly revealed to the twin how the Alpha actually was.

Nevertheless, Nao was already head over heels to the Alpha. Tao could barely remember the name, but he remarked the face. He continuously reminded Nao about the Alpha, and Nao did a great job regarding that.

Yet, he still got impregnated?

"Were you raped-"

"Enough, Tao-kun," Nao cut him off. His one hand already hovered near his mouth, probably began to feel nausea, "No matter what you're going to say, I will keep this baby. This baby is innocent."

Tao frowned. "I know that. It's you. I won't touch anything regarding the baby. But," Tao gently settled down beside Nao on the couch, "In case if you need anything, please don't hesitate to tell me. I will fulfill everything for you, and for the baby too. My blood also flows in it, right?"

From Tao's tips of eyes, he saw how lovingly Nao was, caressing his own belly really softly and carefully, all smiles and proud. He acknowledged the fact that he was going to be a mother - a single mother. Strengthening himself was the only option despite not having the Alpha around him.

Since then, the twin have been taking care of themselves even greater. Nao became more fragile physically and emotionally, while Tao slowly became stricter and independent. Since Nao was the elder, he insisted to take care of Tao despite his feeble body. Weeks and months have passed, and the twin endured variety of challenges there.

All because of the baby in Nao's belly.