
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 26

The unwanted and unexpected guest gaped in disbelief. Everyone in the house ogled at him, especially Kazu since he didn't want the latter to finally find their house. Tao rose from Nao's side and fixated his eyes on the stuttering Shizu at the doorframe. The doctor and nurse would like it if Shizu left immediately, and fortunately Kazu understood the assignment. Instead of Tao or the medical practitioners, Kazu dragged Shizu out of the room to let Nao give birth at ease. 

Though they doubted Nao failed to see the sight of Shizu, Kazu's little brother while controlling his breath just now. 

"What are you doing here, Shizu?!" Kazu gritted his teeth. "Are you here as our parents' spy? What do you want from us?" 

Shizu blinked, still in astonishment but he needed to reply to Kazu too. "I- I just want to see Nao-ch- Nao-san," he said, stuttering all the way. 

"Don't you dare lay your hand on Nao or the babies! They are mine!" Kazu gave Shizu a light smack on the shoulder. "You surely don't have any idea on what happened, right? Right?!" the tone raised the more Kazu talked to Shizu. 

The younger averted from Kazu's sharp glares. "I know what happened that night. I know the whole truth now. I was the one knotting Nao-chan up. I came to take responsibility."

"After all these while, only now you came?! What were you doing before?!" 

The rage in Kazu's tone softened when Tao interrupted them. Worry covered his whole face, dissolving Kazu's devastation towards his own little brother. 

"Kazu-san! Nii-san is...!" 

Kazu returned to the room to get Nao back in his range. This time, eventually, Nao wasn't composed. His health and energy deteriorated the more he pushed. The moment Kazu grasped Nao's one hand again, the Omega was already half awake. He couldn't perceive who was in front of him, and he wasn't responsive when the doctor, nurse and Kazu checked on him. 

"Nao-chan. Nao-chan!" Kazu called him out. Their baby hasn't been born yet, but Nao's energy depleted tremendously. "Our another son is waiting for you."

They saw Nao's pupil moved around, but he couldn't talk. His hoarse voice turned to whispers, and only Kazu and Tao could hear him at the moment. 

"K- Kazu-san," Nao mumbled, "Please- take care of our sons-" 

"No, don't say it like that!" Kazu cut him off. "All of us will take care of them. You and I, and Tao will help out too."

"Yes, nii-san! I will be the best uncle, remember? Please have some faith!"

Obviously Kazu and Tao were panicking that Nao began to pass out. They were at home, which bringing him to the emergency department was the final option. The nurse was ensuring that Nao didn't faint, while the doctor still checking on his entrance. Nao's uterus was still contracted and relaxed, but the mother couldn't push his second baby out. 

"The baby is so close to coming out," the doctor commented. "Do not let him sleep, Kazu-san."

"I will, doctor!"

"Please encourage him more since we are far from facility-"

Out of the blue, the unwanted Shizu dashed to the scene and pushed away Kazu from Nao's side. Kazu hasn't digested why Shizu suddenly arrived, and he was about to push the younger back when Shizu kissed Nao passionately. The kiss took a few seconds, enough to shock everyone at the scene. 

"I'm back, Nao-chan," Shizu cupped Nao's cheeks and rested his forehead on Nao's. They shared the same breath and their skin touched without boundary. Since Nao couldn't figure out who has just kissed him, he didn't grapple at all. The soft gentle kiss somehow gave him a sensation of calmness. "I'm sorry for abandoning you. I'm sorry for hurting you physically and emotionally. You carried our children till full term, which I'm so proud and thankful for. Thank you for letting the children live and even willingly giving birth to them."

Both Kazu and Tao froze at their respective spots. The doctor and nurse turned speechless despite their working hands still managing the birth. Kazu and Tao really wanted to separate Shizu from Nao, but the shock hasn't subsided yet. Shizu released some of his pheromone as he was fully aware what it could do for a knotted Omega like Nao. 

"I'm sorry for knotting you without your consent. I was so frustrated when I found out you are my brother's lover because I've been in love with you. When I knew you were about to bond with him, I was angered by that fact."

They saw Nao's belly contracted. Nao hissed by the pain. Shizu then hugged the Omega really tightly yet warmly, lending some of his strength to the mother of his twin children. As if he really did, Nao gained a bit of energy while surrendering himself in Shizu's embrace, hence he tried pushing again. He gritted his teeth in Shizu's shirt and probably shoulder as Shizu hissed too. 

"Grasp me even more, Nao-chan. You're stronger than you think," Shizu released more of his pheromone, which later filling the entire room. Yet only Nao could smell it. 

They were knotted, bonded, after all. 

"Hhhnggh- ahh!" Nao cried in despair as the birth of their second son stung a lot than the first one. His whole body shivered, especially when the head of the baby finally popped out of his hole. 

"Good job, Nao-chan," Shizu gave the Omega countless kiss on his entire face. 

The doctor checked on Nao's hole to ensure nothing obstructed the birth. After nodding at Nao once, Nao controlled his breath and pushed again. The shoulders widened his hole, which made him groaned in pain. 

"I- I can't do this. I can't-"

"Nao-chan, give me your hand."

Nao didn't object when Shizu requested his one hand. Shizu brought Nao's hand to touch a hard slimy surface right at his hole. It was the head that has just come out. "A few more pushes, and you will be able to meet our baby."

"All- all right." Nao panted heavily. Deep inside, he felt inspired. Their baby was a few pushes of coming out, so he must believe in himself to give birth. "Hhnnggghh!" 

"You're doing good, Nao-san!"

"Another push will do!"


"Nao-chan, you're doing great."

The scene before their eyes was really bizarre to Kazu and Tao. They never thought the Shizu they knew would willingly appear and help Nao giving birth. But, at this moment, he even held the baby Nao has used up his remaining energy for. 

The second baby was finally born. Shizu himself brought the baby out and put him onto Nao's chest before the mother passed out wholly.