
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 25

Shizu wasn't wrong. He did see his crush entering his family's mansion, but he thought it was all an illusion because he hasn't seen the latter for quite a few days. However, his curiosity brought him to secretly tail the crush - only to be told that his elder brother also knew him too. From their behaviour, though Shizu was younger, he could figure out those two were in love.

The gaze, the gentle touch, the sweet smile, that both portrayed was genuinely lovable. They loved each other so much, like there was no one else at the space but them. Even Shizu was transparent in this case.

"He... is nii-san's lover?"

It was definitely an unbearable fact that Shizu refused to swallow. He was in love with his brother's lover, whereas he has told his brother that he liked someone. He couldn't bring himself to reveal that both of them were loving the same person. He didn't know who met the crush first, but there was conflicted feeling developed in Shizu, replacing the adore he should have felt.

If only he didn't see the couple kissing each other passionately at one corner, he would dare himself to bring his crush to his brother. At least he didn't know their relationship while he bravely introduced his crush to his brother. His hope crumbled immediately.

But wait.

His brother was the type to obey whatever their parents have decided, and Shizu didn't think it excluded marriage. Would the relationship be blessed when their parents had the knowledge of it? It would be fine if it was Shizu since he was rebellious himself. He couldn't imagine his brother defying their parents though.

"Will the boy get hurt by our family later on?"

Shizu didn't realize the fact that he already loved the boy he has been eyeing for these few days and weeks. He never fell in love, so the feeling was new and strange if it was to be described. Shizu didn't hate the sensation though.

However, he could say that he was overwhelmed by frustration as he saw the boy with his brother.

Oh, his name is Nao.

Shizu tailed the couple walking to the second floor where rooms were located, including their respective ones (the one Shizu owned before being kicked out of the house). From the stride, he could say the couple has planned their activity for a long time.

Surely they met first before Shizu. The admittance punctured Shizu's spirit even more. The disappointment was not little, yet Shizu decided to tail and follow along their plan. When he saw his brother told a guard at the bedroom entrance to leave, he immediately got the idea on what both of them has planned on. 

It was a relationship between an Alpha and an Omega. What else did it mean? 

Shizu could feel his chest tightened as he witnessed both his brother entered his room together with his crush, all smiles and lovely. Shizu was not a dumb and naive boy; he was already at an age of rebellious, and seeing a couple adorably slept together in one bed was comprehensible to him. His threatening tears finally flowed down his chin as the door closed before his eyes, and he couldn't help but to even attempt to eavesdrop probably the whole activity. 

"I take a shower first, Nao-chan."

That one single line somehow triggered Shizu to come up with a despicable plan even he was shocked of. Once he heard another door from within clicked which indirectly telling him that his brother has gone, he abruptly entered the bedroom and quietly closed the door, hiding the clicking sound of the doorknob as keen as he could. Once he was inside the room, the sweet smell of flowery scent was sniffed. The smell has lingered throughout the room for quite some time, judging from the intensity.

As an Alpha, it didn't take much time for Shizu to digest what it meant - The Omega his brother brought in was having his heat! The sweet scent was the product, hence Shizu eyed the whole room to find for the Omega, his beloved crush. The man named Nao, as how his brother has called, was lying naked and feebly on a king sized bed, waiting to be touched by his Alpha. 

So nii-chan has already undressed him, huh? Or maybe he undressed himself? He heard Omegas in heat always out of their mind, so it was understandable though. 

However, Shizu couldn't control his own thought. Despite being aware that the Omega was his brother's lover, his body functioned differently. He sweated profusely, together with throbbing heart and hazy mind overwhelming his whole stature. His fast stride headed to the Omega on the bed. At this point, 'it was a waste not to take this advantage'. 

Jumped onto the bed, immersed his face into the Omega's crook of neck, sniffed his pheromones deeply, licked his chest and breasts, and even played with the latter's hole with one hand. All those were done by Shizu, out of his own mind and norm. He didn't think of it - all those were just his instinct perceived from the pheromone released by the Omega. His rut began on the spot and his lust peaked. 

"I- I love you- I love you so much." He whispered into the Omega's ear. 

The submissive Omega didn't even struggle to free himself. He must have believed the one having sex with him was his beloved Alpha, Shizu's big brother. Shizu feigned ignorance and prepped the Omega before inserting his hardened member into the Omega. The moan was favorable to his ears, turning him on even more. 

"Nao-chan, huh?" Shizu bit the Omega's nipple, causing the latter to moan even 'cuter'.

Then, Shizu noticed something came out of Nao's hole. Only then Shizu got the idea; this was Nao's first sex together. He accidentally popped his cherry, yet Nao hasn't realize this Alpha wasn't Shizu's brother. He seduced Shizu even more as both of them gained pleasure from the unexpected sex. 

"Nao-chan. Nao-chan."

Shizu kept on repeating the Omega's name while thrusting his member. Nao moaned and cried, but it was visible that he was on cloud nine. This made Shizu happy though, that he thrusted deeper until his member swelled and stuck inside. 

"Ah!" Nao winced at that. "You knotted me?"