
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 24

At last, after nine months of waiting patiently, after a few weeks of falling sick and mood swing, despite being left by the father, Nao's unborn babies were ready to be born. Though Nao's body became skinner, the babies grew healthily thanks to Nao's determination to let them live. The babies were innocent in their conflict, thus they should live on.

His due date has arrived, and as expected by the doctor, Nao has started experiencing contraction. The excruciating pain was unbearable, yet Tao and Kazu could only lend some moral support and their hands as pillar of strength for Nao to grab on. Whenever the contraction hit, Nao would squeeze either Tao's or Kazu's hand really hard, indirectly pleasing for extra support.

"It hurts," Nao whimpered. Tears continuously rolled down his cheeks as he laid weakly on the bed. He already felt one of the babies has dropped into the canal, plus the contraction got stronger the longer he waited, but his cervix dilated only at 3 cm according to the doctor. "How long should I wait, doctor?"

"You're just dilated 5 cm. You can try walking around the house to ease the process. Kazu-san can assist your steps," the doctor said. He and his nurse prepared the instrument needed for a home birth.

Due to Kazu's position as a corporate, Nao refused to be sent to private hospital. Kazu's influential family could trace everything about him and his babies, thus he didn't want to take the risk. After begging to Kazu, his requested to give birth at home was fulfilled. He never missed his checkups, so the birth shouldn't be difficult.

"Kazu-san," in between his panting, Nao whispered to Kazu, "if anything happened to me, promise me to take care of our children and do not let your brother take them away."

"Nothing will happen to you, Nao-chan," tears beginning to form in Kazu's eyes. He couldn't bear seeing Nao enduring the pain of contraction.

That was what motherhood was.

As Nao's twin, Tao could sense the pain, but it was void. He wasn't the one getting pregnant, but his body reacted almost the same as Nao. The churning inside his abdomen restricted him from moving freely, so he just sat beside Nao's bed and accompany his twin brother.

"Nii-san, tell me if you want to eat or drink. You need energy too."

Another big contraction hit Nao till his back curved, Tao's hand became numb, and Nao has almost used up his energy. Kazu went out to answer a phone call, so only Tao left by Nao's side.

"Tao," Nao's feeble voice cracked. "Please take care of yourself. Your nephews are eager to meet you."

They laughed at Nao's teasing. "They sure are impatient to meet the coolest uncle of the world."

"You're so full of yourself." Then Nao hissed at the contraction. "Do you mind helping me walk around?"

"Of course, nii-san."

Tao helped Nao standing from the bed, and after confirming his strength, Nao then waddled around the house with Tao assisting his steps. Each steps took a minute, and each steps triggered Nao's opening to twitch. After two rounds of waddling, they heard a sound of water splashing onto the floor.

"Nii-san, what-"

"It hurts, Tao!" Nao's legs couldn't stay standing, hence he immediately fell onto his knees. Shivering through contraction endurance, Nao cried even harder. "I- I- can't control my breath."

"You have to, nii-san," even Tao sweated a little too much. He panicked when Nao suddenly fell. The bed was a few steps away, but Nao seemed like he couldn't make it in time.

The doctor and his nurse rushed to the scene and checked on Nao's opening. "Oh, my! You're already 9 cm dilated! We have to prepare your birthing place on the floor. The pressure from standing and walking might be helping you."

Nao panted and gasped. Sweats covered his face, and he couldn't let go of Tao. "Anything, as long as my babies are safe."

The doctor and the nurse prepare clothes, medical apparatus, and other stuff Tao couldn't distinguish what their names were on the spot where Nao lied feebly. Kazu entered and dashed to the scene.

"Kazu-san, it hurts," Nao whined while squeezing Kazu's hand. "Please don't leave me."

"I won't leave you, my love," Kazu kisses Nao's forehead lovingly. "I'll stay by your side through the birth, all right?"

As how the doctor has taught, Nao pushed whenever a contraction hit him. He used every single strength he had in order to give birth. His sore body basically killed him slowly, but he toughed it up. The babies needed him, therefore he must do his best to push them out.

"Hnngghh!" But the babies decided to stay put. One of their heads was seen at the opening, but they didn't budge much. Nao kept on pushing, yet to no avail. He immersed himself into the futon layering the floor.

Translucent to bloodied liquid oozed out of Nao's opening. Nao's weakened body hugely ceased him from pushing hard. The doctor suggested him to rest, hence he did. When another contraction hit, he pushed his might out. Tao's and Kazu's hand were squeezed as hard as his pushing.

"Gahh!" Nao wailed as he could feel something big and hard emerged from his opening and lodged on the futon. He panted heavily while one of his hand touching a slimy surface beneath his legs.

It was a baby's head. A few more pushes, and he would successfully give birth to one of the twins. Kazu continuously encouraged his lover to buckle up and push more. Nao nodded and waited for the next contraction.

"My sons, please help Mama," Nao whispered as his uterus contracted once again. He panicked because he let his guard down for a moment, but still pushed his first baby out.

"One more push, Nao-chan," Kazu wiped the sweat smearing on Nao's smooth but pallid face.

As promised by Kazu, Nao pushed once again before he felt the baby's shoulder and entire body has passed his opening and safely delivered into the world. The doctor and nurse picked him up to clean, and at the same time loud wail echoed the room.

"It's here... Our baby," Kazu couldn't hold his tears anymore. Watching how difficult Nao was when delivering the baby tormented his heart, hence the relief was overwhelming though they had another baby coming soon after. "Well done, my love."

Nao panted in exhaustion but still could smile in awe upon the sight of his first son. He rested to gather more energy for his next baby. One hand rubbing his belly, telling his son to take his time patiently.

Around ten minutes later, a contraction hit. Learning from the first baby, Nao grasped the situation and calmed himself in each push. He opened his legs wider to ease the pushing, and controlled his breaths. Doing better than the first baby, Tao and Kazu were inspired too.

Just then, someone they never thought of coming appeared at the doorframe, mouth gaping and jaw dropped in disbelief over the scene before him. The most shocked person was Kazu.

"What are you doing here, Shizu?!"