
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 23

Ever since then, his days were full of flowery scent and admiration.

Shizu has never become so curious over someone other than his own family. Well, he ought to always look at his family, so it was normal to be concerned. But this time, it was different because Shizu was paying his whole attention to the boy he has come across last time.

The name was still unknown, yet Shizu figured out the boy studied at the same high school and his class was at the same level as Shizu's. The boy was actually one of his peers, however Shizu didn't notice his presence all these while. The very first thing he wished to be told was that boy's real name, but he couldn't bring himself to ask anyone around.

On the day the incident happened, the boy left right away and Shizu hasn't had the chance to even call him back. The mystery boy's footsteps sounded light as if he was floating while walking. His body gesture was smooth, like a ballerina dancing gracefully on the stage. His voice gently slipped into eardrums, soothing Shizu from getting mad at the naughty kid. Instead of getting over with the issue, Shizu's anger exchanged to curiosity.

"Who is he?", that one line singly drove Shizu to find out his identity. He tried strolling around, daily, hoping to run into him again. The attempt was no avail. However, his patience paid off when he saw the boy at the corridor of his school. Trailing the latter quietly, that secret activity then became his habit.

Was this fate? He was emotionally attracted to the boy, as if he had a feeling towards him. Perhaps he did, but he hasn't realized or pinpoint the sensation yet. For the time being, the fondness whelmed Shizu unknowingly.

Shizu was practically an introvert, so he didn't have any idea how to approach the boy. The boy himself seemed as quiet as Shizu, hence both basically repelled each other. Deep inside, Shizu has always hoped that the boy also knew his presence like how Shizu figured out his appearance at school. From mere sights, love could develop between them, right?

Whether he was an Omega, a Beta, or an Alpha, Shizu didn't care. He wanted to know the boy better, then he could step up to heart-to-heart confession. He wouldn't ask much if the boy refused to reciprocate with his feeling; enough with a friendship.

Nevertheless, Shizu couldn't contain the fondness especially that he still couldn't get the boy's name. He didn't know to whom he should rely in this matter, therefore he reached out to his elder brother. Surprisingly, his brother didn't hate the idea and casually chatted with him. He should be questioning the change in his brother, but there was a thing he was more curious of.

They agreed to meet up at a restaurant in the city near Shizu's apartment during a weekend.

"You have someone you like?"

Out of the blue, the question was blurted out right after exchanging accost and well being to each other. Shizu unconsciously voiced out his curiosity towards his big brother. The brother blinked thrice and gaped since he never expected Shizu to ask such topic during their leisure chat.

There was a few seconds of pause before the elder brother responded, "Actually, I'm dating someone."

Shizu's shock was greater than his brother's, judging from his widened eyes and gasp. "You're dating someone? I never know!"

"Shhh! Keep it low! I don't want our parents to know," the brother fanned himself probably because his reddish face remarked his increasing facial temperature, "He's just a teenager coming from a normal family. Or I could say he lives with his sibling, all by themselves. They lost their parents at childhood, so they are so mature despite the age."

"Hold your horse, nii-san," Shizu's lip ends twitched whether to laugh at his brother's natural confession regarding his secret lover, or to get overjoy by the fact that even his brother has begun opposing their parents's ideal. "I see it that you love him very much. Is he an Omega?"

"Yes, he is. Don't ever look down on Omegas, or I will punch you on the face," the brother jokingly gritted to threaten Shizu. "He's beautiful, I can't forget his gentle expression whenever we talk. He never raises his voice, and he's always calm, unlike me. I wanted to tell you but I'm afraid someone from the household will hear me and tell our parents."

So that brought the brother to just keep quiet at home, thought Shizu but he kept it to himself. It could be only his assumption. "Are you going to marry him?"

"He's still a high schooler though, so I'll be waiting for him to finish his school and college, then I will marry him."

"He's still an underage? I thought he was one of your colleague or such." Somehow, Shizu has sensed a tinge of uneasiness growing inside him. Hearing 'high schooler as a lover' from his brother sparked a sort of anxiety to him.

A bad guess appeared in his mind, but he shooed it away, hoping it wouldn't become true.

"One day I will bring him to meet you. I want you to know him first."

The worry enlarged the more his brother spoke about his lover. Feeling a lump in his throat as he gulped, Shizu laughed halfheartedly and casually tapped his brother's shoulder, like encouraging the elder to proceed to whatever he planned on doing. The two siblings then parted way with Shizu getting more nervous after meeting his brother.

There was a moment that he thought his brother's lover was the one he liked, hinted by 'a high schooler'. Shizu couldn't help but to begin spying over his brother's whereabout too. Everyday he prayed that his prediction would turn wrong because he hasn't kicked off his effort yet.

Until the day of truth arrived.

The usually composed Shizu transformed into a mad man as he witnessed two young men - his elder brother and a smaller but beautiful man - kissing passionately at a corner, away from the crowd during a party held at their main mansion. The beautiful man turned out to be his crush, who his elder brother called as Nao.