
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 22

Both Kazu and Tao exchanged looks. They didn't plan to reveal the identity of Nao's babies' father directly to the pregnant since they couldn't say when the most suitable time was. Nao's current body condition was worrying enough, and being divulged about the babies' father was never an option in order to recover him. None of them could guess how Nao would react.

"Just say it out loud," Nao breathed rather harshly while repositioning himself to get proper sitting on the bed, "Who the babies' father is."

Kazu unknowingly bit his lower lip. Guilt instantly whelming his heart since the culprit was his own flesh and blood, which also meant the babies would have a bit of his traits. The babies would have their rights to be the heir of their parents' properties despite being born from an illegitimate relationship. However, the worst part was that none other than himself was aware of the babies' existence. A few weeks more, and Nao would give birth to them.

Planning on introducing Nao to his parents after the Omega has given birth, but it was if the father was really an unknown figure in their life. The table has turned upside down after he has been told his little brother was the trespasser, and Kazu strongly believed he was the one raping Nao that night. What if his parents did accept Nao and the babies, but the babies grew up and looked exactly like his brother?

How would he react to people's random assumption later on? What would Nao, the mother, do then?

The throbbing pain in Kazu's head brought him to daydream, but Nao's gentle hand taps startled him.

"Please, Kazu-san. Tell me everything," Nao grasped Kazu's hand firmly.

Kazu secretly gulped as his gaze met with Nao's shaking pupil. The pregnant really wanted to know who has knotted him that night. In fact, he had the right to know because he was the victim, and he could also lodge a police report regarding the issue.

Only if he was fine with it though.

"The rapper is... your little brother?" Nao's degrading voice indicated his disappointment. He slumped into the pillows piled behind his back, drooping eyes and shoulders, and trembling lips ceased his words from escaping. "Y-Y-Y-You have to be- kidding me, Kazu-san-"

"I hoped I was, Nao-chan," Kazu glanced at Tao, demanding moral support from the Omega's twin, however Tao was averting as well, "But it's the result of our independent investigation. The only thing to confirm the investigation is to do a DNA test between the babies and my brother. For now, that's the fact which... even I want to change."

From a composed breathing, Nao's inhalation turned harsh with his heart beat rapidly. The calmness he just regained almost faded and replaced with overwhelming devastation. Probably sensing the same possibility as Kazu's thought, Nao became aggressive. He covered his big belly with the blanket and his arms overlapping it.

"Do not let him get me! Do not- Do not let him take me away!" Nao screamed. "That's a lie! That's a lie! He isn't my sons' father! He's devil! Devil!"

More incoherent shouts escaped from Nao's rampage. Kazu wanted to get near him but the latter slapped him away. The panicking Tao called out for nurses to get help. Even he, Nao's twin, felt helpless witnessing Nao in such condition. Nurses and a doctor on call rushed in and immediately treated the hysteric Nao. Before one of the nurses brought them out of the ward, Tao had the chance to take a glimpse of Nao hissing in pain over a sedative the doctor has injected into him.

Tao hasn't broken the silence yet when Kazu suddenly fell on his knees, punching the floor beneath them and crying his frustration out. Tears basically streamed down unboundedly, denoting how painful his heart was.

"How ashamed I am to face Nao-chan," Kazu said in between his sobs. "How despicable my family is. I don't deserve him at all."

"Kazu-san, stop it," Tao coaxed the Alpha, "It's not your fault. It happened beyond our mind. What we should do is to catch your little brother and make him confess everything out."

It must be heartbreaking enough to them. Kazu and Nao didn't expect the father of Nao's babies was actually Kazu's little brother. If the father was just an ordinary person from unknown community, Kazu would introduce Nao as his future wife and the babies were his. Dissimilarities between him and the babies could be overlooked then.

However, the case was different if the babies were biologically the member of Kazu's big family. As the eldest son, Kazu was aware the influence his parents had among the conglomerates. Though it might be good for the babies' future to be heirs of a wealthy family, they couldn't foresee further when it was about wild assumption, family acceptance, and the father's... reaction.

The orangish sky indicated the arrival of night time, and Tao needed to return home as he had school the next day. Nao ought to be hospitalized for a few days according to the doctor, so they had assured themselves that there would be nurses taking care of the pregnant Omega while they were gone. Nevertheless, their reluctance was portrayed on the face.

After persuasion, Kazu and Tao finally agreed to go back home. Kazu drove Tao home, reminding him to lock every entrance of the house because the staffs must have gone home as well. Tao thumbed up, convincing his soon-to-be brother in law his alertness regarding safety of home alone. Though it was only one night, Kazu couldn't shake his concern.

Waving Kazu goodbye, Tao let out a long sigh as Kazu's car vanished into the darkness of night. The chilly air entering his airway informed the temperature, so he blew his palms and put them on both his cheeks.

"Feeling cold, huh?"

The man who owned the voice intervened Tao's territory; the house compound, and his surrounding. He smiled at the blinking Tao, making his way closer to the Omega. His Omega. Tao smiled back, but faded soon after as Shizu was just at an arm span gap.

"Your request this time is... rare, Tao-chan. We always do it at my apartment though."

"Please hug me tighter tonight," Tao requested, "I want to cry in your arms so bad, Shizu-san."