
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 20

Proper treatment has been given to Nao as he felt painful in his belly and collapsed soon after. Kazu and Tao hurriedly brought him to the nearest clinic since they couldn't reach the emergency contact. Luckily the rural clinic was open, plus Kazu wanted to avoid being seen by anyone he could suspect as spies, so he brought him there.

The doctor has injected medicine intravenously, hence Nao's pain subsided and he could sleep for a while. While Kazu and Tao waiting at the waiting bay, their throbbing heart has been practically killing them with the nervousness and tension that they might fall sick eventually. The door swung open, and the doctor came out with his nurse.

"Kazu-san, am I right? And you are... the patient's twin? You look really similar," the doctor gestured his thumb as he met Kazu and Tao who waited for the news, "Nao-san is okay. He was having stomachache, but maybe he never experienced it before so he panicked and fainted. But you were fast enough, so his condition didn't worsen."

Both Kazu and Tao released a long sigh in relief. Tears even escaped from their eyes. Afraid that something might happen to Nao, thus the tension in them built up quickly. The news relieved them a lot.

"Kazu-san, there's something I need to talk to you. Shall we move to my office?"

Instantly, the relief they have just gained replaced with sudden second wave anxiety. Tao stepped forward, offering himself to follow them too. Kazu signed at the doctor to let Tao tag along. The doctor agreed and the three of them headed to the room mentioned.

"Nao-san had stomachache, which is actually normal for pregnant person to experience. However," the doctor paused to examine how Kazu and Tao reacted, "the pain level he endured was quite high, like he was having early stage of labor. No wonder he passed out after that."

Even the lump in the throat was indigestable.

"May I know if Nao-san is really your mate or not?"

Finally. The question finally surfaced as expected. Kazu knew anyone would query about Nao, especially since he entered third trimester, he kept on falling sick. He once asked his family doctor, and it was highly because Nao didn't get affection by his mate. A pregnant Omega should have been with his Alpha, the one mated with him. The pheromone and scent should be the factor an Omega could apply in order to deal with pregnancy symptoms, including morning sickness and false contraction. Absence of Alpha could cause mental disorder to the Omega due to lack of intention and desire, which was what Nao was experiencing.

Kazu was wrong. He thought he could replace the Alpha, his brother, to pamper Nao. He thought he could treat Nao like how an Alpha was supposed to act. He thought it would be enough to Nao's internal desire. He was totally wrong in the first place.

Nevertheless, there was no way that he would blindly give Nao in to his disrespectful little brother after what the latter has done. His brother raped Nao! He would not let Nao fall into the hand of such ruthless sibling. He would die protecting Nao from the grasp of his brother.

The situation turned upside down. He and Nao really loved each other, but Nao's body biologically couldn't accept Kazu. Nao was still mated with Kazu's brother which was a really big convenience to them. He could guess his brother wouldn't treat Nao properly. The rape incident proved him.

That was the worst part of their relationship.

Unless Nao's mate, a.k.a Kazu's brother die-

"Kazu-san," Tao's low-noted voice intercepted Kazu's battle inside his head, "the doctor still waits for your answer."

Kazu startled till his shoulders jolted. His pupils trembled a bit, and even his voice stuck at the throat. What did he just hope for? Anything but death, but... his beloved Nao...

"No," Kazu calmly responded, "Nao isn't my mate. Something happened back then, so I take care of him and Tao-san now."

The safest answer he could deliver, and the doctor didn't seem to suspect much. He wrote something on a paper while talking about effects an Omega would have to endure if he didn't have his mate around. Yet Kazu paid no attention to it. Tao did listen well but he cared of Kazu more than the information the doctor explained to them.

"I'm supplying painkillers and sleeping pills in case if he began raving or such one day. You still need to send him to clinics or hospitals if he had pain like today," the doctor reminded them for the nth time.

The clinic didn't have a ward, plus the staffs were about to close the premise, hence Kazu brought the twins home straight away. Nao still slept thanks to the medication which might cause him relief and drowsiness. The twins were at the back seats as Kazu drove them home.

"Kazu-san," Tao initiated a chat to break the silence. "Will nii-san be okay? I mean, he hasn't known about the father of the babies, right?"

"Surely he hasn't", Kazu undoubtedly answered. Ensuring Nao really asleep by calling him, he continued once he was convinced, "He hasn't known I have a brother too. But, after I've been told about the identity of the babies' father, I'm still thinking ways to reveal it to Nao-chan. But I have no idea."

"Reveal what to me?"

Though they didn't face each other, both Kazu and Tao ogled to no one. They wee supposed to construct a plan so that they could disclose about it to Nao really calmly. Considering Nao's unstable health, they should find the best time to do it. However, Nao unexpectedly woke up earlier.

"How much did you hear?" Kazu failed to find reason to evade, hence he went along. Probably Nao was fine enough to discuss rationally.

Tao helped Nao to sit upright, and repositioned him so that he would get comfort even with big belly. His short breaths worried Tao, yet Tao tried to not notice.

Nao inhaled, almost hardly, as he replied. "Since before I collapsed at the kitchen."