
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 1

A defective Alpha.

It has been his nickname since the day his classmates found out about the biggest problem in his life. His family had no idea since it was not inherited disease, and even the doctors could not find the reason. He lost friends, Omega girls and boys always avoided him, and he could not smell any pheromones either; including his.

It felt as if he had no sexual desire in the first place. No matter how bad an Alpha's quality was, as long as one could impregnate an Omega, s/he was still an Alpha. Undeniably.

The case was different to the boy named Junya. He was born from a prestigious Alpha family. His siblings were all Alphas, and his Omega mother came from a very famous Omega family too. He was a bright boy, active in sports and kind hearted to literally everyone. He basically had everything as an ideal man, but one thing has brought his confidence down to the drain.

"You're an Alpha? Can't you smell our classmates when they were about to get in heat?"

"How can't you sniff your own pheromones?"

"Can't you get it up?"

"Tch! No fun talking about sex with you. You're such a mood wrecker!"

...and many mockeries he received ever since the doctor's letter breeched to his class. The doctor prepared a letter so that the teacher would cooperate in monitoring him at school. Somehow, one of his classmate saw the confidential letter and revealed it to the whole class, at the same time exposing Junya's biggest weakness as an Alpha.

Junya was not that demanding in sexual life. He just thought that he must have some idea, at least a vision, on what sexual desire was and how it would lead him someday. He could have had the imagination, but he still could not get his thing up. His body system was on tip-top condition. What if he had his rut out of nowhere?

There was a moment that Junya vowed to himself - he would take anyone as his mate if that person could change him as an absolute Alpha like other Alphas he has known in his life.

And, perhaps, he has already found his significant other on this day.

The moment a beautiful adult man entered the bakery, Junya could not stop himself from watching the latter from afar. The man was not too tall (Junya might be taller), had smooth glassy skin, nape-length hair, quite skinny for an adult, and the round-shaped glass made him to look young. Although the man did not talk anything, Junya could predict that he had pretty smile. His assumption was right when the man talked to the cashier, asking something.

"Who is he?"

Junya's feet paced around the isles to get nearer to the beautiful man, only to find out that the man was not alone. He brought a little kid together, and the kid was looking at cutely designed breads on lower shelves. Judging from the appearance, Junya guessed the little fellow was around three to four years old. Despite having a very gorgeous father, the kid looked handsome for a child at his age.

"Do you like the cute breads, little boy?" Junya, without hesitation, asked. "I like it too though I've grown up."

The little kid looked up to face Junya head on. He was not scared of Junya, but his face showed confusion. It must be because of Junya's sudden appearance, thus he did not know how to respond.

"You like it too?" The little kid's eyes shone a bit a few seconds after that, "Won't you get teased for liking children stuff?"

Junya frowned. "I like what I like. Why should other people tease me for liking children stuff? They are the children. Only children tease other people for having things they love."

The little kid shifted from Junya to the bread. "Mama wants to buy this bread for me, but I didn't want to. My friends will tease me if they see me bringing this bread as my bento."

This kid... What has he gone through before this? Was he bullied by his friends? "Then they are not your friends. Friends are supposed to support each other, not downgrading others."

The little kid stared right into Junya's eyes, as if Junya's words pierced through him. His eyes shone even brighter, delighted by the fact that there was someone else other than his Mama who supported his interest. But Junya was right though - liking something was not a weakness in the first place.

Junya fetched a plate and tongs and handed them to the kid. Surely the latter received them happily, and undoubtedly ran to his Mama.

"Mama! I want to bring those cute little breads for my bento!" He cheered and tugged his Mama's shirt.

The beautiful man, who Junya had been eyeing since minutes ago, turned around to respond to his son's excitement when he and Junya looked at each other instead. The fluttering Junya blinked, his heart skipped a beat at those beautiful eyes of the kid's Mama. However, the reaction was different to the Mama.

"You!" the Mama glared at Junya, cautiously, "What do you want from my son?" he grabbed the kid on the shoulders.

Definitely Junya was puzzled by the Mama's raised tone. He never thought of anything bad during his conversation to the kid. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean harm to your son. I just told him to just pick whatever he liked without thinking about what his friends mocked him."

The Mama turned to hide the kid from Junya's view, yet as someone taller, he still could see the kid.

"Don't you dare to touch my son!" the Mama declared and dashed out of the bakery.

The puzzled Junya froze at his standing. Even the other customers and staffs were watching him. What happened? After buying a few pieces of breads, he hurriedly left the bakery to look for the Mama and his son, but to no avail.