
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 19

"You gotta be kidding me, Papa-san."

Though it was unseen, Junya trembled quite hard. His rapid beating heart induced sweat on him, and triggered uneasiness to stay calm in front of the Papa. He wondered if Tori and Tao heard him, because deep inside he hoped they didn't. It was inappropriate especially to Tao as the son of the mentioned raper in Papa's story, and it wouldn't shock Junya as much if the kid wasn't aware of his dead twin. Heart torturing at its best.

Junya never thought the Mama had such dark past, explaining his overprotective-ness towards Junya and Tori. The revelation was superlatively confidential, but the Papa didn't find it hard to divulge it. The Papa recognized Junya as his wife's secret admirer, yet that alone shouldn't permit him to disclose such fact.

So what made the Papa to do it?

"I'm not kidding you. In fact, I wonder if you still like my wife as much as before. Normally people will call him mad for killing his own son. But, I can't leave him though," the Papa curved a small, sincere smile, "I love him so much. If I left him alone, no one knows what he does then."

Such pure intention deserved to gain appraisal. Junya nodded in silence. Compared to the Papa, he just ought to struggle against the isolation he received among his classmates. Though injustice, he just needed to confront the loneliness and not heart wrenching consequence, plus Tori has been there all these while. The Papa had to dealt with the Mama's unexpected mental state daily because he was afraid the wife might do the same thing to Tao and Nao. He wondered how the family reacted to the Mama's deed too.

"Is your wife okay after giving birth to Nao-chan?" asked Junya as a remedy to wipe away his cold sweat covering his body.

The Papa seemed taken aback by the sudden query. He probably didn't expect Junya to consider about Nao, the second son in his cradle. "Luckily, everything went on smoothly. Maybe he was ready for second pregnancy. He behaved really well while carrying Nao. However," the Papa paused to get some breath, "it was the same during the first pregnancy too. He was all good, but he went on rampage after giving birth. That's what I'm monitoring over."

Junya's shoulder dropped significantly upon the news. There wasn't an ounce of lie in the Papa's tone and voice. Everything was genuine, confirmed by the vibe the Papa portrayed and the reaction Junya acted out.

"I haven't wavered by this," Junya stated monotonously, "but I hope I won't. You see, Papa-san," he turned a little towards the Papa, "I'm a defective Alpha. I, myself, ain't a perfect being. Well, to have someone looking after me, loving me, and living with me, being my lifetime partner, etc, are all my wish although I may not have the chance. Even the Alphas in my class belittle me for not being able to sense Omega's scent, let alone distinguishing one and another."

They were too deep into their serious conversation that Junya didn't notice their arrival at the train station, which would be heading to the direction of the Papa's house. The Papa's view was glued on the bouncing Tao alongside the laughing Tori. Just what they have been chatting about to such mood.

"Come in."

Unexpectedly, the Papa and Mama's house was surprisingly near to the train station. The location was within 20 meters from the exit of the station, made Junya to gape in amazement.

"Doesn't this distance interrupt your sleep? I mean, the sound of train arriving and departing, the honk, everything," Junya asked, literally the questions popped in his head.

The Papa gave Tao simple instructions and watched the little guy obeyed him. Once the sight of Tao vanished behind the door, he continued. "This helps in my wife's monitoring. I have sharp hearing, so when I call him and I hear those sounds you've mentioned, I know he's home."

How thoughtful he was as a husband. Junya still gaped in amazement. It might seem petty, but the Papa did think thoroughly of the Mama's recovery. The incident must have taught him a lot, thus precaution was taken at its best.

"So," the Papa served three cups of warm chocolate as drink while he reheated the food he already cooked earlier, "what's with you being a defective Alpha?"

Both Junya and Tori ogled to no one. How could the Papa recall the ceased conversation? Even Junya almost forgot about it whereas he brought it up.

"I- I mean," Junya stuttered because there was Tori beside him. The conversation felt lighter when Tori wasn't around. Probably it was because Tori disliked Junya liking the Mama, and Junya was aware of it. "I'm not perfect myself. Liking someone as Mama-san is still normal to me. Demanding this and that from my companion is a little too much for a defect like me."

The Papa gestured his hand, signing those two to have a sip of their respective cups of chocolate. They were sipping when the microwave beeped from the kitchen, telling them the food was ready to eat. "Excuse me," the Papa rose to serve the food on the dining table.

The deliciousness of the chocolate somehow deflected the opposite towards them. Warm drink should refresh their body from night coldness. Though it might cause sleepiness, this was out of normality.

Together with dizziness, they even suffered a strong headache till made themselves dropped. Tori couldn't bear the ache, hence he already fell on the sofa. Somehow Junya could resist a little compared to Tori, so he, with thumb and index finger pressing his temple, rose and paced to the kitchen where the Papa was.

"Papa-san, I think I pushed myself too hard that I got headache," said Junya with his half-opened eyes, "Can I have a glass of plain water?"

He was so sure the Papa heard him, heavily breathing and talking. The headache grew worse that Junya became utterly feeble. Instead of passing him a glass of plain water, the Papa turned around and, with a smirk, pushed Junya's shoulder to topple him over.

"You ought to know this, Little Brother."