
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 18

The pregnant Omega has reached his seventh month. Bizarrely his condition deteriorated as time went by right after passing the sixth month despite healthy twins he carried. The babies were fine and strong, unlike the mother who has begun falling sick at random days. It was unknown to Tao and Kazu since each check up showed no sign of depleting vitals or rupturing body structure.

Everything should be smooth. Since Nao fell sick quite easily lately, the doctor has already warned him to take a good care of himself. Kazu always reprimanded him to not push himself too hard, or it might harm both mother and babies. Losing the babies was painful, but he couldn't bear losing his beloved Omega.

There were times when Tao was overly protective and worried that he skipped school. It wasn't that he didn't trust the crews Kazu hired. It was just that he wanted to watch over Nao by himself. Nao was the only family member he had, in addition to the inseparable bond as twins between them. Kazu was Nao's Alpha, but they haven't knotted, hence they were in the brink of departure. The only thing that tied them together was their unbounded love towards each other.

"So," Tao started a conversation, "It's been a while since the last time we heard about the investigation regarding the trespasser of your house party."

They were at the kitchen; Kazu at the sink, washing the dishes. While Tao was at the stove, mixing ingredients for Nao's food. Nao was in the room, sleeping while waiting for his lunch to be ready. He could only eat porridge at the moment.

Kazu was rather taken aback, maybe he never thought Tao would ask him about it when they were alone. "Well, actually, we've figured out who the trespasser was. In fact, he wasn't a trespasser in the first place."

The shocked Tao hid his face well because Kazu didn't notice him ogling at no one while gripping the sponge tightly. "So, who was he? Did he know he has impregnated my twin?"

There was no instant answer, which nauseated Tao even more. Getting revealed that Nao was impregnated by someone none of them recognized was tremendous enough. Revealing the identity of that imbecile was another thing.

"He was actually... my little brother."

"He what?!" Tao accidentally half shrieked at the reply. "Kazu-san's little brother? You have a little brother?"

"Pipe down, or Nao will hear us," Kazu hissed. "That explained why Nao-chan couldn't distinguish my scent and that perpetrator. We are siblings, so we have almost the same scent."

"How did you guys figure it out? From footages? Eye witnesses? Confession?" Tao sounded so impatient. But for sure he would. They finally found who the father of Nao's babies, though it was ridiculous.

Kazu gulped. Tao was younger than him, but he could say the latter could hit him with any utensils available near them. "We have hired experts to extract the deleted footages from somewhere. At the same time, we gathered eye witnesses and collecting confession by the guests. I also hired a private investigator personally for deduction."

You've done great job, Kazu-san, yet the utterance remained in the mouth. Tao listened to Kazu attentively.

"My little brother doesn't live with us for now. Since he likes rebelling against our parents, he was kicked out of the house around a month before the party was held," Kazu dried his hands with a towel, merely to not get too focused into the story, "Despite being rebellious, he didn't defy when our father kicked him out. But I wonder if he holds a grudge, which brought him to rape my lover."

Tao had the urge to intercept, surely to ask what caused that little brother to behave exactly the opposite as the big brother, but Kazu revealed it first.

"He disliked the idea of following footsteps and stuffs. He wanted to be, like, a traveler or photographer, because he likes traveling around the world. He wanted to learn about the geography, history and culture of other Earth habitants, as how he said. But our parents own a company, thus they wanted him to study business like I did. He rejected the idea and gratefully left the house when our father kicked him out."

Tao watched Kazu leaning his back against a wall and throwing his gaze upward- at the ceiling, breathing heavily but composed. "I'm so sorry for the incident."

Kazu chuckled at Tao's consideration and reaction. "It's fine. No one gets hurt. I mean," Kazu's grin faded instantly. He then slid onto the floor, "The one who got hurt was Nao-chan. Up till today, I was devastated. I was stupid, utterly stupid, for not acting how I was supposed to. I should be the one knotting him up, not my brother. I hugely regretted for what happened. And now, as the consequence, Nao-chan had to carry the babies without the father."

The initially calm Kazu bent over the floor and knocked his head with both his hands clenching on his head, as if he was slamming himself on it. Tears streamed down his cheeks, unconditionally, along with sobs and hiccups. His shivering limbs denoted the sorrow he has been keeping in himself, believably since he was disclosed about Nao's pregnancy.

"Kazu-san, calm down," Tao grasped Kazu's wrists. "None of us could predict this to happen. Nii-san was frustrated because the father of the babies isn't you, but nowadays he's happy because he's pampered by you. You accept him and the babies just the way they are, and you already love them wholeheartedly. As long as you are by his side, nothing could take the happiness away from him."

"It hurts!"

Kazu and Tao were petrified as they heard someone cried in pain outside the kitchen. Definitely it wasn't the maid's because only the three of them were indoor at the moment. Kazu rose first to get the source of the cry, followed by Tao from behind, just to find the lying Nao on the floor. Nao was grabbing on his lower part of belly as he experienced an unknown pain out of the blue.

"Nao-chan! Nao-chan! What happened?" Kazu panicked. He pillowed Nao's head on his lap. His one hand grasped on Nao's one hand.

"Kazu-s-san," Nao panted while fighting against the excruciating pain, "Please- do not- please-"

"Tao, call ambulance!" Kazu shouted, still in panic.

Nao squeezed his hand. "Please- be- the father of my sons."