
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 17

Tori and Tao strode much faster than those two. It was purposely done because Tori, somehow, could tell Junya and the Papa would discuss a serious matter, and he didn't want Tao to listen as well. Initially, Tori wanted to bring Junya home, yet the Papa insisted on inviting them over.

This isn't what they planned in the first place! Tori had the urge to scream.

The night was unbearably dark. Tao couldn't run as much as how he was when they left the hospital compound. Tori held hand with him and paced in relax, while the Papa walked with Junya at the back.

"You love my wife, right?"

As if it was a test, the Papa tilted his head to peep over Junya's lowered face. He wanted to see how Junya reacted. At first, he thought his expectation was wrong, however his guess gradually turned right. Junya ogled at the Papa slowly to avoid from being too obvious.

"You can't lie to me, boy," the Papa threw his gaze upon the dark starry sky, "I'm in love with my wife too. I know how it feels to stare at him, and I also know how people feel when they see him."

Junya chose to remain silent. He monitored how far their conversation would go. He listened first since the Papa was the type to tell stories.

"He's the most beautiful Omega I've ever met. I'm usually travelling, but I never find anyone as lovely as him," the Papa blushed, either from the cold of night or from his confession, "Even when we eat at restaurants, he gets notes from other customers, wanting to know him better. We have two kids already though."

The chuckles escaped from the Papa sounded forced, but Junya didn't sense anger in it.

"It isn't his fault for having admirers like that. I'm the luckiest Alpha to get married to such beautiful Omega."

The tone definitely contained a vibe which Junya could call it as bragging. So, this average Alpha man was flexing his property; his wife. He secretly held his fist, unsure of the overwhelming sensation he was experiencing at the moment. But it was quite similar to how he felt when he witnessed the Mama's being touchy with his husband.

Yes, it was called jealousy.

"If I do love your wife, that's it," Junya stated, firmly but not too hard. He didn't want the Papa to misunderstand him. "I hope you understand. Mama-san is basically my type, and that's why I like him. I wonder if I really love him, but I'm fond of him," he threw his gaze to the sky above them, "I helped him because I didn't want anything to happen to him. I'm fully aware that Mama-san has a husband, which is you, so I'm controlling myself."

The Papa trailed Junya's view. He curved a soft smile which was seen by no one but Junya. The two of them fell into silence before the Papa broke it. "I know, I know."

Tori still eavesdropped their conversation.

"But you don't have to worry, Papa-san!" Junya suddenly insisted. "I can't smell pheromones. Hmm, I should say this in advance. I'm a defective Alpha. I can't detect pheromones, so Omega in heat won't affect me. So your wife is safe around me."

The Papa blinked. "I don't have to worry about that though. We're married, remember?"

Junya tilted his head on one side. "Yes. But, it's just in case. People are wary of me because they know I come from a family full of dominant Alphas. Since I'm defective, no one could tell when I'll be having my rut."

The reaction the Papa portrayed somehow felt indescribably concerning, as if he had someone unspeakable in his mind. Junya couldn't guess what it was about because it was their first meeting, however he could sense it. The Papa wanted to say something but he tried figuring out the point accordingly.

"Junya-san, I have a secret to tell you," he began, and triggered Junya's curiosity together with faster heart beating, "My wife. He's currently having a trauma. We're still in the middle of treatment, and I'm rather glad his condition improves though gradually."

All right, that was a new thing. Junya secretly ogled at no one while his ears still glued to the Papa's revelation.

"Around four years ago, he was attacked by a group of Alphas at a birthday party. He was invited by his employer, but he never thought the Boss was actually preying on him since he was still a virgin."

No one made a sound, but both Junya and the Papa took a glance of the infuriating Tori meters in front of them. Tori was staring- no, he was glaring at them, but with a shut mouth.

Junya didn't notice the Papa was glaring back at Tori.

"My wife was raped, knotted and successfully impregnated by one of them. Thanks to that, my wife had to carry heirs of an Alpha he never knew who it was," the Papa continued.

Somehow, the Papa's tone stiffened Junya's eagerness to listen more. The Mama was raped, knotted and impregnated? It happened four years ago? So Tao-

"Yes, I can read your face. Tao-chan isn't my son," the Papa admitted Junya's assumption. "He carried the twins to full term and gave birth to them at home. He refused to give birth at the hospital because he didn't want that bastard to find him."

"Twins?" Junya wanted to assume that he misheard. But the Papa reluctantly nodded. "Tao-chan has a twin sibling?"

"He had a twin brother. But due to post partum depression, my wife..." a pause intercepted the Papa's divulgence, "... choked him to death."

Definitely Junya (and probably Tori, judging from his expression) was petrified by the fact. The Mama killed his own son? "Wh- Why- I mean, what has caused him to-" stuttered Junya.

The Papa pressed his lips. "After he gave birth to the twins, at the same time he found out who the bastard was. The twins were split image of the bastard, and thanks to the guy appearing out of nowhere, he choked one of them. I happened to be there, taking away Tao from him and locked him in the room."