
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 14

Both of them were fully naked. Their clothes were everywhere on the floor, ignoring the coldness of the night poking through their skin thickness. Nao was pinned down, carefully, by the big and overwhelming Kazu, his beloved Alpha. Even though he has reached his sixth months, he still wished Kazu was the one knotting him that night.

It was fresh, engraved in his memory, as how he had his first sex ever with that unknown entity. That one person had almost the same scent as Kazu, and thanks to his approaching heat, he couldn't really distinguish the difference. What perplexed him the most was that the said 'burglar' didn't do it harshly, let alone harming him on the bed. He treated Nao tenderly, as if he has loved the Omega like how Kazu did.

"I love you so much, Nao-chan," said that man on that night.

"Hikkk!" Nao groped Kazu's upper arm as the memory recalled, resurfaced, and remarked. It traumatized him a lot. "No, please don't!" He began grappling for his life.

"Nao-chan! Nao-chan, what happened?" Kazu panicked for a moment. He quickly grabbed Nao on the wrist. "Calm down. Please tell me what happened."

Nao trembled hard to the point that he couldn't speak. Kazu believed it must be caused by the trauma. He hugged Nao tightly but neatly, as he didn't want to hurt the babies. Nao sobbed and rested his chin on Kazu's shoulder.

"I remembered that night, Kazu-san," Nao finally reacted to Kazu's worry. "This is the real you, right? I wasn't dreaming, right?"

Kazu pecked Nao's shaking lips, "Yes, this is me. Nao-chan, don't be afraid. I'm here."

They waited for a few minutes before Nao shifted to a more comfortable position. "I'm sorry that I can't do much. I can't ride you."

The embarrassment Nao endured tickled Kazu as the one who should be shoving. "No worries."

Kazu put in his two fingers into Nao's entrance, making the Omega moaned lewdly. For a moment, Kazu manageably touched the pleasurable point in Nao that the Omega moaned even louder. Hiding his enlarging embarrassment in the pillow, Nao could feel his flushed face being teased by Kazu.

"What I'm seeing is the love of my life," Kazu sniffed and kissed Nao's neck, leaving a hickey, "Who I'm living with is my Omega, my lover," he left another, "Why I'm doing this is because I love you."

"I love you too, Kazu-san."

Feeling the entrance was well prepared, Nao shifted again. This time he laid on his side since he couldn't spread his legs that wide, so that he could enjoy this pleasure as much as Kazu did. Kazu understood the assignment, lying on Nao's side and slowly inserting his hardened member into Nao's twitching hole.

"You may avoid from looking at me, Nao-chan. But your body wants me so bad," Kazu teased his Omega again.

"You do love teasing me, huh," Nao pouted at Kazu's giggles. "You do it really carefully."

"Have you forgotten that you're pregnant?" Kazu frowned. "I must be extra cautious because I don't want to harm our children."

"You sure worry a lot, Kazu-san," Nao smirked. "Anyway, thank you for your concern."

Kazu's smile faded a bit. "It's because I only have you as my lover. My precious. I've never wanted to love anyone, let alone having in a relationship or marriage. I was just comfortable as a single man, bachelor, and working. Meeting you changed me, and it was one of the best day that ever happened in my life."

Nao moaned when Kazu began ejaculating. "Kazu-san, I'm sorry if you think our relationship is because of my pregnancy."

"I've loved you ever before you got knocked up, Nao-chan. Please believe in yourself, please believe in us."

The Omega could feel his inside was filled with Kazu. His body unconsciously begged for more, twitching entrance and sucking up Kazu's member. Kazu definitely could read Nao when he reached Nao's pleasure point. As an Alpha, Kazu surely wanted to give his best. Cums generously filled Nao's inside till some spilt a little.

"I love you so much, Nao-chan," Kazu whispered at Nao's ear, giving him tingling chills, "I just want you in my life. No matter who the father is, I will love it as my own. Because I own you."

Kazu hugged Nao tightly from behind, prepping Nao's nape for biting. The delicious smell emitting from Nao lured him to bite the Omega. Though Nao was knotted, he wanted Nao so bad that he deepened his neck bite till Nao gasped.

"How I wish I could take you away from that guy. He doesn't deserve you," Kazu purposely immersed his face into Nao's crook of neck. "The guilt in me never fades until I found the culprit, or until I found a way to undo the knotting. I want to marry you."

Nao secretly pressed his lips. "Aren't you afraid if your family found out about us?"

The couple rested, with Kazu's member still in Nao, and continued chatting. "I've been an obedient child in everything, in my life. Let me be rebellious for our sake. Especially that you're expecting our children."

Nao locked his eyes into Kazu's. This Alpha was really his soulmate, and he knew they both loved each other to the point of breaking family rules. Nao didn't have parents and Tao didn't oppose them either, so it was an advantage for him to get in a relationship with Kazu. Nevertheless, he has been aware of Kazu's family status.

Ever since he got to know Kazu from his work place, he ensured himself not to catch any fondness towards the gentleman. Yet he still did, and his heart skipped a beat when he figured out Kazu also had the same feeling as him. They eventually fell in love and decided to tie a knot on the night of the party.

Regret filled in, yet Kazu chose not to voice it out. It would burden Nao, so he kept it inside. He loved Nao and the babies the Omega carried, hence he wouldn't let them go.