
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 13

The condition of the Mama was better after getting treatment at the hospital. He might be awake anytime, so the nurse permitted Junya, Tori and Tao to stay at the ward as long as they wanted. Tao was so eager to reconcile with his Mama, so Junya and Tori accompanied him there.

How pretty. Despite pallid face, the Mama was originally beautiful. He was a man, but his Omega traits served him beautifully, which proved the cuteness of Tao and Nao. The Mama has smooth and soft skin, silky straight black hair, long lashes, and cute lips. Long fingers, glass-shaped nails, a not-so-skinny figure with curves, and most importantly the vibe he brought, were perceivably astounding. Looking up closely, the Mama has mole under his lips too.

"Beautiful," Junya unconsciously whispered.

Tori at his side nudged at his abdomen, "What did you say? Don't forget about his status, friend. He's married."

Tori's reminder didn't shake Junya that much. He did remember the Mama was married to an Alpha he didn't plan on meeting (though Tao wished so), but he just wanted to admire the Mama just by himself. He never wanted to wreck Tao's family at all.

The Mama had a demeanor which enthralled Junya as his admirer. He believed he wanted to meet Tao again and again because he was originally attracted to the Mama since day one. Tao was undeniably cute but the Mama excited him more. Especially when he refused to get close to Junya.


Tao's voice startled Junya a little. Both Junya and Tori stood at both sides of the bed, plus Junya was helping Tao to climb up the bedside. Tao really missed his Mama that he slammed his face at the Mama's chest. He sobbed until his shoulders trembled.

"Mama, are you okay? I'm sorry. I promise I won't be naughty," Tao whined in his sobs.

The half-awake Mama took a while to figure out who spoke to him. He then replied, "My dear. You're a good boy."

Junya and Tori secretly exchanged looks. While Junya was engrossed with his own thought, this little kid has been battling with his own insecurity. He wanted his Mama so bad, but Junya was busy ingesting the Mama's features. He then understood the reminder Tori gave him earlier.

Though being called defective, Junya was still an Alpha.

"You..." the Mama's husky voice was, gratefully, audible enough for those three, "...were looking after Tao?"

Both Junya and Tori didn't answer directly. Junya drew himself closer to the Mama. "How are you feeling now, Mama-san?"

"Mama! Junya nii-san and Tori nii-san are very kind! They bought us breads!" Tao pointed his little fingers towards a pile of fresh breads from the bakery they used to go.

Though weak body, the Mama still ogled at the sight. "Did you ask them to buy all those for you?" his eyes shifted from Tao to Junya. "I'm sorry, my son has troubled you guys so much."

"No, no. He didn't," Junya brushed it off, "This Tori guy didn't ask in advance what to buy, so he bought a whole bunch. But we remembered you have another toddler to feed and..."

A halt in Junya's speech drew the attention of the other three, especially Tori.

"...a husband waiting for your returning."

"Yes, yes!" Tori quickly cut him off, "Your husband must be worried of you because you haven't returned home yet. Should we do a phone call to him?"

There was a sharp glare sent by Junya to Tori for interrupting his conversation which he hardly able to initiate with the Mama. However, Tori ignored the threat by Junya because he simply knew what this Junya guy planned to do.

This Junya guy wanted to slowly enter to the life of this little family.

"My phone in my bag," the Mama struggled to lift his own hand, "Can you pick it up for me?"

"Yes, yes. Surely." Tori really refused to give in to Junya's continuous glare. He himself went to get the Mama's bad and fetched out the phone as per request. Purposely evading Junya's arm reach, he strode in other bedside and handed it to the Mama.

The Mama noticed the tension between Tori and Junya, thus spoke, "Anyway, I'm feeling better. Don't worry, I'm a strong Mama."

"Mama is strong!" Tao cuddled in his Mama's wired arms. "Mama can do many work in one day!"

"You mean household tasks," the Mama let out a chuckle. His fingers rapidly typed on the phone screen, probably messaging to his husband that he was hospitalized but two good guys helped him a lot. A few beeping sounds were heard as a consequence, "My husband said he will come over. You may leave now."

"I will wait until his arrival."

Tori rolled his eyes. This Junya guy was really hard in the head. He was fast too - aware that Tori might have cut him off again, he quickly came up with a response which neither of them could guess that he would. Before entering the hospital compound, Tori was so sure Junya contemplated on meeting the father of Tao and Nao, but it was different now.

Did he think of fighting against the father to win over the Mama? Tori ogled to no one.

"It's late, and you're away from your family too-"

"We've already contacted our family in advance."

Say who? Tori furrowed really deeply at Junya's unexpected answers. The confidence added on by Tao hurriedly getting down the bed and ran to hug Junya at the thigh.

"Please let Junya nii-san stay here, Mama," this little kid named Tao begged with glossy eyes, "I promise he won't disturb you."

Even the Mama ogled at the stunned Tori. "...I didn't get bothered by his presence though. It's just that Junya nii-san has his family too, Tao-chan."

Tao pulled a pout, sulking in his own way. Junya brought him up and cradled him in his arms. The little one giggled in excitement for being treated truly nicely.

"I'm sorry for being late!" Suddenly someone barged into the ward - A tall, anxious man in casual attire and bags, while holding a baby. All eyes were on him, especially the petrified Junya.