
Wandering Love

akilee · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 10

Nao even panted as if he has run a few hundred meters. He covered his bulging belly to protect his unborn son from being even in Kazu's sight. Hours ago, Kazu's denial was absolute, thus he remembered it right after he woke up. He was hurt, very hurt, to the point of increasing heart beat and rapid breathing.

"Nii-san, it's fine," Tao cuddled Nao firmly, "Kazu-san won't do anything bad to you. To both of you. He came to apologize," he glanced at the guilty Kazu.

Kazu gulped since it was his first time seeing Nao in such threatening mode. Nao never got mad at anyone ever since their first meeting. He has seen Nao being harassed at where he worked part time, but Nao acted cool by slapping the doer really hard, and that was it.

"You disregard my son! You disown my baby! You're not a father!" cried Nao wholeheartedly. "I love you so much, Kazu-san. I never cheat on you. I was afraid that our presence might ruin your reputation, but the larger my belly gets, the more I want you to be by my side. But you!" he picked up his pillow and wanted to throw it to Kazu, "You accused me something I didn't do, which indirectly disregard my son! So what are you doing here now?"

"Nao-chan, I'm sorry," Kazu couldn't deny Nao's rage. He was right - everything was right. Thanks to his jealousy and vague hatred, Nao and their baby were hated. He couldn't turn back time after he has discovered the truth behind Nao's disappearance. "I wanted you so bad that I became mad after witnessing you having sex with someone else-"

"Then why didn't you pull me away? Why did you let us go on? I didn't know it wasn't you!" Nao still in his raging mode. "Why didn't you do something when the unknown man raped me, Kazu-san?!"

That was the word. Nao was fully aware that he was raped after Kazu's revelation. He wailed in his knees - even Tao was flustered and hesitating to touch his twin brother. Honestly, to Nao that was the most devastating truth. He really thought he was doing it with Kazu. That was why he was tormented when Kazu refused to take responsibility, and he could feel his blood pressure rocketed when Kazu divulged he had sex with other man, not with him.

"Thanks to your stupidity, I was knotted by that man..."

Another truth struck both Tao and Kazu. Silence engulfed them wholly. No wonder Nao got impregnated. People said an Omega would be easily impregnated when the Alpha has knotted him. It was a method to mark that one Omega as his significant partner, and the worst part in Nao's case was that it was irreversible.

"Nii-san, you... you were knotted?" Tao's breathing stuck in the airways. "Why didn't you-"

"Because I really, really believed I did it with Kazu-san!" Nao cried even harder. He has spilt everything he needed to.

That night, the three of them discovered many kinds of shocking news. Tao met Nao's lover who was supposed to be Nao's mate, but the lover refused to take responsibility. Kazu found out Nao was pregnant since the rape incident. Meanwhile, Nao just knew he was raped by someone none of them could point out.

After crying his eyes out, Nao felt dizzy, so he lied back. Eyes opened in halves, his one hand rubbing his belly, while his another hand pressing against his temple. Tao poured a glass of water and handed it to him. Kazu stood still by the bedside.

"You're still weak, nii-san," Tao's voice stuttered. Even after being revealed about Nao's knotting, he still acted utterly composed. "You should get some rest."

"I won't rest as long as this moron is here," said Nao without looking at Kazu's direction. Even he was speechless thus he refused to talk to Kazu.

"Nao-chan," Kazu, in his expensive, custom-made suit, naturally knelt on the floor, "I'm deeply sorry for the mishap that befell you. You wouldn't get raped if I didn't bring you to my room that night. Our security was always top-notch, but that day it was scattered. If only I wasn't a coward. I admitted that I didn't stop you that night because I was enraged by the fact that you had sex with someone else other than me, without listening from your side. Everything," he bowed at Nao, "was my fault. You may punish me for my negligence."

At first, Nao ogled at Kazu. The prestigious Alpha, the mighty Alpha, the wealthy Alpha, the famous and well-bred Alpha named Kazu was kneeling before him to beg for forgiveness. Then, he gradually burst to tears again.

"The worst part about being in love is that I can't bring myself to hate you, Kazu-san," said Nao in sniffles. "How I hope I was knotted by you. I want to be your mate really bad. I want you to be the father of my baby. But, my hope... has crushed. Torn to pieces," Nao began hitting his tightening chest. "It's painful. It's so painful. How am I supposed to live like this?"

Contemplation ceased, thus Kazu rose from his kneeling. He attempted by pulling Nao into his embrace, the same way as Tao, and hushed the latter softly.

"I love you too, Nao-chan. I really do," Kazu kissed Nao's head and hair, "I want to be the father of your baby. So much."

Tao bit his lower lips. This forbidden love between a corporate Alpha and a marked Omega was a topic he never anticipated, but it was different when it happened to his own family member. He couldn't do anything though. They loved each other, they both were hurt, and they were dumbfounded.

"I will marry you, Nao," Kazu broke the hug and made up his mind, "We will register our marriage, and I will take care of you. You're taking a break from school, right? I will buy a house far from here, and live with you. I will buy new car so that my parents won't notice one car is missing from the compound. I will hire a maid and a doctor to look after you. I will send Tao to driving school in case if anything happened to you during my absence. I will stay with you during your deliverance," Kazu gave a passionate kiss on Nao's lips, "I love you so much, Nao-chan."