
My heart race- CHAPTER 5

'The man's name was Ronald he was a knight for a count who later lost his title as a count'

'So Ronald now is a job recruiter for the Kori Guild, the 9th biggest guild in the world, and number one guild in this city.'

"So this job is for you to guard the son of the baron Mathias"

"The baron rose from the commoners and now has the title baron, and all that because he was the number one support in the latest war."

"You will not have to do anything except stand and pretend to guard him, so bandits doesn't attack him."

Okay, I will just guard him, by the way how much will you pay me?

"We will give you 300 dunes"

'Damn that's a good pay for only guarding someone, it has to have some catch'

Well you found the man I will accept your job because the money is good.

"So we will start later this night around 7 pm, everyone will be there so don't be late"

"The place we are gathering is at the gates See ya!"

'The money is good but, what is the catch? It has to have something, 300 dunes for guarding it's too much. I should be cautious.'

~~ Later in the night ~~

'They should be around the corner.'

'There they are.'


"There he is, his name is Phoebius he will work with us, Phoebius this is the barons son Mauro"

"You will guard him, and they will be guarding him too"

There were standing 4 people 2 girls and two men, they were strong and tall, a lot of muscles, the first girl has red hair and purple eyes, and second has blonde hair and blue eyes.

'They have strong bodies I can see, but that girl with red hair looks normal, they probably found her like they found me.'

Hello, nice to meet you all, my name is Phoebius, let's do a good job.

"I'm Marcus"- the bald guy said

"My name is Henry, nice to meet you Phoebius"

"I'm Ezra, I'm a mage, nice to meet you" -the blonde girl said

"My name is Klara, I'm not a fighter type, I know some first aid."

'She is beautiful, the red hair, as beautiful as a red sea, the purple eyes like crystals and her pink lips'

'Is this love? No it can't be I just met her probably just attraction'

~the trip started~

Nothing wrong was happening and we set a camp.

"Phoebius, that sword looks good is it made by some great blacksmith?"

Marcus asked me.

-It was kind of gift so I don't know much.

'How can I tell him that I found it laying next to me, and don't know anything.'

The night was long I decided to take a walk, while walking I saw Klara sitting in the forest on a big stone.

'What is this feeling, why does my hearth race, and my stomach hurts at the same time, when I see her?.'

"OH Hello Phoebius! Did you want to take a walk."

-Yes, I couldn't just sit.

"Me too, the forest sure is beautiful."

-It feels nice, you can only hear the leaves and insects.

"And the stars are also beautiful they are far but shining bright like they are watching on us."

-They are beautifull, but not as you.

'Whaaat that just came out of my mouth I was just thinking that, she would think I'm a pervert or something, what should I do now???'

"Thank you, even tho we are strangers I feel like I know you from somewhere, I feel like I know you, I don't know why is that."

"Have we met before?"

-I don't think so.

'I wouldn't forget such beauty'

"Why did you take this job?"

-I needed money that's the only reason, why did you take it?

"Same reason I guess."

While she was saying that she was smiling.

'She is gorgeous while smiling, how can someone this beautiful be a mercenary?'