
Wall before spell

Did you know why there are fantasy story that people claims to be true? Because there was indeed magic! 1000 Bc back there was spell rule. We were slave of them until the Bc started to end their power started to end. But who know they can colonize us again or maybe we will colonize them.

Invisiblecriminal · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

The invitation

That night Laurent came to the hospital. Luis could breathe a little bit because he had not seen him for a week. After waiting in the hospital for hours the doctor came out and then the doctor came out and stared at Luis. 

The doctor said," What happened to her?", " That is your job, I think, 'Laurent said. " Yeah, but this is strange ", the doctor said. " She came running to my room and was shouting about Valentina in sir's house", Luis said." You won't believe but there was no neuro signal nor was her heart beating but she was still breathing" the doctor said. " Is it the first time in medical history? '', Laurent asked. " Yeah, I think so as far as I know, " the doctor said. " How is she now?"Luis asked. " Yeah, she is absolutely fine. She is absolutely fine now. You may visit her if you want", the doctor said.' Of course we want '', Laurent said. 

They entered the room and saw her lying on a bed and staring at the surroundings and then she saw them and she stared at them. " How are you?"Laurent asked. " I am fine, my son", she said. "  Who am I then?"Luis asked, " I am just … sharing love". she stammered. " She should share. Who needs to ask her first?", Laurent smiled.  " What were saying about Valentina?", Luis asked. " Valentina? I think I lost my memory", she stammered. " Leave dude, let her take a rest", Laurent said. " Don't you care about her?', Luis asked. Laurent said nothing.

Someone entered the room, it was Julia. " How are you, aunty?"Julia asked. " Are you asking me or her?"Luis asked. " Of course she is," she said. " I am fine, "Rosa, Luis' mom, said. " Who is she?"Laurent whispered in Luis's ear. " Well Laurent and mom", " She is Julia, my new friend, and Julia is my mom and he is Laurent, my special friend", Luis introduced. " Hello", Julia waved her hands. " How did you know about my mom?", Luis asked. She didn't say anything. " Why? Can't she visit me, look at her, such a beautiful blonde girl. Do you have the capacity to win her type of girl?"Rosa said. " You are absolutely right! If Luis doesn't want I am leaving", Julia said and was about to leave. " Hey, my bad! I am sorry",  Luis apologised. Julia returned and sat on her bed. 

That evening Luis and Julia were on the river bank. " Did you ever think what could be beyond that sky?"Julia asked. " Of course, there are other planets, stars, asteroids, and a lot more. Why are you speaking like stone age people?"Luis asked. " As if you are very modern", Julia mocked. " Yeah, of course, I am modern, I know what is beyond that sky", Luis laughed. " Do you know what tomorrow is?"Julia asked. " Mmm… I don't know," Luis asked. " Any guesses?"Julia asked. " Your birthday?"Luis asked. " Yeah, tomorrow is my birthday, but at midnight", She said. " Midnight!", Luis exclaimed. " What happened, are you scared?"Julia asked. " NO, but your birthday will be over", Luis said. " But the fun is after the next day", Julia said. " Fun?", Luis smirked. " Dirty mind! Ok bye, I will be late ", Julia shakes his hair and leaves.

Laurent then appeared there, " Hey Laurent!"Laurent smiled. " I just came from the police station, " Laurent said. " Is there any progress?"Luis asked. " It is better if Valentina doesn't appear again, well the policemen searched all over the south city but they couldn't find about Sir Camen", Laurent said. " What do you mean by it would be better?", Luis asked. " Better if you don't know", Laurent said and left. Luis stands still like a statue with thoughts, about what Laurent wants to mean. Luis felt selfish for not informing him about the man and his love, Julia. He ran to the police station. 

The policeman, Ander, was in his room. He saw Luis standing leaning against the door. " Hey Luis, long time no see, sit down", Ander said. " Sir, I found some keys about the weird alphabet that appeared on the screen. " 

Luis said. " What are that keys?", Ander. " It has been three days. I saw him. A man there have weird letters on his arm", Luis said. "Three days ago!"Ander continued, " What were you doing for such a long time ", " I am really sorry, my mom recently also had a weird accident, she ran to my room screaming about Valentina and that she was in sir's house but which sir? I have no clue. She doesn't remember now, she fainted and her heart stopped working but still, she was breathing", Luis said. "That's weird. I thought things were getting better. The psychopath has not appeared for two days. There has been absolutely no murder case", Ander said. " But it has been raining continuously at night ", Luis said. "Yeah, I know, I think we need to investigate sir Juan's house"< Ander said. " Why? I think we need to investigate sir Carmen's house", Lusi said. "Yeah, Even I suspect Carmen but the suspension is not the real key", Ander said. " Will you come with us ?"Ander asked. "Yeah but only after 8 pm", Luis said.

As said, Luis left the restaurant at 8 and went to the Police station. He saw Laurent there. " What are you doing here?"Luis asked. " You have made me skip such an investigation, what kind of friend you are ", Laurent said. " He is coming with us ", Ander said. They all went to  Sir Juan's house once again with Ander and the other police, in Hope of getting some clue.