
Walking with Celestials

Hirow, a boy fascinated with the stars, dreams of the world outside his small village. His inquisitive nature leads him to befriend an old man who believes light is evil and find a girl who has fallen from the stars. Laniakea, a woman in the far north fights for survival as she escapes her past. Finding a new purpose she seeks those who have taken on the curses of this world. Calder, a prince from a kingdom far to the east, is exiled by his father and seeks to reclaim the throne. Yet his search for truth and revenge in this mad world leads him down unexpected pathways. As the fate of Hirow, Laniakea, and Calder converge, the mysteries of their world are brought forth. This story will also be posted to royalroad.com

Slow_Neptune · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs

The Kingdom of Obsidius (Part 1)

"Ahri shut up, don't be the reason we're caught." A young boy with white hair whispered. His sharp words cut through the darkness. He repositioned himself as he pulled his knees closer to his chest. Soft footsteps could be heard just beyond the wall. The boy took note of each footstep. How close are they to finding us? How many are there? Are they wearing armor? He had to keep track of every noise, every movement, every detail. Their survival depended on it. The footsteps got closer. He tapped a shoulder to the left of himself. The sound of metal sliding out of a leather sheath could be faintly heard. They were nearly at the wall. The boy tensed as he closed his fist. His calves tightened. He was ready to run as soon as he saw a sliver of light emerge from the darkness.

The wall slid open revealing the light of day. A silver knife was at the smiling man's throat before their eyes had adjusted to the new light.

"Orion, you can put the knife down. It's just me." Orion turned his head to the boy behind him who gave him a nod of relief. Pulling the knife back Orion hastily resheathed it. The man stepped back and glanced behind himself. He wore a black tunic with gold lacing at the neck and sleeves with trousers of a similar fashion. The man had a regal aura about himself. Smoothing back his black hair he leaned down again and offered a woven basket of food from his right hand.

Orion received a swift smack on the back, "You dolt you were about to stab the prince."

Orion frowned in frustration, "Eren, you were the one who tapped my shoulder." His frustration turned to tones of mocking as he raised his eyebrows. "You said whenever I give you the signal get ready to stab whoever is on the other side of the wall."

Ahri's long white hair passed Eren's vision as she grabbed a slice of bread from the basket. She took a bite. "You did say that."

Eren's face reddened. "I was just trying to protect everyone. Lilith, back me up." Another girl stepped over Ahri as she reached for the basket.

"Orion was just following what you said. If anyone is the dolt it's you." She sat back down smoothing her gray dress with one hand and popping a piece of cheese in her mouth with the other. "Plus, this is the first time Orion has even seen Calder. I don't blame him for being so cautious."

Calder raised his hands slightly to signal an end to the bickering. "Now, now. Eren had good intentions in protecting each of you. There was no harm done to me so there's no use in arguing over it anymore."

Orion picked through the basket. "Is this all that there is?"

Calder's smile diminished. "I'm afraid so. The outside is not faring much better. My father's war efforts have not ceased."

Orion gingerly grabbed a piece of bread and started to nibble on it. Eren tore his slice of bread in half and stuffed one-half into his mouth. He groaned in displeasure as he leaned against the back wall.

Calder paced back and forth as the five of them ate. Just as the silence had started to settle in, the prince pipped up. "Although, I believe his war efforts won't last much longer." He stopped in place letting the rigid tension drain from his body. "I have a meeting with diplomats from Mareion this afternoon. The field reports say their capital has been under siege since yesterday. It seems the nobles only poke their heads out when reality is at their front door. I think. I hope the negotiations will go smoothly."

"That's great to hear." Ahri let a feeble smile grace her lips.

"Yes, it is great news." Calder rubbed his knuckles as he stared down at his hands. "The only issue is that I have not informed my father of this news yet."

Eren blew out an arrogant grunt as he cast his eyes up at the prince. "He can shove this war up his ass for all I care."

Calder chuckled. "I'm not sure how kindly he would take to those words of yours. But I'm sure you are not the only one feeling that way." He yawned and then took a step towards the door. "I will notify my father of my efforts. Even if he disapproves I intend to go forward with the peace talks. Keep hidden I will be back this evening. Do not leave your hiding spot and under no circumstances do you leave this room."

"And if we are found?" Eren said.

"Don't be." Calder closed the door gently. The lock clicked and Eren pulled the sliding wall back in place. Enveloped in darkness once again Eren regained his focus. His stomach growled. Ignoring it he waited and listened.