
Wake Up As Lord of Universe

Hadar transmigrates into the world where humans reach their greatest peak in the universe. Humanity returns to the aristocratic feudal system, and the warring leaders aim to unite the whole galaxy under one dynasty. On his tenth birthday, Hadar immediately inherits the remote planet from his parents as their last present. Then, they abandon him with a cursed maid, an old man, illiterate subjects, and undeveloped territory. Watch the untold story of the man, who is often the butt of joke of the nobles and the rising tiger who rises up from the lowest rank to the highest peak among them all, the Lord of the Universe.

RedAdam04 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Peroni's Slum Experience

(Peroni POV)

"Lord Flawkes, Lord Flawkes, wake up," a feminine voice called my name twice.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first person I saw was a beautiful girl with amber hair.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're finally awake. Can you stand up, milord?" the girl worried as she offered me a hand. "Uh, eh, yeah. I can stand on my own. Please, let me do it by myself," I gently declined and stood up from the ground.

"Oh, milord. Are you really okay?" she inquired. "As I said before, I'm fine. Give me some space for a second. I need some air," I demanded, pushing her by my hand lightly.

She lowered her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry, milord. I didn't mean to," said the stranger. "Naah, it's fine," I waved a hand.

"Milord, we need to move now. The night is deep and we need to move to the extraction. ASAP," she tugged my sleeves and pointed her index at the next house.

"Wait, hold up, who the fuck are you anyway?" I asked. "Pfff, milord. This is not the time for jokes. We need to make haste," she insisted.

"I'm not jokin' around, lady. Where is my goddamn driver?" I demanded. "Here," she tilted her head on the side and pointed her index at her face.

My eyes opened wide and trembled.

"F, for real? You're goddamn beautiful for a guy!"

'Damn it, this guy is hot!'

"Milord, how rude. I'm a girl!" she corrected.

I blinked my eyes several times and I involuntarily dropped my jaw.

"W, what?" I squealed. "Lord Flawkes, stop messin' around. The bounty hunters will hear your loud voice. Come, follow me," she grabbed my arm wrist and guided me through the extraction point.

By the way, you might be asking: where was our automobile, and why we're in the narrow street of a huge slum site? The answer was complicated to explain, but I will make it simple.

Upon we arrived at the entrance of the squatters area, the gang of the bounty hunters used a grenade launcher to shoot us down. Thankfully, the driver used her excellent driving skill to dodge the first missile.

But, little did she know, there was an upcoming truck on our side. The car was hit so hard and we spun for several minutes before we stopped.

The car was still okay to use, but the impact had left huge damage on our left side.

The bounty hunters even used a Gatlin gun but to no avail.

But when we entered the next lane, the wheel landed on the minefield. Luckily, only the lower part of the car exploded and not us.

We exited the car and left it alone. Then, a large explosion enlightened the whole area.

With this lucid incident, the bounty hunters mistakenly believed we died. Then, they left the area with a triumph.

We rushed for the narrow street, but since my body wasn't used to run, I collapsed because of running out of breath.

"Milord, milord, please hold on. We're almost there," the beautiful driver tapped my back to give me strength.

'M, man, why is this happening to me? C, crap, please give me a break,' I panted.

"Lord Flawkes, you can do it. Don't give up yet. You need to survive because the people need you," the beautiful girl needled. "Alright, alright, you don't have to say that. Goddamn it, I'm not used to this situation. This is the first time in my life to run like hell," I condemned.

"Then next time, you need to exercise every day, milord," she giggled.

'Why is she so friendly and acting too close? Never mind, I need to focus my mind on survival,' I huffed.

The beautiful driver tugged my sleeve and dragged me in the secret lair after we found the small wooden-made apartment building.

The top of the rusted roof was covered with old tires, acting as a defense against the rain.

The apartment used the plywoods for the protection of their wall and ceiling, and the windows were covered with tarpaulins of the former politicians during the last election.

"Is, is this the place?" I asked, refusing to believe it. "Yup, this is the right place. This is our extraction point that I told you before, milord," she clutched her hands between her heart with a smiling face.

'C, c, cute. Ah, goddamn it, Peroni. Don't fall with a commoner!'

"Ha, ha, ha, hah~" I gave in.

'Reality is too cruel. This is the most shameful defeat for a noble, especially to me,' I cried inside my heart.

"How pathetic. I cannot believe a noble like me will hide in this haunted place," I said with a hoarse tone. "Lord Flawkes, I'm so sorry about the place. Please forgive me. We have nowhere to go, so I reluctantly decided to send you here," she apologized.

'T, this commoner is really looked genuine girl, but somehow, I'm pretty sure she's looking down at me.'

"It's alright. Let's proceed," I tapped her shoulder to relieve her. "T, thank you, milord," replied the driver, smiling.

"G, goddamn," I turned around to hide my blushing face.

'P, pathetic. This is why I hate myself. Being a virgin and ugly man is really a shameful trait I cannot be proud of,' I grimaced.

She pulled out a key from her pocket and unlocked the backdoor. Next, she looked behind and checked if there was some lookout lurking around.

"I think we're safe. Let's get inside pretty quick before someone found us here," she suggested, opening the door for me. "Alright, I got it. I'm going in," I entered the apartment.

We went up to the fourth floor and headed to room 410. Then, she pulled out another key and unlocked it.

But when she reached the doorknob, she hesitated a bit to open it.

"Lord Flawkes, please whatever you see. Don't be surprised and scared by what you will see tonight, okay," she requested. "Affirmative, I will. You don't have to hesitate," I assured.

"Thank you, milord," she voluntarily opened the door and showed the place.

'U, unbelievable!'

My eyes trembled in surprise upon seeing multiple pictures of my younger self.

A terrifying sound from the horror movies rang inside my head.

I involuntarily stepped back a little bit.

"Lord Flawkes?" she tilted her head on the side. "Y, yes!" I almost collapsed from that point, but thankfully, I managed to calm myself in a split second.

"Are you perhaps scared upon seeing the pictures?" she gazed directly at my face. "I, I, I'm not. Wait, am I? No, I am really not. In fact, I'm very su- su-" I bit my lips before I finished my words.

"Su- what?" she bent her upper body on the side with her hands behind her waist. "I'm super happy to see my pictures. Y, you must be a fan of mine, huh," I jeered with a fake laugh.

Her terrifying mood returned back to normal.

"Oh, my. I'm more than that, milord. But I'm so glad that you're not suspecting me of somethin' else," she pressed her index on her lips and winked.

'W, what?' I gasped.

"By the way, please feel at home, okay. This is the safest place in the whole slums site of Tondo, milord," she held my hand and offered me a sit on the table in front of the television. "Aah, thanks," I gulped my saliva.

'W, why are my pictures hanging around her ceiling? This is frightening me too much. Is this a new trend of the commoners nowadays? S, scary.'

"Oh, please. Don't be so scared, milord. I won't bite you," she winked an eye.

My face whitened upon seeing her gaze.

"Oh, please. I think you need to take a bath, milord. You, you smell so bad. Please let me help you," she offered service, but I quickly covered my body and stood up from my sit. "I, I can do it by myself," I adamantly declined.

She puffed her cheeks and heaved a disappointing sigh.

"Okay, milord. The bathroom is over there. I will bring a towel and prepare some clothes for you too," she said, sulking. "G, g, great, I'm headin' there. Thanks," I immediately pulled myself to the bathroom and closed it. Locked it for safety reason.

"W, what the hell is wrong with that woman?" I leaned my back on the door and slid slowly down the floor.

'S, she has my pictures. She has a terrifying gaze, which resembled an eye of a beast. And not only that, her lips licked before my eyes. I, I just hope she didn't notice when I saw her from that angle. H, holy shit, this is bad. Really bad.'

"Milord, your clothes are ready. You can take off your clothes now," she advised. "R, right, I'm doing it right now. Give me a minute, okay," I replied with a stumble tone.

"Milord, take your time, okay. Make sure to use the bath properly," she reminded. "O, okay, I will. Thanks," I shuddered, one by one removing my clothes. Then, I handed it over to her.

"Finally, a new material, fu~fu~fu~," she giggled. "D, did you say somethin'?" I asked when I heard her small laugh. "Oh, nothin', milord. Nothin'. Please enjoy the bath, okay," she waved her hand in denial before she headed to the next room.

'This, this kind of pressure I've been sensing right now.'

My eyes turned sharp and finally enlightened. I opened the faucet of the bathtub and I waited for a few minutes before I entered it.

"She, she must be a bounty hunter too," I muttered silently and submerged my body into the tub.

Oh, well. He wished for a wife, so let's give him one.

Isn't that great readers? What do you think about our girl? She's normal being right? Right~?

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