
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The League of Shadows - Part 3/?

3rd Person

5 Hours Later——

"Shuri, have you arrived home yet?"

< yes, yes of course >

A rumbling entered T'Challa's body.

"Shuri, run a satellite of the airspace about 20 miles southeast of my location. I heard echoes of a massive explosion.."

< You heard it 20 miles away? >


T'Challa responds a little dry, not willing to explain the powers of the Black Panther AGAIN.

< O-Ok, scan shows a surface-to-air missile launch in that vicinity. >

"Mmm, Im heading over their now."

< I also have to state…'Operation Kingslayer', Hatut Zeraze have issued energy weapons to 'Reform Activist'. They're ready to take out General Zaruun's troops on the border of Uganda. >

"Post some on the Nigerian, Kenyan, Rwandan border." T'Challa orders his sister.

< Affirmative. >


T'Challa makes his way to the sight of the giant explosion and discovers several fallen foreign aircraft. Each of them made of unique metals. Etchings of sea monsters on the side.

A figure presents itself to T'Challa, summoning his suit for precautions. "You were in the ship, do you need help?" T'Challa asks the figure.

"I NEED NO HELP FROM A SURFACE DWELLER!" Aquaman says as he stands up. T'Challa notices his hair a little disheveled and his armor a little dirty.

'Aquaman?' T'Challa thinks a little

"Aquaman!…Tell me what happened."

"DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Arthur yells in fury.

"Calm down! Just tell me what happened, Arthur." T'Challa tries to calm the angry king down.


"…I've read about Atlantis's hatred of the surface world, Arthur. But I am the 'Black Panther' leader and protector of Wakanda and YOU WILL GIVE ME ANSWERS!" T'Challa says, annoyed at the atlantean king.


'Your kind? What he mean by that?' T'Challa's mind goes back to his previous life just for a second.

"My name is T'Challa, and Wakanda is not a warmongering nation, your accusation betrays your ignorance."

"Ignorance!? We'll see who's ignorant when I beat answers out of you." Aquaman lunges at the cat themed king.

Seeing the superiorly stronger king rushing towards him, crosses his arms to activate his claws.

T'Challa POV——

I dodged his first swing and sliced his piece of Atlantean ruble in half, right between the handholds.

'Guess he didn't find his trident yet.'

"Huh?" he grunted.

"HAAA!" I spun and kicked him in the nose. He staggered backward, trying to regain his footing, then lowered his posture to charge. He never got the chance. My claws flashed—slicing through his armor and cutting into his chest.

"You cut me! How!?" He exclaims.

He tried to grab me. I rolled away, from his obvious ploy. He bellowed in rage. I wouldn't describe him as 'very smart' to begin with, but he's a king, he shouldn't be so…dumb. Now his anger made him reckless. He charged me again, this time I punch forward, my hands infused with kinetic energy.

My attack landed, blew his head to the side but I felt his hands grab me. Uprooted from the ground instantly was a bit disorienting, but the slam was even worse. He planted my a couple feet deep into the ground.

Good thing my suit absorbed a great deal of it. His fist pelted my mask, sending my head backwards into the dirt and rock around me.

"HAAA!" I expelled all the energy from my body, launching him away from me, into a mound, blowing up a cloud of rock and dirt.

"Give Up Now!" I bellow out.


3rd POV

Becoming a little desperate, Arthur decides to chuck large debris at the cat-man.

Seeing the falling metal, Black Panther activates his shield, made of hardened light, it bounces the debris off of it.

"Ahh, here it is?" Arthur says as he locates his trusty weapon.

T'Challa rushes to engage the king of Atlantis, but as he reached him, Arthur reached to his trident, and stepped forward as he drew it, cutting upwards at T'Challa in a fast, reflexive attack.

T'Challa stepped back and threw out some daggers, Arthur bats the daggers out of his way as he advances towards T'Challa.

Arthur brought his tip around and reversed the attack, now cutting downwards from his right. But T'Challa , concerned, retreated just out of distance, the tip passing an inch from his nose. Arthur brought his trident around in a tight circle and stepped forward, repeating the cut but this time hewing the upper right half of T'Challa's mask, tearing it off while simultaneously cutting him from the left side of his forehead, across his eyelid and to his ear.

"Now…tell me!" Arthur says, exhausted.

Taking a moment to examine his injury with his hand. Shooting up from his position on a knee, swipes at Arthurs chest. Blood erupts from the move and sends Arthur retreating back. Not willing to let the king go, T'Challa advances, sending a low kick at Arthur's leg and piercing his skin with the claws on his footwear.

"AHHHH!" Arthur screams out.

Not perturbed by the scream, T'Challa continues his assault.


"Give up…NOW!" T'Challa tells the defeated man. Arthur, not willing to give up due to his pride, refuses.

T'Challa had taken it easy on him at first but the attack that cut him had removed such things. Now Arthur sits with his head still high.

'I dont know why.'

T'Challa had systematically targeted all of Aquaman's weaknesses and mercilessly clawed him apart. Bleeding from numerous different areas on his body.

"I see….Shuri, Use your orbs to highlight this place."

< ***********, ***** ***** ** *************, *****. **** *** *******, ***. >

"Mmm, we'll tell him when I see him again. Send a aircraft here, I need to get back to Wakanda."


T'Challa POV

"My King, are you sure this is the appropriate response?" A Dora Milaje asks me.

To be honest, Im not sure, I just think It'd be really embarrassing to do this but who cares. As a king I shouldn't do it butttt…..im not perfect, Atlantis needs to know their King is not as good as me.

"Of course I am!" I respond to her. Right now we're flying over the Atlantic, about 100 miles up, flying extremely fast. In the back, right over the hangar door sits Arthur, bloodied and beaten, tied up to a chair.

"Open it!" I yell to the autopilot.

Air escapes the room as the doors open, sending Arthur plummeting down straight into the middle of the Atlantic.

'Heehehe, Groovy.'