
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

The League of Shadows - Part 1/?

The last couple of chapters has been all action and fighting for T'Challa, however the next couple of chapters will highlight T'Challa as a king and investigator. There will still be action, but I want to highlight all the things that make Black Panther such a great character.


1 month later

T'Challa POV

Right now I am deep in the middle of hell listening to matters of the council. We had discussed a manner of different topics.

'Continued economic expansion, Agrarian oversight legislation, graduated tax code, reforming of the tax code, guaranteed minimum income, supply side economic stimulus, mandated family leave and even more.'

Safe to say, we've been here for a while. I must endure though, Wakanda will not have a king on the likes of Robert Baratheon, I forbid it.

"My king, may I be recognized?" A member of the council asks me.

"Go ahead councilor Mahari." I respond.

"I think we should take a break, we've been sitting down for hours, im sure you have more matters to attend to?"

Thank Bast! "I agree, we will meet tomorrow to continue." The other councilors nod at me words. I could see the expertly hidden joy on their faces. Certain mannerisms and body language has shown me that their practically jumping with joy on the inside.

N'Jadaka begins to walk toward me as I enter the balcony of the palace, over looking this-my beautiful city.

"You know cousin, I would never assume to lecture my king, only to have a…'conversation' on diplomacy." He jabs at me.

Diplomacy isnt my best feature I can say that.

"Hehe, I know but..the endless talk, talk, talk…It is extremely hard to not fall asleep. I know I must get better, and I will, but by Bast's teeth, is it not hard."

"..It is a process."

"Yes..I've been thinking of a small parliamentary like government. They would have certain duties such as the tasks of figuring out what we've talked about today, and when they agreed on something, I myself would review it and make a decision on whether to implement it."

I see N'Jadaka think about my idea. "A parliamentary government…this would be new grounds for us, what about their other powers, you must constantly keep them in check."

"Yes…they'll only have the power of certain day to day things. No military power, no usurping power, and no full control over laws, economy or anything. They'll pretty much debate, agree on something, and then send it to me for permission. I simply need to think of loopholes in any and all rules of the little group."

"So you won't be giving up your hand in affairs? We dont need the government and the king at odds."

"No, I will simply have a easier time doing my duties. I wont have to spend hours in a meeting like that, and I still have control over it."

"Hmmm…Whatever you choose to do, I support you."

I nod at his words, the little government- more like civilian council from naruto fanon, but im not Hiruzen in those fics, so I'd still have full control.

Our conversation had led me and him into the scientific division led by my sister, Shuri. "BROTHER! COUSIN!" She runs up to us, all grown up.

"Hehe, Shuri..you're to old to be doing this to us!" N'Jadaka says as she bear hugs us.

"Come, come, look at what I have designed!" She ignores his words.

While dragging us through the hallways and into her personal lab, she picks up a group of 4 glowing blue balls. "These are my new inventions, This device gives agents the ability to communicate with fellow field agents and HQ: scan objects and identify field targets; hack communication systems, electronic locks, and computers; and scan themselves for injury with the watch's built-in Medical Evaluation app.

The Smart Watch's Autonomous Agent Technology suite contains a special sensor that measures physical, chemical, and biological elements in the environment. It also provides connectivity to large-scale assets and agency-wide systems such as the Long-Range Communication Array, the Advanced Super-Computing Unit, and the Emergency Medical Unit.-"

"So..upgraded Komoyo beads?" N'Jadaka asks her, I cant help bug asks the same thing in my head.

"-Hehehe, cousin..do you think that is it? They can connect to cctv and along with on-site field scanning, can replay events in a designated area, they can form hard-light constructs in the form of different sized shields, and they can even turn the user invisible for a time."

Me and N'Jadaka look impressed, "Wow..you've outdone yourself Shuri. These are amazing." I say while checking the orbs out.

"Yes-" Shuri is interrupted by a message on her communications line. Her face morphs into one of sadness, a ping of worry enters my heart but I instantly stomp it out.

"What is it, sister?"

"Jhai…Jhainis dead, I am sorry cousin." She says to me and N'Jadaka. My cousin himself, clenches his fist in rage.

"How did he die? Where?" He asks Shuri, furiously.

Jhai, was a member of the Hatut Zeraze, and a member of N'Jadaka's personal squad. He was sent to South America as a spy.

"Omolola will tell us when we get their, Shuri, N'Jadaka get ready, we leave in an hour." I head to my personal armory and head for the panther armor.

Dawning my suit I head to my personal cruiser, a luxury ship designed for the royal family. Shuri and N'Jadaka already waiting for me we leave immediately, without words.


3rd POV

At the home of a normal looking family. An interracial couple sit at a table with their daughter.

" So then my sister says 'Atleast she remembers my birthday. Like thats the bar for being a good partner."

"..What was her name daddy?" The young daughter asks her father. A childs curiosity overwhelming her.

"Who my sister? Your Aunt?"

"No silly, the girlfriend." His wife responds.

"Ahh..like..Sarina Kyle..or something like that. But Thats besides the point, if I forgot your birthday, you'd still love me right? Honey!"

The wife looks at him deadpan, "….Right."

The wife looks at her front door, distractedly, "Wait.."

"What wrong honey-"

"I need you to take Aliyah outside through the back door." She tells her husband as she gets up to grab a knife.

"Why do I have-"

"Dont ask questions, just go!"

The husband follows her directions and takes their child outside.

Seeing them relatively safe, she turns to the front door, "If were doing this-" she puts the knife in her mouth and then activates a suit by touching a specific pattern into her earrings.

Black nanotechnology runs up her already ebony skin and covers her whole body. Shadowed figures jump down from the shadows in front of the door and windows around the house.

She jumps at a group of 5 shadowed figures, holding a knife, swiping and trying to cut them all. They begin to pull out swords.


Fury colored Lohra's vision red. On the ground, short sword swinging, her knife now lodged in one of the figures eyes. She hopped over the couch in the living room. The toe of her boot connected with the a figures nose and broke it. She had noticed that they don't respond to pain, but she does.

A sword strike hit Lohra's back, driving her to the ground. She felt hot breath on her neck, a spattering of non-scented saliva. She twisted her arm up, wedged it between her body and a neck. Pushed. With a grunt, she flipped the person onto its back, her forearm braced against the throat.

She snarled at it, but catching no rage from the figure.

For an instant, their eyes met. They shone clear blue in a strangely emotionless state. However they were intensely human.

She was grabbed by another figure, this one female, she can tell by the mounds pressing against her back. Over the course of the fight, she had only taken down 2 figures.

Kicks and punches rained down on her body, no kinetic energy absorption for her, thats only royal family privilege.

Now battered, bruised, bleeding both internally and externally, and tired, she slumps to the ground in exhaustion. Even though she was highly trained, she hadn't trained in a while, since she had her kid. T'Chaka was still king when she was sent out 7 years ago and 4 years ago her baby girl was born.

One figure begins dragging the woman out of the house while another sets the house on fire. She barley has enough energy to look back at it.

"LOHRA??!!" She hears her husband scream.

'No!' She thinks as the figures eye her husband and daughter.

2 of the figures charge them, but are stopped when energy blasts, vaporize their stomachs and they fly back into the house.


Lohra turns around to see the one still holding on to her, impaled by a Vibranium spear. Its pulled out and with it pulled the body of the last figure drips to the ground.

She looks up to see her family's saviors. A woman of her skin colors kneels by her and says, "No worries sister, King T'Challa sends his best regards."

Lohra immediately begins to cry at the relief of her saviors identities.

Due to the extreme exhaustion she begins to pass out, but not before hearing her saviors names.

"Nakia, go secure the premises."

"Yes, Okoye!"