
The Party

It was a bright and lovely Monday afternoon and the day for the welcome party. Mr and Mrs. Godson were getting ready to leave whiles Philip laid on his bed reading a sports magazine and not ready to move an inch from his room.

"Is Philip not coming along?" queried Mr. Antonio as he got into his outfit.

"Well...let me go and check on him." answered Mrs. Raina and dashed out.

Philip was deep into his magazine when the door flew opened with his mother at the entrance.

"Are you sure you are not coming with us?" she questioned.

He slowly sat upright on the bed with a sigh.

"No mum.., you guys can go ahead."

"Why son...." she inquired as she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

"You're going to miss out on a lot of fun dear. Just come with us. Moreover, you and Lucretia us been friends since childhood. You should be there with her son...."

"I know mum...but I have lots of things to take care of. I'll call her to talk to her about it."

"Okay son, we'll be heading out then. You can join us when you're done."

"Okay mum..."

"Take care dear" she mumbled as she peeked his forehead and trod out of the room.

Philip sighed and glanced at where he has kept his outfit.

"I don't think it's a good thing for to be there. I've been a jerk of late." he muttered and laid back on his bed.

Mr. Antonio was taking a glance through some documents when his wife walked in.

"So..., Is he coming with us?" he questioned as he dropped the documents on the table beside their bed.

"No dear....I don't know what's going on between them."

"Don't worry dear, it might be a small misunderstanding. Let's head out first, he will come around. Let's give him some time."

"Okay dear." answered Mrs. Raina as she took her bag and they both glided out of the room.

"We're leaving son..." shouted Mrs. Raina as they got to Philip's door.

"Okay mum..." he answered from the room.


Lindsey and Anita sat on the bed as they watched Lucretia nervously moving to and fro in the room.

"Oi...., you're making me dizzy Lucretia." uttered Lindsey as she stood up from the bed and held Lucretia to sit on the chair infront of her study table.

"Do you think he's going to come?" she questioned as she glanced at their faces expectantly.

"Sure Lucretia but if you still have some doubts, you can call Mike and Eugene to ask them how things are going with them." replied Anita.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." she added hastily as she quickly reached for her phone."

She dialed Mike's number and waited impatiently as it connects.

"Hey... Luc." mumbled Anita as she gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"I think you should calm down." she added as Lucretia her lifted her face.

Just then, Mike answered the call.

"How is it going Mike...?" she questioned.

"Calm down Lucretia, we'll surely help you in getting him over there. Let's talk later, we just got to his house."

"Okay guys..,thank you." she replied and the line went dead.

"Cheer up Lucretia, everything is going to turn out well." murmured Lindsey as she went over to the wardrobe to get dresses.

"Yeah..Luc, cheer up." commented Anita as she gently patted her shoulder and joined Lindsey.

"Okay, okay...." she muttered with a sigh and dashed off to her wardrobe.

She searched through her things and took out a white sleeveless dress with roses design in it.

Lindsey also brought out a turquoise blue dress whiles Anita took a pink dress with a white band in the middle and herms.

"I think these dresses are okay." remarked Lindsey as they stared at the dresses on the bed.

Anita and Lucretia also glanced at the dresses and nodded.

At that moment, Mrs. Angelica's voice intruded.

"Are you girls done? I need help over here." she shouted as she stood at the foot of the stairs.

"Almost mum..., we'll be right out." replied Lucretia.

"Okay, be quick. The guests are arriving."

"Okay mum..., we'll be down there soon." she answered as her mother's voice faded away.

"I think we should hurry before mum comes back again." she added as she picked up her dress from the bed and got into it. Lindsey and Anita also did same. They all glided to the mirror and applied slight makeups.

Lindsey and Anita held their hair into a bun whiles Lucretia loosen hers behind her, pegging the sides with a red ribbon to match the roses in her dress. She strolled to her shoe rack, took a white pair of heels and got into then whiles Lindsey and Anita also wore a pair of heels to match their outfits.

"All done." uttered Lindsey as she glanced at herself in the mirror.

"Let go girls before mum storms in here." muttered Lucretia.

They all chuckled slightly and glided out of the room.


It was around 6pm and the party has already been set into motion with guest arriving. Lucretia and Anita were in charge of welcoming the guests whiles Lindsey guides the to the gathering grounds.

Lucretia and Anita stood at the entrance doing what they were assigned to when a voice can calling from behind.

"Hey girls...."

They slowly turned to the voice the call.

"Hey Jayden...." mumbled Anita with a smile as they drew into a slight hug.

"You're looking good Ani..." commented Jayden as they drew back from the hug.

"Thanks Jay... I'm honoured." she responded with a grin.

"Hi Luc.." he uttered as he turned his gaze to Lucretia.

"Hi Jay..."she mumbled with a smile as he neared her. Jayden smiled back and leaned closer to her.

" You look gorgeous." he mumbled into her ears. Lucretia smiled sheepishly as he drew back with a bright smile on his face.

"Then...., I'll leave you girls to what you were doing. I think Lindsey needs my help over there." he added as he slightly turned, pointing to the direction where Lindsey was.

"Sure ..." mumbled Anita with a grin.

"Okay...see you girls later." he added as dashed off.

"Hmm..hmm..." mumbled Anita, clearing her throat.

"I can sense someone blushing over here." she added wittily.

"Hey...Ani, knock it off." she uttered with a smile.

"Okay...,okay.." she answered with a grin as she turned back to continue with what they were doing.


It has been an hour now and almost all the quest were in but Philip was no where to be seen.

"Come girls.., the party has already began." shouted Mrs. Angelica.

"Okay...Aunt." replied Anita.

"Let's go Lucretia." she added as she glided towards the party but suddenly stopped when she noticed Lucretia still standing at the entrance, glancing around expectantly.

"Lucretia...." she called out to her.

"Hmm...." she mumbled, her eyes still fixed on the streets expectantly.

"I think we should get in first Luc..."

"O..kay....Ani.." she dully replied, quiet disappointed as she turned to leave. Just then, she heard familiar voices approaching from behind. she swiftly turned and saw Mike and Eugene, followed by Philip. Her face instantly Brightened with a smile.

"Are we late?" queried Mike as he neared her.

"No Mike, just on time." she answered with a smile.

"Hi....Lucretia." uttered Eugene as he walked by to where the party was.

"Hi Eugene." she answered with a smile as she glanced at Philip. He stared at her as he walked pass without uttering a word. Lucretia looked on and smiled to herself.

"I'll head in first Luc." shouted Anita from where she stood.

"Lindsey needs my help." she added and strolled off.

"Okay..." replied Anita and turned back to Mike.

"Thanks Mike..." she mumbled to him.

"It's nothing Lucretia." he replied as he gently patted her shoulder and glided away to join the others. Lucretia smiled to herself and turned to leave but suddenly stopped when she noticed sight of a familiar figure approaching. She swiftly turned turned back to verify and was thrown into awe.

"Did you miss me Lu..cre..tia..?" queried Daisy with a smirk.

At that moment, Mrs. Angelica called again.

"I'm coming mum.." she answered and dashed off, leaving Daisy to herself.

"I'm not going to have you steal Philip from me you bitch." she mumbled with smirk and strolled into the party to join Philip and his friends.

It's already been 30mins now into the climax of the party and everybody seems to be enjoying themselves. Jayden was moving around socialising with some guests whiles Lucretia stood with her friends, glancing at Philip and his friends with Daisy trolling all over him.

"How do we separate this evil bitch from Philip?" queried Lucretia.

"Don't know yet Luc but just be patient for a while." answered Lindsey.

Just then, Daisy's phone rang.

"Excuse me guys..."

"Sure Daisy.." mumbled Mike as he went on with what he was saying.

"Hello mum.." uttered Daisy as she dashed out of the room, her voice fading away.

"This is our chance Luc..Go, I will get Philip to the balcony." said Lindsey as she nudged Lucretia on the ribs.

"Okay Lindsey. Thank you so much girls.." she mumbled and dashed out whiles Lindsey glided towards where Philip and his friends stood.

"Hi guys.., can I borrow Philip for a while?" she inquired as she neared them.

"Sure, sure." muttered Mike as they strolled off.

"How can I help you Lindsey?" questioned Philip as he glanced at her.

"Well...Phil, can you help me bring some stuffs from the balcony? I'm kind of busy with the guests over here."

"Sure Lindsey. Where exactly?"

"The balcony behind the kitchen."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

"Thanks Phil.."

"Nevermind Lindsey" he mumbled and strolled away.

Lindsey looked on with a smile as she watched him turned the corner to the balcony. She looked over to Anita and gestured with a thumbs up.


Lucretia was nervously waiting whiles fidgeting when Philip walked in. She smiled sheepishly on noticing him.

"Hmm..Phil." she mumbled but Philip quickly turned to leave.

"Wait Phil...." she hastily uttered, holding him back.

He sighed and slowly turned to face her.

"What is it Luc..?" he questioned.

"Well..Phil, I'm sorry if I've wronged you in any way. I want us to go back to the way we were. I don't ...." she uttered, ranting on how they have been close since childhood and how she missed their time together.

Philip stood quietly listening on without a word as he stared st Lucretia, lost in her mesmerizing beauty. Lucretia was still talking when Philip suddenly leaned in, kissing her on the lips. Lucretia's eyes flew wide opened, her heart thumping as she also lost herself into it and they kissed passionately like one lost lovers. Jayden glanced at them from a distance and turned away.

Daisy was still on the phone as she strolled around over to the balcony and noticed them.

"Phil..." she exclaimed, making Lucretia and Philip broke instantly from their kiss. They turned to her direction and she rushed out.

"Daisy..." shouted Philip as he raced after her.