
The friend I love

Jayden dashed off after Lucretia still confused. He called after her but she just walked on. Lucretia was about to enter the class when she met face to face with Crystal and Mimie at the entrance.

"Hey..Lucretia..." exclaimed Mimie gleefully but she just passed them by without a word, looking gloomy. Mimie and Crystal turned to look at each other puzzled.

"What's wrong with her? She has never behaved like this." remarked Mimie.

"I'm confused myself, Mimie." replied Crystal.

At that moment, Jayden walked in. Mimie held his hand and drew him closer.

"What's wrong with Lucretia?" she whispered, slightly turning her gaze to Lucretia who was sitting at her desk with a long face.

"I don't know Mimie. She was just fine now. I don't know what changed her mood." he responded.

"Might it be that she is having mood swings?" queried Crystal.

"I don't think so Crystal. Lucretia doesn't have any problem with mood swings. She has always been a cheerful and lovely person." commented Mimie.

"Yes Crystal.., I agree with Mimie. Anyway, where were you girls going?"

"We were going to the locker room to get our geography text books." answered Crystal.

"I think you girls should go and come before the bell rings."

"Okay..okay.., try and see if you can get anything from her before we return." mumbled Mimie as they rushed out of the class.

"Sure..." he uttered and left off to his seat.


Crystal and Mimie were half way through the hall to the locker room when they heard voices from the washroom.

"Isn't that Daisy's voice?" questioned Crystal as they stopped in their tracks drawing nearer to the washroom door.

"It's sure is Crystal.." whispered Mimie as they leaned on the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.


"Girls..., I think the time to get back at Lucretia is now." announced Daisy to her friends.

Nikita and Nelly stared at each other, puzzled.

"What are you talking about Daisy?" queried Nikita.

"Yeah...Daisy, you know Philip is Lucretia's best friend and he wouldn't have you bullying her." added Nelly.

"Best friends my foot." she uttered, rolling her eyes.

"Huh..,please save me your long sermons and listen carefully what I have to tell you." she mumbled.

"Um..., we're all ears." replied Nelly.

"Well, I think Philip and Lucretia are not on good terms but I don't really know what they're fighting about which is actually none of my business." she announced as she wrapped her arms and leaned on the sink.

"So what do you plan on doing?" inquired Nikita.

"Well..." she uttered with a smirk as she clasped her hands.

"I just need to fuel their misunderstanding to turn into hatred between them." she added smugly.

"What? That bitch...!" exclaimed Mimie from the door. Crystal immediately covered her mouth but Daisy and her friends has already heard her.

"Who is there?" queried Daisy as she moved towards the door.

"I think we should go now Mimie." uttered Crystal hastily, pulling Mimie along as they rushed off to the locker room.

Daisy got to the door and swung it opened. she pecked through but found no one there.

"Who was it Daisy?" inquired Nikita.

Daisy turned to them and shrugged.


The bell went off.

"Let's go girls. We have class." muttered Daisy as she left to the class followed by Nikita and Nelly.


Mimie and Crystal got to class just in time before the teacher. They went over and took their seats behind Lucretia.

"Do you think we should tell her?" asked Mimie quizzically.

"I don't think so. Let's wait after this lesson." answered Crystal.

"I heard you girls..., what's there to tell me?" questioned Lucretia as she turned to face them.


Just then, the teacher walked in drawing Lucretia's attention from them.

"Good morning, pick your text books and open to page 10." she mumbled as she dropped her books on the table.

Mimie and Crystal took out their books and sighed.

"That was close." whispered Mimie.

"Hey.. girls, you would still have to tell me after class." she muttered as she turned swiftly to her friends and back to the teacher.

"Uhm...." they mumbled.

The lesson was a long one with lots of class activities and group discussions. All those while, Lucretia kept stealing a peck at Philip. Soon, the long awaited bell rang. All the students sighed in relief.

"See you tomorrow." the teacher announced and left.

"Let's go guys.." said Philip to his friends as he took Daisy's hand and they left followed by Mike and Eugene. Though Lucretia felt hurt, she looked on without a word.

"You girls will have to go first. I need to go to the Principal's office before heading to the canteen." declared Jayden as he stood from his seat.

"Okay..." they mumbled.

"Are you sure you're okay Luc?" he questioned as he took Lucretia's hand into his.

"Yes..." she responded.

Mimie and Crystal looked on and gasped, Mimie nudging Crystal.

"Do you see what l'm seeing?" remarked Mimie with a chuckle.

"Yes Mimie.." muttered Crystal with a smile.

"Okay then..., see you girls later at the canteen." he announced and dashed off.

Mimie and Crystal rushed over to Lucretia smiling.

"Did you finally accept?" inquired Mimie with a smile.

Lucretia smiled with a nod.

"Woow...." exclaimed Mimie ecstatically.

"Enough Mimie..." mumbled Lucretia with a smile.

"Can we go for lunch now? I'm starving." she added hastily as she stood from her seat.

"Yeah..., let's go." responded Crystal with a smile and they left.

They were half way through the corridor when Crystal remember what Daisy said.

"Uhm..Lucretia.., Is it true that you and Philip are not on good terms?" she questioned quizzically.

"Well..." she mumbled, Crystal and Mimie waiting attentively for her reply.

"I don't know what's really going on with Philip but he is not talking to me." she added.

"But have you tried to confront him?" asked Mimie.

"I tried but he kept avoiding me like he is annoyed with me about something but I really don't know what it is." she answered.

By this time, they were in the canteen. They went over to the counter and took their tray of food.

"Lucretia..., I think Daisy is planning something to destroy your friendship with him." Uttered Crystal.

"What.....?, That proud bitch." exclaimed Lucretia as they searched the canteen for an empty seat.

"So you have to be careful about her." said Mimie.

"Don't worry Mimie, I know how to deal with bitches like her." she answered.

Just then, Crystal spotted a seat at the far end behind Daisy and her friends.

"There is a seat over there." exclaimed Crystal chipping in.

"Great, let's go over." muttered Lucretia and the trotted off to the seat.

Just then, Daisy saw them coming and put his foot in the way. Lucretia didn't notice it. She tripped and fell heavily on the floor, spelling her food all over herself.

"Oops..., are your eyes not good?" mumbled Daisy as she busted into laughter.

Lucretia glared at the floor and stood up. She turned furiously to Daisy and gave her a heavy slap on the face. It sounded so loud that it drew the whole students attention to them. Philip was returning from the washroom when he saw Lucretia slap Daisy. He quickly rushed to Daisy and brushed Lucretia away.

"What's wrong with you Luc...?" he exclaimed.

"What are you saying Phil? Didn't you see what she did?" she mumbled with tears in her eyes and stormed out of the canteen.

"Lucretia....." exclaimed Mimie and Crystal in unison and rushed after her.

Jayden got there only to see Lucretia running out of the canteen.

"Lucretia...." he exclaimed and also went after her.

Daisy sat with fake tears in her eyes, smiling smugly to herself.