


Not even attempting to comprehend her short speech, I shake my head and again ask, /"Where is he?/"

His mother glances off. /"I don't know./"

/"You don't know?/"

/"His father and Alexander have been searching for him for days now. Ben has taken over his duties until he returns./"

My brow furrows. /"Days? How long was I—/"

/"Nearly a week. When we arrived back in Waindale, we came directly here to see our son only to find him in ruins—an utter mess. He refused to explain how exactly you had fallen into your coma-like state, and instead left. I tended to you and assumed he needed time. When he didn't come back that night, I sent his father to find him. When his father couldn't find him, Alexander joined in. Ben took control, and now you are all caught up. So, do you care at all to explain what in the world happened?/"