

Hello, My brothers and sisters in humanity, I present to you one of the most beautiful folk tales, which is narrated to children and enjoyed by both the young and the old, cherished by the elders in my country, Tunisia. Just mentioning Tunisia is enough to understand that this tale comes from a country with a rich history and a grand past. It's not merely a story, but a narrative full of lessons, constructed wonderfully, passed down from generation to generation. Each generation has left its mark on it, adding to its charm and extracting from it pleasures that exceed the present delights. It is enchanting, playing with the spirit and teasing the thoughts.

Elhedi · Fantaisie
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The days, months, and years passed. The girl grew up, raised in a normal upbringing, like any of her peers in that village. But she had one problem, which was that her peers, when they wanted to make her angry, would repeat in her ears, 'Wadaa Who scattered the seven' Wadaa would get very angry at what they said, even though she didn't understand the meaning of what they were repeating in front of her. And perhaps this is what makes her even angrier, as it is in our nature to fear the unknown, even if we know that the unknown

we fear may be easy, nice, or even wonderful. And it is our fear that always makes us angry.

Wadaa peers didn't know about her siblings and their story. If they did, they would have told her in the context of a formula to hurt and ridicule her . It's important for children to outgrow this behavior as they grow up, otherwise, their bad character will lead to isolation.

But they used to hear this from their elders, parents, and grandparents who would repeat the phrase among themselves.

Anyway, every time something happened to her, she would rush to her mother to tell her about the injustice and ask her why they said those things to her, but her mother wouldn't explain anything and would pour useless words into her ears.


The repeated harm inflicted on Wadaa led to a severe deterioration in her mental state. One day, when she was still young and the signs of femininity were starting to show on her body, she carried a bottle of poison with her, somehow obtained, and entered her mother's presence with it. She threatened her, saying she would drink the poison if she didn't reveal the secret that children whispered in her ears. At that moment, the mother cried tears of helplessness and was compelled to tell Wadaa the story. However, the story she told was the one that the mother knows, which was that her sisters had left despite knowing the newborn was a girl. The lady didn't know what her servant had done to her.

Once Wadaa learned the truth from her mother's perspective, she felt sorrow for the pain her mother endured due to her brothers' abandonment, which she felt responsible for. Wadaa vowed to roam the earth in search of them and not return to her village until she found them. She said, "Just as I was the cause of their departure, I will be the reason for their return."


The mother tried to dissuade her daughter from her decision, relying on her tears, pain, and fear for her not to perish like her siblings did. However, all her efforts were in vain, as the daughter insisted on carrying out what she had decided to do.

At this point, the mother spoke, informing her daughter that she wouldn't be able to travel with her due to her old age and frailty during that time. She would send the servants to accompany her and assist her on her journey. She also presented her with the sickle, The sickle with which the father was injured during harvesting and passed away, which she told her contained a part of her father's spirit and would guide her to her siblings whenever she asked.

Wadaa bid her mother a farewell, she prepared her provisions for the long journey. As dawn broke the next day, she asked it, "In which direction should I begin my journey?" It moved in her hand, pointing her in the right direction, and said, "My daughter. Don't be afraid, for I am always near you."


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