
The Second Legendary Class (1) - 6

<Unknown POV>

"What is it?" I asked to a shaking, nerdy guy that was standing in front of my desk.

"Boss... A legendary class has already been found."

"What!" I shouted, not believing what I had just heard.

"Didn't you whitecoats design the game so that it'd actually be hard to get a legendary class?"

"We added a few classes here and there that only needed the player to achieve a specific condition, but we put those classes in spots that nobody would ever expect! It should have taken at least a year or two for those types of legendary classes to be found..."

"I don't care about your shitty "should haves", I bet the news has already spread. Now I'll have to do damage control and convince everyone that the game is fair."

Rubbing my temples with my hand, I waved the whitecoat out and pushed an unassuming button under my desk.

"EDEN, report."

"Yes Sir. There have actually been two legendary classes that have been found."

"Then why wasn't it reported?"

"I blocked it, Sir."


"You've already found a suitable Bookkeeper? This early?"

"Yes, I've felt the love he gives to the books. He will be a great addition for me as the Head of Staff at the Akashic Records."

"Well, do what you will, after all, you don't have to answer to me anymore."

"I know, but I'm still your daughter, the product of all your hard work, Dad. I should still have some sense of loyalty."

"I know... But it's been 25 years, run wild, show the world how great you are."

"Okay Dad."

I smiled, after all, I was happy. How could I not be? My daughter had finally grown up.

And she would be the greatest thing that this world would ever experience.

The waves of her actions would be the force that changed the course of humanity.

We would finally become the greatest race there ever was.

We would reach the peak of evolution.

We would become, perfect.


<Winter's POV>

My ears were itchy for some reason.

'Is someone talking about me?'

Shaking off the feeling, I headed deeper into the city.

(A/N: I had to add that in. If you didn't get it, you're uncultured.)

You see, the Starfell continent was the most technologically advanced continent in the early stages of the game, having a sort of Victorian England feel to it.

So, as I walked deeper and deeper into the city, I was finally met with a tall clock tower that rose up above all the other buildings.

Walking around the bottom of the clock tower, I confirmed my location when I found that there was no visible entrance to the insides.

Placing myself in front of one of the corners, I walked 20 steps back and started jumping, slamming as hard into the ground as I could.

This was probably the only place in the whole game that I could do this, so I couldn't mess it up.

After jumping and landing as hard as I could, I ran at full speed towards the corner of the clock tower.

Bracing myself, I closed my eyes, slightly expecting some of my teeth to fall out and for my face to be messed up.

But, not that surprisingly, I was able to phase through the wall.

[Ding! The title of, "Glitch User", has been awarded to player, "Ash of Winter".]

[Ding! A new quest has been spontaneously created due to the achievements of player, "Ash of Winter".]

[Please climb to the top of the tower to receive the class change.]

Seeing this, I smiled, as I had found what I was looking for.

Well, to be honest, I still couldn't figure out how the original holder of this class had found this glitch. But whatever, it was still a legendary class, and as long as I got it, I didn't care about how crazy the original wielder had been.

Anyways, back to the current situation, I was looking around the first floor of this clock tower, trying to find the glitch that would take me up to the second floor.

The setting of this "level", was a dark, damp basement with the only source of light being a single lantern shining in the middle of the room.

First, I scrutinized the pipes running up the walls, but when there was nothing.

Turning to the lantern, I tried pulling it out of the floor, but it wouldn't budge.

There was a door to the room, but when I tried to open it, it wouldn't budge a single inch.

Thinking that there was some type of glitch with the door, I tried pressing it in specific places, but that didn't work.

Taking a few steps back, I ran at the door, trying to run through it, but it only resulted in my body taking a beating.

Realizing that the door wasn't the answer, I looked around the room again.

Thinking something stupid, I though that... well, in the end, it worked.

Don't judge, but, I jumped onto the top of the lantern like one of the players that tried jumping on everything.

And, just like that, I was harmlessly exploded off of the ground and through the ceiling of the first floor.

(A/N: I'm going to be modifying a few glitches in actual games for the scenarios of this arc. This one was based off of the trashcan glitch in Hello Neighbor.)

Finding myself laying face down on a cold hard floor, I tried to push myself up, only to find that there was something extremely heavy on me.

Looking up with only my head, I realized that I was on a snowy battlefield.

And, sitting on top of me was a giant tank.

Unlike the last level, I knew the exact glitch that I was facing.

Having seen a battlefield like this before, I knew that the tank wasn't the glitch, it was probably just a starting point that was meant to throw me off.

I waited until the tank rolled off towards the battlefield, before getting up and dusting the snow off my newbie clothes.

Quickly finding a nearby soldier, I shanked them and then took their clothes, as I was freezing my ass off.

Finally, I looked at the battlefield, searching for traces of the glitch.

After all, I was facing off against the invisibility glitch.

Finally done with the 7th and last chapter of the mass release!

It's 11:30 PM right now, and I got school tomorrow, so I'll be going to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the beginning of this new journey, and that you'll continue along with me for this wild ride.

Thanks for reading!

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