
VRMMO: Dragon Born

within the latest Virtual Reality game called Heavens Wrath the only thing that matter was a person’s strength. David was unlucky at the beginning and was granted to Common class of a Warrior. however during a Raid he found the key to change his life. [Would you like to Consume Dragon Kings Blood?] “yes!” From that day onwards they were tremble in fear or so David had hoped. [The Dragon Kings Blood is corrupting your soul.] [Level is being reset to Level.1] [All inventory items will be destroyed] [All skills will be erased] [All character affinity’s will be reset to 0] [You have obtained the Mythical Class Dragon Kings Descendant] When David awoke from the Egg he was smaller then a mouse which led him to doubt wether it was the right choice to make.

MFZEID · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


David had returned home to his one bedroom apartment and immediately took a shower but his mind was still in turmoil for what he was going to do now.

Guilds, independent contractors and even Fortune 500 companies were desperately searching for David or to be accurate they were looking for the Dragon Kings Last Decsendant.

Right now all David had at his disposal was his innate game knowledge.

'I have the Stats to rival that a Level.50 monsters so I can skip straight through the low level monsters.'

However going and farming bosses wasn't optional due to the lack of inventory functionality. If a rare Item were to appear then nothing would stop someone from stealing it.

Quests wouldn't be possible because of his current form and so would be asking Players for help. News would spread and Rankers or even the Top guilds would take notice and hunt him down.

But as he looked out his small window he saw a passing Public Bus and then it hit him.

"Buses! That's perfect!"

Guilds often use the Busing system to quickly raise a group of Low Level Players. It's used so often that even V.R.G had made an official website called VRGTransit.com.

[Confirming Identity....]

[Idenity Confirmed, Welcome Tiamat to VRGTransit]

[Please acknowledge that any unethical behaviour will be punished by a 72 Hour Ban from Heavens Wrath and may be lifted only by a Investigative Officer]

[You have acknowledged the terms of use, Good Luck]

[Petition yourself to be a Bus Driver]

[Join a scheduled Transit]

[Report a Faulty Bus]

Host a Dungeon exploration, Join an exploration or report a issue involving a Dungeon exploration. Three features but they were now the key to earning money.

"Ok so I'm currently in the Thunder Bay region in the Elemental Kingdom. If I remember correctly there is a Hob-Goblin Dungeon. Maximum level allowed is level.60 and the minimum is level.10"

However now the issue at hand was the cost of a Transit ticket. Getting carried is never cheap.

[Petition for a Bus ride inside of Elemental Kingdom Thunder Bay Hob-Goblin Dungeon for 10 Gold coins per ticket has been sent]

[You will receive notification of the Petition's results within the next 24 hours]

The VRG sets the time and sends the bill upon its completion. But it was regrettable for David to hand over half of all profits.

Many were outraged by the blatant thievery but its security concerns were rock solid as thousands of players were joining Self made Dungeon Buses only for them to be killed by the player who hosted it.

After which no one bothers with the service cost. Items could be Sold directly from the Bus ride to the VRG in exchange for Gold but that too was part of the dungeon.

So the VRG was still entitled to half of everything… for other people that is.

[Bus Petition has been approved and Published for 12pm to 4pm]

[VRG Official#22975 has sent a Urgent Message]

All bus Rides are supposed to last only a single hour but David's was supposed to Last for four hours. On top of that a VRG Official had sent him a Message.


[Hello Legendary Player Tiamat, On behalf of the Developer Team we would like to provide aid when using the VRGTransit website. All Bus rides will now last up to Four hours and VRG Commission Costs will be reduced to 1/4th. Please enjoy these benefits given to you]

It was both outrageous and yet pleasing to feel this type of service. Not only could he charge more for increased Hunting time but the VRG's take would be reduced down to just a quarter of the total amount earned.

However such things are never free so David was naturally suspicious of the development team who sent the Letter.

But really it was just Jim Kirk throwing a lifeline to a drowning man.

Jim now knew everything there was to know about David.

"So he was a Swordsman before changing Classes… Level.109 and a few high ranked titles and skills… Hmm?…!"

Nothing of interest could be seen except for Affinities with NPC's.

'I-Impossible! How does he have that much affinity with that woman! How has no one noticed!?'

No one has ever seen Jim act in such a way as he took over the screens in the conference room and showed everyone what he was shocked about.

They all followed suit with absolute shock and awe in their faces.

"NPC#00934… Code Name… Lava Queen…"

"Affinity… 74%!? How is this possible?! Most Players can't even talk to her!"

The room erupted into chaos all while Jim Kirk was shaking.

"We need to find out what else we missed. We need to do it now! Go Go Go!"

A new piece had appeared on the board and Jim was terrified of what might happen in the future.

Quite possibly Jim had met his match.

But he would think quite differently if he could see David sleeping on the Bed(Couch) in his small apartment.

It wasn't much but it was home and that was something David was willing to do anything to protect.

The next day David had looked online and found his Transit Ride was full and the amount had been collected.

"240 Gold… if I'm right then that's equivalent to $24. I might get lucky and gain items to sell."

One of many perks to VRG's generosity. Players could earn money from the gold within the game into real life currency.

However it was just chump change compared to before he changed classes.

"I used to earn this much from just killing a single Area mob but… all great things have small beginnings."

It was regrettable but David saw that this would only be the beginning.

"Hello and welcome, how may I help you?"

"I wish to rent a Capsule for 7 hours."

"Certainly, that will be $400 please. Capsule Number091."

Although the price was costly it was necessary to travel the distance before the booked Dungeon Raid.

'It will take me at least two hours to make it to the dungeon and then I'll need to have a convincing explanation.'

If they saw David in his form without a reasonable explanation then many could speculate that he was the Legendary player that everyone has been searching for.

[Identity Confirmed]

[Welcome to Heavens Wrath]

"First let's allocate the unassigned Stat points then I'll have to get going. Status."

[Tiamat-Lv.14][Global Ranking:#2,150,921]

[Class: Dragon Kings Decsendant]


[Race:Dragon Born]

[Title: Kings Last Decsendant and Two others]








[Unassigned Status Points:0]

[Skills:Frost Blast]

Despite being the size of a Gecko David's travelling speed was faster the a crocodile swimming in water.

Maybe it was because of the sudden increase in agility stats or maybe he was getting used to his current form.

Either way it cut the amount of time to travel in half. However a new problem appeared as there were Hundreds of players all gathered around the Hob-Goblin Dungeon.

"That's a lot more then 24 people. Maybe since I'm early these guys aren't apart of my Bus."

There was only one way to confirm.

[Linking to VRGTRANSIT Official#0072…]

[Link established]

["Hello Player Tiamat. Where are you? Everyone has gathered together ahead of schedule."]

"I am nearby but wasn't the Transit supposed to have only 24 Members? Is another group finishing up their expedition?"

["Yes, another group is exiting the Dungeon but I was told to speak to you in person before entering."]

While the official was looking around for David he hadn't expected what he'd find.

"Sir Tiamat? Is that you?"

"Just call me Tiamat and yes it's me. Your employer probably wanted you to see me so you can understand the circumstances."

David fit into the palm of the official's hand but yet it was still a bit to take in.

'This… is the Dragon Kings Decsendant? He must be in the beginning stages of his journey.'

Naturally it would cause doubt of David's capabilities wether or not he could complete the dungeon. However it wasn't the Official's job and merely his sole responsibility was to ensure that the dungeon had started with all players accountable.

David knew the Official would doubt his skills as anyone would.

"I understand if you have doubts but know that I wouldn't be doing this if I couldn't handle myself. But I'll need your help to convince the others that I am a Pet and not a Player."
