

Finally, it was the day of the reception and Drishti was decked up as a royal bride, with her tiara ofcourse.

"Oh my! Don't I look regal?" Drishti asked looking at the mirror with a grin.

"Yes baby, you do" Divyanshi said

"Can you believe it Maa. I'm a princess. A real princess. With a tiara" Drishti said excitedly touching her tiara every few minutes to make sure it is there.

"I can't believe you are all grown up. It feels like yesterday I first held you in my arms" Divyanshi said as her eyes welled up

"Aww Maa. Don't make me cry too. Not that I would cry. I don't understand why the brides always cry during the wedding. It's

not as if they are leaving their parents permanently. I can always come and see you whenever I want. You could do the same. I will still be your darling Drishti." Drishti said

"Uh oh"

"The only difference would be, I will staying at Shravan's place instead of the hostel" Drishti said