

Julia was raped as a teenager as a result she despised men. She didn't want anything to do with them. She sees them as destroyers. Her life had always been perfect not until that day her virtue was robbed from her. How she hates that gender. Not only the virtue that was robbed from her. Her uncle- Mr. Anas, was after her life for a document her dad had given her to keep safe. The documents weren't just a mere one, it was the key to ruling the world as the owner of a big technological company. One would do anything to be in that position, just as her uncle had done. From her findings, she had discovered it was her uncle that had murdered her family. Not only was she on the run, but she was also planning her revenge strategies. Shawn, a musician is bent on taking revenge on those that made his life unbearable as a teenager. He made some bad decisions when he was a kid and he promised to make up for it. He eventually met Julie and fell in love with her. Will Julie let her guards down and give Shawn a chance? Read to find out

Theresa_Odoemene · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Jealous (2)

Shawn POV

I ran to my room and locked the door. I decided that I wasn't going to sack him or physically abuse him, but I'll make sure I get closer to Julia so she would love me.

Whereas, what did she see in him? I'm more mature than he is, he looks like he is in his early twenties, while I'm twenty-nine. I've got the money... Oh! She's not that kind of a person, which was one of the reasons I got attracted to her. I was sweating, so I took a shower and changed into light clothing.

When I was done, I went to her room and heaved a sigh before turning the doorknob. I entered and stood transfixed as my eyes ravished the sight in front of me. Julia stood wrapped in a short towel that barely covered her thighs, water was dripping from her hair. She looked uncomfortable as she clutched the towel.

"Uhm... You should've knocked at least. What if I was naked?" She asked.

"I'm-- I'm sorry." I apologized.

"This one that you just barged into my room, hope there's no problem."

"There's no problem," I replied.

"How about Ciara's twin?" She asked

"She's in my room, sleeping," I replied as I walked to her bed and sat down facing the window. She sat beside me on the bed.

"You're carrying a long face, something is definitely wrong somewhere. Talk to me." She said but I kept mute. She turned my face so I could face her.

"You're hiding something from me right?" She asked looking worried and I stared at her bare chest, then her face.

"I saw you with Erastus," I said and she burst out laughing. I wonder what's funny.

"Is that the reason you've been carrying a long face?" She asked. "I'm glad that someone is jealous." She said and laughed again.

"You're laughing?" I asked shocked.

"Come on, stop being childish. Whereas we're not lovers."

"You mean yourself and Erastus?" I asked

"No, the both of us. So, why should you be jealous?" She asked and I bit my lip.

"Are you both lovers?" I asked.

"No, we're not. Why did you ask?"

"I saw him kiss you."

"Me? He didn't, although he tried to. Was that the reason why you were moody?" She asked and chuckled.

At least they weren't lovers.

"I never knew men got jealous easily." She said as she lay face upwards on the bed making the towel shift dangerously high. I couldn't take my eyes off her exposed laps.

"I feel like getting married to you right here and right now," I said and she chuckled.

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't want Erastus to snatch you away from me," I replied as I leaned on the bed with my elbow, staring down at her.

"You're beautiful." I complimented, caressing her cheek.

"Sophia, your sister, is more pretty than I am."

"That's a lie. That reminds me, she called yesterday and asked of you."


"Yeah. She gave you a nickname."

"What nickname?"

"I won't tell you. It's not meant for your ears." I said and we remained quiet, staring at each other. My lips descended to hers and she faced the other way which made it get in contact with her neck. I couldn't help it, as I kissed her on the neck and she sighed. When I saw that she didn't resist, I proceeded to kiss her lips, that was when she reacted. She shoved me away and sat up, which made her towel loose, she quickly used it to cover her chest, but I had already seen what she was hiding; her breasts.

"Uhm... I'm sorry about that" I said apologetically and her face reddened, which meant she was embarrassed.

"Can you give me some space? I want to put on my clothing."

"Of course," I said and left her room

Julia POV

When he left, I slapped myself mentally. Why did I let myself into that? I had seen it coming, yet I didn't do anything about it. I needed to be more careful in my dealings with him.

I had already dressed and I was really hungry as I hadn't taken anything since morning.

I went to the kitchen, and to my amazement, I saw Mr. Shawn there, cooking. I wanted to leave quietly because I was still embarrassed by what happened earlier, but he turned back and saw me.

"Hey," He called, "Come and join me in preparing the food." He said and I found myself going towards him.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"I'm preparing potato salad. He replied.

"How about Erastus? Why are you the one cooking, when he's the one that ought to be cooking."

"I'm doing it specially for you." He said and my heart skipped a beat.

"Can you cook?" I asked laughing.

"Are you trying to mock me? Well, for your information, I once participated in a cooking competition and I came second. Isn't that cool?" He asked and I was shocked.

What was the point in employing a cook then?

"Well, stop bragging. Let me taste it first." I said and he chuckled.

Just then, Erastus came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and I struggled free from his grip. I looked at Shawn and he was staring daggers at Erastus.

"Erastus, you can leave. I'm helping you to prepare the dishes." Shawn said.

"Why would you be stressing yourself? You would've called me so that I will prepare it." Said Erastus.

"It's not a stress, as far as Julia is concerned."

"Are you trying to say that you are preparing it specially for Julia?"

"Exactly," Shawn said and Erastus looked from me to Mr. Shawn

"Is there something going on between you two that I don't know?"

"Are you jealous?" Shawn asked tauntingly.

"Yeah, I am," Erastus said matter of factly, and Shawn laughed out loud.


We were in the dining room, eating. Shawn was staring at me the whole time and I wasn't comfortable.

"Are you enjoying it?" He asked.

"Of course. It's very delicious." I said with food in my mouth. "Aren't you eating?" I asked.

"I prepared it specially for you." He said.

"How was the operation?" I asked and noticed his mood changed. "Is there anything I need to know?" I asked dropping my fork, tensed.