
Pinnacle of Evolution (3)


Scremed out thirteen, his voice reverberated in their apartment.

He never had a camera feed on Jin, and now, he even lost communication with him.

Typing away on his keyboard, he saw something else.

The machine was gone, and it sent out another signal.

'I can't block this one, god damn it.' 

Cursed Thirteen once again, slamming his desk in anger before getting up from his chair.

Now, everyone was aware of the building that Jin was coming for them.

'He completely lost control, he is probably going there in anger.' 

Speculated Thirteen, going up to his desk, putting his hand under the desk, and clicking a button hidden away three times.

Doing that opened a secret shelf that wasn't present on the desk.

Putting his hand in that, he picked out a strange-looking revolver and a grenade.

But that grenade wasn't ordinary either.

Picking up those two, even while being deathly sick, he wasted no time to rush out of the apartment and go after Jin.


Rushing through the alleyways with lightning speed while electricity crackled around his body and he held his blade in his right hand, Jin was rushing towards the building.

His mind was empty he couldn't think.

The only thing he felt was cold rage.

Running through the streets with electricity around him, the dwellers of the Tenth District only saw a blue blur rush through the streets.

A single blue blur.

No one could see anything else than that.

The building was ten minutes away but with Jin's speed, he appeared there in a single moment.

Only to see another dilapidated building.

Similar to the place where he and Thirteen did a contract job a couple of days ago.

His mind was overrun by rage, only to see two guards at the door of the dilapidated building.

The two guards just spotted Jin, looking at their watch that suddenly lighted up, they were notified about the appearance of the monster that was Jin.

But it was too late.

A blue blur once again, walked into the building.

Leaving two headless corpses behind himself.

Jin walked into the building, only to see pristine white corridors. 

Walking through them casually holding his blade by his side, his breathing was ragged as he strode in the corridors.

Electricity crackles even more intensely, hitting the side of the walls, and damaging the lighting system.

The corridors became dark as the light flickered weakly.

Before Jin a large number of Guards began to rush in front of him, aiming their guns at Jin.

Threatening to shoot.

"Stop you fucking freak!"

Threatened one of the guards, instantly unleashing a warning shot from his gun, shooting next to Jin.

 Jin gazed at them, his eyes empty, shrouded by electricity.

Continuing to walk closer to them, Jin's calf muscles tensed and he disappeared from sight.

Only to appear right beside the guards, his hand was moving with terrifying speed.

The same hand that held the unbreakable katana blade.

From the five guards, the blade claimed the lives of two at the same time. 

Their head severed.

Rolling on the ground.

"What the f—" 

The lights continued to flicker.

Another strike from Jin and another head severed, blood splashing everywhere.

His face was covered with blood, and his white coat was covered with blood.

His whole body was covered.


Shouted out one of the guards, his gun aimed directly at Jin, shots fired at the blue monster.

Yet, they hit nothing but the now bloody wall.

The lights only continued to flicker more intensely, the electric currents were dancing on the walls as well.

"Shoot the freak down!" 

They screamed out, shots leaving their weapons rapidly, puncturing the walls with their destructive power.

If they had struck Jin, he wouldn't be able to brush it off, but there was the problem.

He was too fast to be shot by them.


Another deathly scream, another one of them on the ground.

Jin's blade cleaved through his body without any sort of resistance as the blade continued to butcher down the guards.

Not even their bones were hard to sever.

Only one of them was left.

One single guard from the team of five, gazing at Jin.

His automatic riffle was state of the art Solstice weapon, yet it was shaking in the hands of the guard.

His face was pale and cold sweat was pouring down of his back.

His finger was on the trigger, yet he was too afraid to pull it.

The moment he did, the demon in white would instantly claim his life.

Jin was staring at him, his eyes were empty, almost as if he did not sense his presence.

They were hollow.

His mind was completely empty as well, well, except for one thing.

He had one thing in his mind, something overwhelming, something pure.

Pure rage, wreath, and malice.

His appearance long changed, his emerald blue eyes were the same, but they were filled with thunder while his hair was reaching his waist, it was moving because of the electricity that it was infused with.

Another sound could have been heard in the almost empty corridors, the loud steps echoing as they stepped on the pristine white floors.

Jin heard the steps clearly, they were approaching him.

Even in his current state, he was ready to slaughter them all.

"Stop, he is too—" 

Scremed out the soldier before Jin, attempting to warn his fellow guards of the dangers that Jin possessed, but he was unable to continue.

Jin's blade was clearly piercing his throat, stopping him from muttering anything.

Only a painful yelp, blood flowing out of his throat as he was unable to talk, not do anything for the matter as he died, his lifeless body hanging in the air because of Jin's blade holding him up by the throat.

Watching their fellow Genesis guard die at the hands of the monster resembling Jin, the guards that came from the different corridors, only to see Jin in the middle of the three began to open fire.

Lightning currents surrounded his body, and Jin began to vanish from the sight.

Some of the bullets hit guards instead of Jin in the process.

Even after that, Jin appeared behind four guards, there were seven, but they got shot in the process of vanishing.

With one clean strike, he severed three of their heads, without muttering a single word, his left hand pierced the cheek of the remaining one.

The others couldn't even shoot, they were witnessing the gruesome scene in horror.

They couldn't even see Jin's face anymore, it was just bloody if anything.

The sound of his flesh getting ripped apart and the rib bones breaking echoed in the now-silent hallways.

There were almost ten of them left present, yet none of them even dared to breathe in the presence of the monster in blue.

Lightning surrounded his body, and it only intensified, some currents hitting the walls once again, shutting down the light.

No one could see anything, there was nothing but darkness.


"Open fire, we are going to all die like this!"

"Take it down!" 

They screamed out as they began to unleash bullets on the last location where Jin was.

But the next time they shouted, that was because schemes of Pain.

Jin moved once again through the darkness, repeating the lives of anyone before him, slice after slice.

His swordsmanship wasn't anything that remotely resembled human, it was primal.

With his strength and wild swings, not even the walls were spared as they got cut deeply, leaving marks on them that no one saw in the darkness.

Painful screms sounded, only to stop in a single second.

In a single moment, another six people died in the process of trying to stop Jin.

Their bodies were severed as if Jin was cutting butter with his blade.

Even their bones barely sounded as they broke apart.

Rushing once more, Jin sprinted after the last block of guards that were standing in one of the corridors, their guns raining down hellfire on the position of Jin.

They even managed to shoot him, yet not even a signal yelp escaped his mouth as the bullets pierced into his flesh.

Appearing before them, his blade came down like the blade of a guillotine.


One final scram.

And then…


No one left, only Jin.

Sirens began to sound in the building and the lightning came back, this time, it was red as it pulsated.

It was probably from a generator.

Jin's hollow eyes were fixated on one of the cameras that shone in a single pinging red light, signaling that someone was watching from the other side.

Jin, completely covered in blood, continued to stare.

For the first time, opening his mouth.

"I'm going to find you."