
Act I: Chapter 7

Hello everyone,

Follow me on instagram at wtmcdonaldauthor! If you are feeling generous, and wish to donate to my writing career, you can find me at Patreon under the same name for early access to chapters of The Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


It took Dumbledore another month and a half to summon me for our discussion over the books. It's the twenty-third of February and I suspect he only did it because he was also going to ask me to let myself be put in a stasis at the bottom of the black lake for the task tomorrow.

I still wasn't sure on whether or not I was comfortable with it. I already had dinner for the night and I assumed I wouldn't be coming back to the dorms until after the task tomorrow so I only had my wand and clothes on me. Best to be prepared, just in case.

"Sherbert lemon." I spoke standing in front of the gargoyle.

Stairs rose out of the ground exactly like the hidden study in the Chamber of Secrets. I hopped on knowing what to expect.

When I stepped into the room I was met with the faces of the previous headmasters and headmistresses lining the walls, most of whom were asleep. A few of them turned their eyes towards me and followed my path through the office.

"Mr. Weasley, thank you for joining me." Dumbledore said as he was shuffling some papers on his desk.

"Headmaster." I said with a nod as I sat down in the chair opposite from him.

"First off let me say that I'm sorry for the other day. I understand that I could have come across as ...hostile." Dumbledore said locking eyes with me.

"It is understandable. That man is not known for good deeds." I answered playing the part of a good student who knows nothing of his headmasters past.

"Why do you have them? If you don't mind me asking." I asked before he could continue.

His eyes went from apologetic to wistful. "Ah well, that is a story for another time. I called you here for a couple of reasons. One is to say that I trust you with the knowledge in the books. The other is to ask you for help in the second task." He finished.

My face broke into a smile without me even thinking about it. "That's great headmaster, those books have helped me tremendously with magic." I said honestly.

"I imagine so, they contain very obscure theories on magic. We didn't discover them until we were much older than you." He said deliberately.

"We?" I asked with a surprised face. I am such a good actor.

He didn't skip a beat, no doubt he wanted to plant seeds for me coming to him for advice in the future. "Yes but that is apart of that story. Maybe I'll tell you one day."

I couldn't answer because he started speaking again. "Now the second task is tomorrow. Has Harry figured it out."

"Yes sir, he has to retrieve something from the black lake is what we've guessed. There is a colony of Merpeople living there right?" I said truthfully.

"Yes, there are, the biggest colony in the country actually. They are surprisingly numerous across the world." He answered.

"Am I going to be what Harry needs to retrieve headmaster?" I said speeding the conversation along.

"Something along those lines." Dumbledore answered swiftly.

"I want to keep my wand on me, in case something happens." I told him not hearing what he said, my mind too busy trying to get its way.

"You will be in stasis underwater, there is really no danger." He told me in response to my demand.

"I don't like being helpless professor, I want my wand." I told him once again leaving no room for argument.

"Of course, what Wizard wouldn't. I must warn you, it could interfere with the spell. Wizards have been known to break out of the stasis unconsciously, any random spikes in magic could affect it and you'd wake up underwater. We both know that magic is profoundly increased when a wand is near." He answered with a wink.

I took a moment to think over that information, I wasn't really worried about it honestly, I expected to wake up when I broke over water, not before. He did wield the Elder wand after all. I nodded in response.

"Very well, are you prepared?" He said as he pondered the answer.

"As I'll eve…"

His wand flung into his hand and a red light soared my way faster than I could react.

'Bloody hell he's fast.'


I woke up to air slapping me in the face. Cold.

My eyes snapped open and my wand flew into my hand at the same time. I realized after a second that I was in water and everything came back to me.

'The end of the second task.' I thought as I started swimming towards the floating stands. I made it two strokes before I realized I didn't see Harry around me.

'That's weird.' I thought trying to remember if it was canon or not.

I saw a flight of red light rise from the water and I reacted immediately while the crowd cheered. I ducked my head beneath the water to see what was going on.

Around thirty or forty feet below me, Fleur floated waving her wand at what looked to be like a swarm of grindylows. 'Where is Harry?' I thought as another red light shot from her wand and a grindylow stopped moving, stunned.

'She's being overwhelmed.'I thought as I realized she would be overtook soon. I was running out of oxygen but refused to leave until I knew she was safe and I could see Harry. Making the decision, my head breached the water and I took a big gulp of air and silently cast the bubble head charm, a simple spell from the sixth year charm materia, then I plunged my head back into the lake.

Instead of seeing Fleur first I noticed Cedric and Krum further in the depths trading spells in an obvious duel, still no sign of Harry. Cho was floating behind Cedric and Hermione was doing the same behind Krum.

Time seemed to slow for a moment as Krum was hit with a spell that sent him careening deeper into the lake. Cedric then turned, grabbed Cho and started working his way up to the surface. He stopped suddenly when he noticed Fleur and I could see his wand arm starting to move.

I reacted faster and my magic plunged deep into the water, feeling extremely slow in the new element. My magic latched onto my target and I pulled.

Fluer was pulled back and brought my direction through the water just as a red spell was about to connect with her. My water whip continued reeling her in and soon enough she arrived.

I started to turn around when I saw another red light streak through the water. I would have been hit if it weren't for the slower speeds spells moved through water in. I reacted without thinking and a bright silver shield appeared in front of me and Fleur.

'Oh this mother fucker.' I thought as I locked eyes with Cedric and he grinned, a thought and my shield dissipated. 'Oh it's fucking on.'

None of my spell chains applied to the situation so I improvised. A severing charm leapt from my wand, it was followed by a disarming charm and then finally a stunner followed as the last spell.

The first was absorbed by his shield but I purposely sent three red colored spells at him. The second spell was also absorbed but I think it was by accident because he shield fell directly after it. He was hit right in the chest with the stunner as it followed directly behind my second spell and I was actually shocked at the ease with which the duel was won.

'That's it?' I thought before I realized the first spell I sent towards him.

Then I was hit with worry because my first charm could have done serious harm if it hit, like death if it was the right spot, luckily I could see his bubble head charm still in place and my worries eased. Fleur grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my thoughts.

I turned to look at her and her she just smiled. Her eyes darted to my mouth and I could tell she wanted to kiss me but it would pop our bubble head charms. Instead I winked and she pointed up towards the surface.

I nodded and we ascended, apparently I sunk a good ten feet during the happenings of the duel.

We broke the water and I canceled my charm as we swam over to the floating stands.

'Harry should still get the points, even if I can't see him.' I thought as I arrived at my destination.

Then I grabbed onto the ledge and pulled myself up, and was met with the face of Harry Potter, Ginny was standing beside him under a blanket. 'Wait what?'

I felt a warmth wash over me as I looked towards the direction the magic came from. Dumbledore winked at me as he turned back to the lake.

'Wait was Fleur the one who was supposed to rescue me and not Harry?' I thought and I remembered what Dumbledore had said the night before.

"'Am I going to be what Harry needs to retrieve headmaster?' I said speeding the conversation along.

'Something along those lines.' Dumbledore answered swiftly."

It hit me like a truck, I was always going to be what she needed to retrieve.

'Better me be put in danger than her sister.' I thought as I deduced the reason. Even if they claimed we were completely safe, well anything could happen in this tournament.

Fleur jumped into my arms and suddenly I was once again covered in freezing water. I didn't complain, in fact, my body reacted and my arms circled around her waist.

My mind couldn't help but wonder where the normal smell of vanilla that normally accompanied her was, then I realized she had been submerged the last hour so it was expected.

"Thank you!" She said in my ear as she clung on to me.

"My pleasure." I said as we separated. I noticed she was looking past me towards where the families were. "Go, we'll talk later."

I hadn't seen her since the yule ball and the letters were a poor way of communicating, I wanted nothing more than to take up her time but her family was waiting patiently for her.

Just then a hush ran through the whole crowd and I turned to see what was going on.

Two bodies had just breached the surface. Cho was coherent and awake while Cedric was still out like a lamp from my stunner. Cho panicked at first but Dumbledore's wand blurred and Cedric was levitated out of the water onto the stage next to me.

His eyes were closed but I could tell he was breathing. Instinct took over and I cast a quick reviving spell. It took hold extremely fast since my magic was the one that cause the forced sleep anyway.

He bolted upright and I noticed he still had his wand in his hand as he looked around. He eventually saw the situation he was in and lowered his hand.

Just then Krum appeared from the depths with Hermione in tow. They were helped on the stage quickly and soon we were all conversing. The judges were huddled together in their box as they discussed the scores.

I was off in a corner with Harry as he recalled his journey through the depths. "Fleur and I got there at the same time. I wasn't sure of who I needed to get because obviously everyone that was there is important to me." Ginny blushed during this part of his story.

"But Fleur knew exactly who she needed and grabbed you, Ron, fairly quickly before being attacked by some grindylows. That's when I realized that we all had one person to retrieve and that I should try and beat her back to be the first one to return. Krum showed up and snatched Hermione quick before Cedric engaged him in a duel, not sure why, Krum didn't even see him. Took a nasty spell too." Harry continued telling his story. He was obviously recovering from the adrenaline in his system because his speech pattern was a little off.

'This is when we began to duel.' I thought as he told his story.

"Then I grabbed Ginny and made off while nobody was looking. Snuck right past you and Fleur mate. What happened when I left?" He asked as he finished his story.

"We dueled.." Cedric said coming over to our group. "..and I lost." He finished looking me in the eyes.

'We have never had a conversation before.' I realized as I took in the sight of the handsome hufflepuff.

"Got a lucky shot in." I said trying to keep the attention off of me.

"Lucky shot mate? I recognized that first spell, nothing nice. Never saw the second two though." Cedric said in response to my failed deflection.

"I didn't want to interfere, but well ...you started it." I said grinning at the end of my sentence.

"No hard feelings, I'll just have to work extra hard to make up for the loss in points." Cedric answered just as the points were revealed on a magical scoreboard of sorts.

"Yea, still one more challenge. Good luck mate." I told him as I looked at the scoreboard.

Harry scored forty-five, Fleur scored forty-three, Krum scored forty, and Cedric scored twenty-five.

I couldn't help but ponder on the effects of the 'merge' as I saw the scores and how they differed from the books.

'My presence is causing ripples.' I thought pondering on the events of the day.


"Dear Ron,

Your mother and I just got the results from your end of the semester tests. Congratulations!

We are so happy you are finally taking your studies seriously, and just in time for your O.W.L.'s next year. We know how hard it has been for you, your brothers leave big shoes to fill and we thought you wouldn't rise to the challenge.

I couldn't be happier about you proving us wrong. I never realized how little your mother and me encouraged you to succeed. I am ashamed to admit it son, it'll change, that I promise.

On a happier note, I hear you've been getting to know some of the international students (wink). I know a bit of french myself if you get what I mean.


Your father, Arthur.

P.s. Sorry it took so long to write, I didn't know how to start."

'Definitely not gonna cry damn it. Damn teenage hormones.' I thought as I finished reading the letter the morning after the second task.

I decided to reply to him immediately before opening the next letter, it was nothing special, just thanking him for the kind words and promising to do better from now on.

I picked some food out of the breakfast plates and started stacking them on my plate. I haven't eaten yet because I suddenly lost my appetite after the letter, still a little choked up.

It took me a few moments to calm down before I opened the next letter who I expected to be from my mother.

"Dear Ron,

Oh we are so proud of your scores! I knew you had it in you. Minerva has been worried and asking questions about you but I told her not to worry, you were just coming into your own.

Now, what is this I hear about your date to the Yule ball?

We'll speak on it more in person, but I will tell you this, BE CAREFUL! The Weasley's may not be as respected and prominent as they once were but we are still one of the sacred twenty-eight.

Don't let her take advantage of you, I don't want to see my baby hurt.



P.S. Your father doesn't know any french, don't listen to him."

I laughed at the last part. I ignored her warning for the most part, it was natural for her to think Fleur had less than honest intentions.

In her mind it must look very odd. A seventeen year old triwizard champion veela taking her fourteen year old son. A son who, until recently, had really nothing going for him besides being the best friend of the boy-who-lived. It made sense, if you didn't know the new 'me'.

Of course, this is not how I looked at the situation, I'm not some insecure fourteen year old. Mentally, I've lived thirty-eight years. That doesn't translate into me being thirty-eight, in fact I feel more immature than my other life, it's comparable to my college years, maybe twenty or twenty-one.

I don't have the time nor patience to not be comfortable in my own skin anymore. I had already lived through that period of my life and am definitely not going back to that anxiety filled pit again. I don't worry too much about the age difference, I had dated and had flings with older women in my past life, even if I couldn't remember their names or faces.

People will always talk from the outside, regardless of if it's age, looks, money, etc. People love a good story, but they love seeing other people fail even more. They love to pick apart why someone may not make it and when their right, they say 'I called it', when they're wrong they mentally praise the couple and they say 'I always knew you would make it'. It took me a long time to realize that in my last life.

I know my worth, I know who I am, and I know what I can provide.

'Fuck what anyone has to say about it.' I thought as I finished writing a short thank you and basic letter back to my mother.

It is the day after the second task and I just finished up eating breakfast, it was a Saturday so the students were very slow to get to breakfast, especially after all the partying the night before. Luckily I could hold my liquor just as well as my last life, if not better because of my younger body and I wasn't affected.

I sent my letter off with Pig, the owl gifted to me by Sirius last year, because I didn't trust that old thing that delivered my parents letters. Suddenly I noticed Fleur enter and before I could get her attention, a bag was set down beside me and one of my best friends plopped down beside it.

"Ron." Hermione said staring at me.

"Hermione." I said back giving her my attention.

"You're up early." She said simply, still staring at me.

"I suppose? This is the normal time I wake up…" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Normal? I remember you sleeping till nearly lunch every Saturday ...until this year." She said suspiciously.

"I decided to make some changes recently." I said holding her gaze. "Is there anything you would like to say?" I continued trying to get to the point, she obviously needed something.

She didn't answer for a moment, instead her hard gaze softened before replying. "You've changed…" Her voice was very soft, sad even.

I was actually shocked into silence when she said that. My mouth opened to respond and closed immediately. I repeated the process a few times trying to answer.

"...yes, yes I have." I answered, my mood suddenly changing. I stood up, uncomfortable with the situation. I need to get out of here. I thought as my legs took me to the door of the great hall.

I just walked.

'It must look terrible from her perspective.' I thought as I considered why she approached me. We used to be very close, after that whole debacle with me making her cry in first year, then the troll. Our adventures throughout the school years almost guaranteed we would be close.

I will freely admit that she is the reason I got half decent grades up until this year. We helped Harry retrieve the philosopher's stone in first year. All the nights spent in the library in second year, trying to crack the chamber of secrets. The scare with Professor Lupin and Sirius. She helped me with my grades throughout all of these times.

Then this year I suddenly disappear every night, my grades skyrocket, and she doesn't even know about how much my casting has improved.

'Is it even something I should worry about? Why do I feel so guilty?'

My thoughts continued to swirl as I contemplated the problem before me.

'I'm not the same person.' I concluded as I came to the same conclusion Hermione had not a few moments ago in the great hall.

People come into your life and sometimes they stay and sometimes you drift apart. It seems that Hermione will be one that will slowly drift away. There just isn't much we can relate on anymore. My thoughts calmed as I came to the conclusion that it was a natural thing that happens.

I stopped walking and noticed I was in front of the Room of Requirement, no door appeared.

'Have I really walked all the way up here?' I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted by foot steps from the corridor and my wand leapt into my hand.

A flash of silver and I recognized who it was, my wand slid back into my holster. "Fleur?" I said surprised.

She continued walking my direction and didn't say anything. We locked eyes and I held the gaze as she closed the distance between us.

She stopped right in front of me, very much in my personal space. Her hands found their way around my neck and pulled me down.

Soft lips enveloped mine as my hands found her waist. We stayed like that for a few moments before she eventually pulled away.

"That's for your help yesterday."


A/N: Guys, not gonna lie, this measly chapter was difficult for me to finish. The first few scenes up until after the task flew out of my mind onto the page. Everything after that took me forever to finish.

Anyway, you guys have been really good with the feedback, let's keep it up. What do you think?

Let's talk in the reviews!

Don't forget! If you want early access to the Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South you can find me on Patreon under the same username!

Any little bit helps!

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