
Chapter 10

As Kell and her fluffy ears greeted me, I asked for information about the guild. I was told that the Adventurers Guild focuses on jobs that require hunting , scouting and foraging skills. The guild sign up fee was 3 silver which left me with 9 silvers and 83 coppers plus the lodging fee 14 copper per day.

When Kell registered me as and adventurer, she asked me questions about my skills and fighting style. Finally I got my Guild Card which will be used as my identification:

「Ymir Riuji」

「Rank:7 Job:Brawler」

The ranks are given based on ability and merits gained as an adventurer and they go from 10 to 1, 1 being the highest. from Kell, I also heard that some adventurers are called the 0th rank, which is entirely based on popularity and is not an official rank.

I chose the Job Brawler because it suits my skills better and I get to use my new gauntlets. My rank was based on my initial image but it could change to better or worse based on my merits.

The first job I took was extermination of the Harwinds. Harwinds are kangaroo like monsters with small wings instead of arms and a feathered tail. My job is to gather 6 their ears and tail feathers in 2 days.

The Harwinds live in the forest outside of Candrin and I decided to check out their powers and do my first quest.

When I got to the Harwind nest in the forest, they all were gliding in the air and jumping around. when they spotted me the jumping Harwinds jumped high in the air and then casted an air barrier that they used to lunge towards me, whilst the airborne ones started trowing blades made of wind magic at me.

The wind magic blades were extremely sharp and fast, but had no impact power so I recieved no damage, neither did my gauntlets because I kept them behind my back to not risk them getting cut.

The double jumping Harwinds were extremely fast and as they came closer to me they unleashed all their stored kinetic energy through their kicks, knocking me around and making me hit a few trees. I made sure to dodge every kick after that whilst using my 「Void Slice」and 「Curse Flame」skills in conjunction to unleash flaming strikes at range.

The 「Curse Flame」managed to slow down the Harwind's movement speed and gave me a chance to rip them up.

As I've killed the three Harwinds that I needed for my quest, I constricted the rest using 「Shadow Manipulation」to bind them using their own shadows, then swiftly used fire magic to roast them.

After my quest was done I had gained 「Air Mana Affinity」and 13 silver for the ears and feathers. I went to the Inn near the guild and checked my status.

「name: Ymir Riuji」


「Health:50 Mana:0」

「Innate Skill:Immortality,Monster Eater」

「Magic Skills: Space Mana Affinity,Fire Mana Affinity,Earth Mana Affinity,Air Mana Affinity,Inventory,Shadow Step,Crystal Maw,Void Slice,Dark Roar,Curse Flame,Shadow Manipulation,Obsidian Skin,Rock Skin,Magic Enchantment(low),Acid Spit,Regeneration(low)」

「Physical Skills: Blacksmithing(higher),CQC Mastery(low),Hammer Mastery(higher),Dagger Mastery(high),Axe Mastery(high),Whip Mastery(low),Vital Strike,Lunge」

The next day at the guild I saw a job for a team, that asked for a Copperback Goliath extermination.