
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · Fantaisie
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124 Chs

Episode 42- Dinner Time with Family

The three girls arrived in the kitchen, and the sight they saw shocked them. The tables were already set, and there was cake and other sweets on the table. The table was long, and it looked like it stretched forever. The only thing that was missing from the table was food, and that was because he was doing something.

"Oh, I see the three of you finally arrived. What took you so long? I have been worried about you."

Hearing the familiar voice, Tenka and her daughters turned around and saw a beautiful boy walking into the room with bowls floating in front of him. The boy was wearing a jet-black pajama outfit, which made his long sandy-blond hair stand out more, and his eyes beautiful caramel eyes shined brightly like that of a diamond. His hair was tied up and his apron was wrapped against his waist.

Shito Mahinu was the name of the boy, and he looked absolutely stunning, even when he was cooking. That just shows that if you were beautiful enough you would look good doing anything you liked.

"...P-papa…" the twins uttered, shocked to see their father dressed up in those types of clothes. "Since when have you worn stuff like bedtime pajamas this is the first time, I've seen you wear those types of clothes… You look like a model."

It was a given that they were surprised, after all, they had only seen him wearing his academy uniform except the day they went to the amusement park together, but all of the times that they were at home in the dorm room, they had never seen him in anything else but his academy outfit even when he decides to go to sleep, he keeps on the academy uniform.

"I mean…. I have always owned these clothes; do they look strange on me."

Shaking their heads, the twins looked at their papa and smiled, "Of course not Papa you look… you look…. Like a model, I have never seen a person that was as handsome as you Papa. to your daughter, you are the best-looking man in the world, Papa."

Shito looked at Tenka and noticed that she was staring at him, her mouth was closed, and she was standing quietly. It was like her mouth was tapped shut. Not a single word or sound came out of her mouth while she was standing before him.

Snapping his fingers, the bowls that were in his hand slowly flew to the table and gently sat on the table. There was food in the bowls, so he had to make sure that he was extra careful when he was taking care of it. After all, he put a lot of effort into making the food.

He walked over to Tenka and stood directly in front of her face, "Tenka are you all right, you have been staring at me since you arrived here, do you need me to check up on you?"

After asking that question, he placed his forehead onto Tenka's to feel her body temperature, trying to see if she was coming down with any kind of fever because it was his responsibility to take care of her.

Upon feeling his forehead touch her forehead, Tenka's face reddened, and her embarrassment was slowly rising. The contact that he was making with her felt so warm and gentle, she could feel his breath, and the smell was so fragrant, giving off a caramel scent.

Eh… ehhhhh…. He's getting too close…. He's getting too close... Even though he looks the same as he always does, the hairstyle and the apron make him look… good

With those thoughts, Tenka stepped back a bit, trying her best to put a distance between her and Shito, she was getting too embarrassed, and she could feel her face getting warmer.

He already determined that there was nothing wrong with the girl, and he already knew why she was blushing, but he decided not to say anything, teasing her was something he didn't want to do at that moment because the food he cooked was fresh and warm, so he had to feed his family before it gets too cold. And he knew that if he teased her, she would probably run out of the room too embarrassed to come back.

"Let's hurry up and eat Tenka, the food is going to start cooling down soon," he said, guiding her to the table to sit down. His daughters had already taken their seats, but the seats were pulled up closer to their father's seat that was on the far end of the table away from the doorway they entered.

Tenka looked at the seats and decided to sit in the seat that was near her daughter Illayaka. She just chose the seat that was the closest to her, so no one felt like they were going to get hurt because she decided to sit there. Illayaka and Illya grew to be close and even if you were to compare their bond to siblings that had been together all their life then their bond would come on top. They loved each other as siblings and wanted to protect each other from harm.

"Well, let's hurry up and eat our food, Father said the food would get cold soon," Illayaka said, smiling cutely.

Even though I lied about the food getting cold, I don't feel bad about it. It's good that everyone sat down so we could enjoy our food together. Shito thought, looking at his family that was sitting around the table, looking at the food he cooked.

The food looked like it had been cooked by a professional chef, so the three girls who were sitting around the table wanted to know why he could cook so well.

But they ignored that and took a quick bit of the food, and their eyes lit up.

"Papa! This food is so good, what did you put in the food recipe…?!" the twins shouted in unison. It was the best food that the girls ever tasted, and they had at many stalls at the amusement park, and none of those compared to her father's cooking.

Tenka looked at her food and genuinely smiled. "Wow, you really can cook well. The cabbage you cook kept a soft and squishy texture; I can honestly say that this is the best food that I have ever tasted in my life."

Shito looked around the room and nodded his head. He was happy that they were enjoying the food he cooked, after all, it took him some time to get the food ready, but that didn't matter to him at the moment because he would gladly take time to make his daughter and Tenka the best meal they had ever had.

Cooking for other people was joyous. That was because the faces that you receive from the people who like your food are something that one should be happy about. The smiles of the people that like and enjoyed your food very much.

He never really cooked for anyone, and cooking for the people in front of him was something that he enjoyed doing, only because of the smiles he got from them after they tasted his food.

"Eat your food, so you can have some cake before you go to bed."

Illayaka and Illya nodded their heads. "Okay, Papa. we will do what you say."

Tenka looked at Shito, and questions flowed into her mind. There was no way they could possibly stay in the dimension because—

"How are we going to be able to stay here? We don't know if the time is the same time as our world."

—She didn't know if the time was the same time as their world. Tenka usually wouldn't worry about stuff like that because she wouldn't care. But they have battles tomorrow, so they needed to be ready so they could go to the arena and get their fight over with.

"The time here is the same as it would be for our world, so the clock that is on my wrist shows the right time. Even though the sky outside doesn't change, I made this dimension so we could have a beautiful sight to stare at."

After receiving the confirmation, she had no reason not to stay in the dimension, they were going to still be able to make it to the school in time for their battles, so there was no need for her to worry about anything in the room.

"Well, I guess that's fin—"

The two suddenly looked over at their kids and noticed they were sleeping at the dining table. They had already finished their food, and already cut themselves a slice of cake.

None of them wanted to disturb their parents' conversation, so they decided to cut the cake themselves. Both the twins were trained in weapons, so they knew how to wield one without getting themselves hurt.

"Well, it looks like it's time for us to go put them to bed, they have been up for so long and I don't want them cramped up at the table when there is a bed upstairs for them to lay down on," he said, grabbing Illayaka out of her chair, carrying her gently.

Tenka picked Illya up off the ground and smiled. "Are we not going to clean up after ourselves? We made the mess, so we should be the ones to clean it u—"

"Nope, we will not. Even though I would do so on other occasions, we can let the maids do it for tonight. Our children need to be put to bed at this moment."

".... Ok… I understand."

The two of them walked out of the kitchen, heading towards the room that they were going to be sleeping in. Each of the beds that were in the rooms was big enough to hold two dozen people, and there were fifteen rooms in his castle.