
The Robbery 2

The alarm bells were ringing loudly, but the cashier was already in the elevator so he didn't know what was about to happen. The security guards took another available elevator to reach out to the cashier but it was too late because he was already near the danger.

After a few seconds, the elevator opened and James saw the cashier with the box, he was heading to the safe to put the money there. But unfortunately for him, James was there waiting for him to arrive. Immediately James saw him throw the gun arrow at his right shoulder, this made him bleed badly, and he fell with the box.

The bank computer operators that were on the first floor tried to close back the elevator even before it opened, but they couldn't because Mike had hacked inside their system. James ran into the elevator and took the box.

"I have the money, move on to the next plan now!" James said "Okay" Mike replied and looked at Adam and said "We gotta go"

Adam started the car engine and drove towards the bank and he stopped beside the bank. He stopped at the same spot where James was standing on the last floor of the building.

"James jump now!" Mike said immediately James jumped down. Before he could reach where the car was parked, Adam had opened the roof of the car and James landed on the car's chair through the roof.

"Men I'm not gonna try this shit next time" James confused in pain. Adam closed back the roof and drove away before the police would have gotten to them. "Yeah!! we did it!!!" Mike said joyfully.


The bank manager arrived at the bank and couldn't believe what happened. He was in shock "How could This happen?" He asked his operators "Those armed robbers were something else" One of them replied, "What do you mean?" The manager asked " I think someone hacked into our system, that was why we couldn't stop them" she replied.

"did the CCTV camera get any of their faces?" The manager asked, "No, the CCTV cameras went off on their own before the robbery" she replied. " This is insane, just go get the walls fixed, I mean go get someone to do it, and arrange your system, we have to get to the root of this case" the manager concluded.


There was loud music inside the gang's room, the bad boys were home. Their last mission was successful. There were a million dollars inside the box that was stolen by them.

Mike was not putting on his shirt but he had his pants on. While Adam was playing a video game. And James was laying in his bed, due to the little pains he had after the high jump. "Hey what's up man how are you feeling?" Mike asked as he walked towards the bed. "I'm good bro, I just need some rest" James replied.

"Adam, can I ask you something?" Mike said as he walked towards Adam "Yeah sure" Adam replied without looking at him because he doesn't want to be distracted.

"I think we should change our mission plans," Mike said, "What do you mean?" James interrupted. I think he heard what Mike said. " Yeah, what does that supposed to mean?" Adam added and dropped off his gamepad.

"Okay, I mean we shouldn't run from this corps on the surface anymore, let's destroy them one after the other," Mike said "Naa… I don't think that's a good idea" James said "Maybe you have a point, destroying the surface authorities means taking over the surface" Adam said as he stood up and started walking around the room.

James got up from the bed slowly, because the conversation was getting too serious. "Hey, what are you guys trying to imply?" He asked "It's simple, we are gonna wipe out the authorities living on the surface, then we take over the city and rule," Adam said with a mean voice.

"Wow I'm in, because all my life I have been wanting to be the manager of the general banks on the surface, I think this gonna be the way to achieve my long wanting ambition," James said "Yeah man, I think we will need weapons to proceed with this plan," Mike said " don't worry about that I will make plans for it," James said as the master planer he is.

"Reaching our expectations is only to get rid of our enemies and that's the surface authorities" Adam concluded. "I can't wait for the day to come, the day I will finally be in charge of the surface citizens," Mike said. "It's coming soon bro, I can feel it" James assured him.


The news which was showing on Mary's tv was about the earlier robbery that happened at web bank.

Mary was an 18 years old girl, who just finished college, and she lived with her grandmother. Her father was late and her Mom was imprisoned because she was accused of her husband's death.

They were living in Vuitton City also. "Grandma, have you eaten yet?" Mary asked her grandmother who was sitting on the couch watching TV. " No I will just have it later" she replied "You seemed interested in the news, do you like it?" Mary asked "Yes, I think these robbers are special in their robbery job, I mean this is not the first nor the second time they had robbed in this city, maybe they are not after the money" she replied.

Mary thought about what she said and she added "Maybe they just want to be known as the world's best thieves, I mean professional robbers" "I think so "Grandma said.

"When are you gonna pay your Mom a visit?" Grandma asked "I think tomorrow" she replied "I miss her so much," Grandma said "Me too, but what can I do since my enemies are greater than me," Mary said "Don't worry one day we will make them pay for what they did to your mom," grandma said