
Vitality Rising

[WARNING] Mature content. [TRIGGER WARNING] Domestic Abuse, suicidal ideations, sexual assault. LGBT Friendly ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: I heard him growl again, this time was even deeper. "Mika..." I heard him mumble as his voice became muffled. I froze.. oh no.. did they see me? I looked up and saw those two, still entangled, but the positions were flipped. He had her pressed against the house and had ripped her shirt open. His face was currently buried in her breasts, but I swear I heard him say... "Mika, you have no idea how frail my self control is right now..." As he shoved his hips up against hers. "You don't have to be gentle." Kara said back to him between gasps "Mika.... Mikaaa.." He murmured as he trailed kisses around her neck and breasts. I was completely confused.. why is saying my name? He's with Kara right now... I readjusted my posture to get a better look. He looked up at her as she grabbed his chin and raised his face to hers. His eyes.. I think they flashed red! I must be crazy.. But... I watched as they started making out and she reached for the buttons of his pants. There is no way... however something is definitely wrong here. I mustered up my courage and stood up. I called out "Hey!" And drew their attention, just as that massive thing sprung from his pants. Talk about timing... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A failed attempt by the gods at transmigrating a misplaced soul left our main character, Mika, paralyzed. Her life on earth was lonely and tragic. This is why, when summoned by the gods, she was willing to leave it all behind for the world she should have been born into. She transmigrates to Elysium, a world filled with Magic, Demi-humans, and monsters, among other things. Mika, with the help of her new friends, learns about this new world and their strange ways. Along her journey Mika meets both friends and lovers - as well as enemies. She realizes that this world isn’t all that peaceful and safe as she comes face to face with some harsh truths. With the help of her friends she attempts to solve the mystery behind her lineage and understand how to use her new powers.

Meekgeek93 · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

50: Pyochi Mountains

The next morning we set off towards the mountains in the distance. We just left the northwestern edge of the forest of Lashwood. The river that the stream dumped into was wide, with a fast current, and freezing cold water. We traveled parallel to the river, though the tall weeds and foliage of the plains. There were no trees between the edge of the forest and the base of the mountain. Marshall chucked a ton of wood into the space to ensure we would have enough firewood to stay warm as we traveled over the mountains.

The Pyochi mountains are on the southern border of the capital. If one was traveling from Hilraine or Waterly, they could head due north and travel around the mountains before going west towards the capital. They might be able to make it in a month and some change. Lashwood doesn't trade with the capital due to the terrain and the lengthy journey it would take. They would either have to brave the mountain range (which was not effective when carting luggage) or they would have to go east, around the mountains, then cut west again. The trip would take them two months at a minimum just to get there.

We traveled for about 2 and a half weeks though the plains. The mountain range came into view finally, after a week and a few days, but seemed to take us forever to reach it. We were burning though the firewood faster than we should have, it was getting colder at night and we kept the fire roaring hotter and longer than before.

Close to the midway point across the plains it started getting very windy, which made the cold air feel bitter. I used the pelts to make us warmer clothes , and used the chimera skin and fur for making the bedding. My leaf tent wasn't going to keep us warm with this wind chill, so I used some of the chimera leather for that too.

Marshall didn't seem bothered by the cold, but he accepted a jacket. Ishi, like me, didn't like the cold. For her I made a pair of leather pants and a fur lined jacket which we decked out to fit her warrior style. My clothes were the first ones I made, so they were a little plain. I line all of my clothing with fur and made the outside leather to make sure it would be waterproof. I put a hood on my jacket and realized that it squished my ears. I decided to make cute car ears for the hood, which fit my ears perfectly and looked cute.

Since becoming a Demi-human, I have joined in the masses in their dislike of shoes. I havn't worn any since living in Hilraine. However, the ground here was partially frozen and the mountain terrain was bound to be frozen with snow. Shoes would help keep our feet from tearing or getting frostbite. I started working on boots last of all, making a pair for all of us.

By the time we reached the base of the mountain I had made 3 cute pairs of boots. For Marshall I made mid-calf leather boots, my first pair and the most simple design. For Ishi I made boots that sat about upper-mid calf, made of leather, with fur trim. I added rabbit foot dongles for good luck (and style). For myself I went with something in the middle; knee high leather boots with fur lining that folded over the top.

I finally showed off my masterpiece, "Ta-da! What do you think? I made each pair special for each of us." I said happily as I showed off the boots.

Neither of them looked excited to try them out.

"Aren't you going to try the creation that your mate made you?" Ishi said at Marshall, mockingly.

He just bit the bullet and started putting the boots on. I couldn't wait so I started putting mine one too and urged Ishi to do so as well. She was a little hesitant at first.. but when I told her that they would keep her feet warm she was all for it. Her feet must have been freezing too.

We all had our boots on. We were sitting on the crude chairs I made and kept in the space. Ishi urged Marshall to try them out.

He stood up, and wobbled like he was drunk.

"Woah, they are strange." He said as he steadied himself.

I can't imagine why he's acting so weird. "How do they feel? Are they a good fit?" I asked him.

"Try walking!" Ishi added.

Marshall nodded.

Marshall lifted his leg waaaay up, like he was stepping over something, and swung it around before planting his foot on the ground. I thought he was goofing around until he took 5 reciprocal steps exactly like this.

Ishi was rolling on the ground in laughter, and I was confused.

"Marshall? what's wrong?" I asked as I stood up to help him.

It felt weird! Felt like my equilibrium was off, as if gravity wasn't going to keep me attached to the earth. I had no perception of where my feet were when walking in the boots.

I ended up walking almost as silly as Marshall. I looked like I was marching in a band, it was so hard to tell how high to lift my feet and when they were touching the ground.

Ishi was in tears laughing at the two of us.

Marshall gave me a look and I just replied.. "Oh…"

Ishi wiped some tears from her eyes as she explained, "Demi-humans also use sensations in the pads of our feet to gain information about the world around us. Without that sensation…" She was having trouble suppressing a laugh.

"You have to try it too! I think if we practice it will get easier." I said as Marshall and I kept walking around in circles.

Our gaits started to normalize as we got used to the boots. Ishi finally attempted to walk in them. She was hyper focused on her feet to avoid walking funny like we did. However while she was focused on her feet, Marshall snuck up behind her and pulled her tail.

Ishi roared in alarm and went to spin around but lost her balance and fell on her butt. She looked so indignant that Marshall and I couldn't help but double over with laughter.

Finally we all got used to the boots and we started up the mountain.

"My feet do feel warmer." Ishi said.

"Mmh" was Marshall's reply.

Marshall and Ishi navigated the terrain easily. I started out okay but after almost half a day I couldn't climb any more.

I was huffing and puffing as Ishi helped me up to the next level.

"This is a path?!" I asked, exasperated

"Yeah. why? Did you expect it to be smooth sailing and lined with gold, Princess?" She mocked me.

"Well, no.. But I didn't expect it to be this rough either!" I shot back as I collapsed at her feet.

"It IS a mountain…" She said sarcastically.

"Uuugghhh." I groaned as we kept moving.

I mumbled to myself, wishing they had elevators.

It was getting colder as we went higher and I was trying to warm my hands with my breath.

Marshall fell back to check on me, he and Ishi took turns scouting ahead.

"How are you holding up?" He asked as he fell into step beside me on the steep path.

"Better than expected. I thought I was going to collapse from exhaustion but I got my second wind."

"Good. We are almost to a spot where we can rest. Just hang in there." He said as he leaned down to kiss me.

I smiled and nodded, putting my hands in my pockets to keep whatever warmth I had.

My next project for myself was going to be gloves. I was freezing.

We finally reached an overhang that would be big enough to camp at. I was assembling the tent up against the cliff to reduce the wind and keep as much as heat in as possible. There wasn't enough room for tents side by side so I modified them to be one slightly bigger tent. It would be easier to keep warm this way.

"You should have grabbed more firewood… this is going to be a problem." Ishi was talking to Marshall, I approached them since I was finished with the tent.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

"We are running out of firewood. If we ration what we have left we will be able to have one small fire each night for cooking." He told me.

Ishi scoffed at him.

"I set up the tent differently since we have limited space, but this might be a good solution. If we are all sleeping in the same tent then our body heat will warm the tent - just like a fire!"

As if on cue, both Ishi and Marshall growled at each other.

I stepped in the middle to stop them. "Would you rather freeze to death?!" I yelled at them.

They both grunted at me. Ishi stalked off to check out the tent while Marshall stayed there and looked at me pitifully.

"I know you and Ishi don't get along, but right now we need to cooperate in order to survive." I said to him as I started to reach out to touch him, then remembered how cold my hands must be and withdrew.

He seemed bothered by this so he reached out and grabbed my hands.

WARMTH!!! I nearly melted. How is he so warm?!

He looked at me with a baffled expression. "Why are you so cold?" He said.

"Because it's cold up here." I answered back with a hint of sarcasm.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me in close. He was (ineffectively) trying to warm me though our multiple thick layers of clothing.

"Go into the tent and try to keep warm. I'll cook and bring the food in there for you." He said to me.

"For Ishi too?" I prodded.

He groaned but agreed. "Yeah I'll cook for her too."

I smiled and headed off for the tent. Nothing like a good meal as a peace offering.

Ishi was inside hiding under her blanket over at the far side of the tent. I went over to the opposite side where I placed my bedroll earlier. I hid under the blankets as well. I was trembling and trying to keep my teeth from chattering.

It seemed like forever but finally Marshall came in with dinner.

Let's celebrate 50 chapters together!! Woohoo!

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