
Dragon Eggs

I arrived at the Chamber of The Painted Table with Ser Albert Sunglass. I stepped into the room and I see my mother with pinkish eyes it is clear that she cried when she heard the news. To her right is Ser Willam Darry and Lucerys Velaryon, the master of ships.

"Mother what's wrong?" I still asked my mother even though I know the answer. Why is she crying for Aerys though? He abuses her and rapes her. Jaime even hates himself that he can't do anything when he hears her getting abused all the time while guarding the door. He even wished that he killed him sooner.

"Willam tell him." she said with a weak voice.

"Viserys, your father, king Aerys II Targaryen, is dead. He died at the hands of Jaime Lannister, his own kingsguard." said Willam.

"I see." Finally, he's dead. The game of thrones has officially started. "What about Elia Martell and her children?" I asked nervously.

"Elia Martell and her children were missing a few days before the sack of King's Landing. As of now we do not know where they are." He answered. Maybe Varys helped them escaped. "With the King Aerys dead, the next in line to the throne is Viserys since before the king died he named him his heir"

"He will need a regent, he's just a boy" said Albert. Of course they just see me as a boy.

"Queen Rhaella will be his regent" replied Willam.

"I will become king? King of what?!" I said angrily as I interrupted them while they are talking. They were startled as if they have forgotten that I'm here. "I will only accept the crown and become king if I am the one sitting on the Iron Throne and not Robert Baratheon or any other!" The room was quiet.

"Then what should we do? Surrender to the rebels and die?" Velaryon said sarcastically.

"Surrender? Of course not. I suggest that we play the waiting game. We will hide first then we strike when they are at their weakest. Sooner or later there will be rebellions since the Seven Kingdoms are not united and it is likely that the Greyjoys will be the first ones to rebel. I heard that they were preparing ships and they already have hundreds of them." It's in the books though, first are the Greyjoys, then the Starks. "You do not need to believe me but I only ask for your loyalty." Well, they looked astonished by my words. Who wouldn't? I look like a kid who's throwing a tantrum.

"As you command Prince Viserys." They answered.

"Leave, I want to be alone with my mother for a moment." They left me alone with my mother.

"How are you doing mother?" I asked her. She then hugged me and started crying.

I was startled but in the end hugged her back.

"Viserys let's pray for your father first." she said.

I glanced at her while we were praying. She looked so weak and tired. I felt really bad and worried for her. It made me wonder why she's still mourning for him even after all she's been through. Aside from the fact that they may be related by blood, she still suffered a great amount.

After praying with my mother, we ate dinner and I went back to my room. Then it hit me.

"Shit" I muttered to myself.

I forgot about the eggs, I'll just ask my mother tomorrow then.

I woke up the next day and did my morning routine. After eating lunch it's time to question mom about the eggs. I found my mother at Aegon's Garden sitting on a bench and so I approached her.

"Mother, I came to ask you something." I said

"Is it about the dragon eggs again? How many times do I need to tell you that you are not allowed to see them" She said.

"I am just curious about them mother, let me just see them once and I'll stop asking you again." I said.

My mother thinks for a second before saying "Fine." She took out a black key that has a dragon head at the end of its handle. "This key is the key to the room where the dragon eggs are."

"Thank you mother, where is this room that you speak of?" I asked.

"It's in the cave, southwest of the island near the beach and don't bother returning the key to me since you will be the king someday" she said.

I took the key and left the castle. I arrive at the cave and it's the same Dragonglass Cave in the show. I brought a torch with me and lit it up using flint and steel. I entered the cave and I went deeper and deeper. After walking for about half an hour, I finally saw the door to the room.

The door has the sigil of the Targaryens which is a dragon with three heads. It is carved from dragonglass. The door also has statues of sleeping dragons on each side also carved from dragonglass.

At the center of the door there is a dragon head which looks like a key hole. I inserted the key in the keyhole, turned it to open the door and it looked like the Xenomorphs from the movie Aliens. The door started opening and I entered the room.

"What in the seven..." I muttered.

There are so many f*cking dragon eggs here. The room is like a long hall and the dragon eggs are placed in small compartments in the wall. I started counting the eggs but I stopped because there's too many to count. Then i heard a notication from the system.

[acquired function : Egg Incubation]

This is the best day ever since I was born into this world. It seems the room triggered the system to give me incubation option. I opened the egg incubation menu.

[Egg Incubation]




Nice! I got three slots and they are all open to use. I looked around for which egg I'm going to take. I chose black/red, red/white, and grey/yellow colored eggs because they looked cool and then I placed them at my front .

[Incubate Egg?](x3)


I clicked yes three times then the eggs disappeared. I looked at the egg incubation menu again.

[Egg Incubation]

[Black Egg](10 yrs remaining)

[Red Egg](10 yrs remaining)

[Grey Egg](10 yrs remaining)

It takes 10 years what the f*ck. But the dragons of Daenerys hatched at the year 298 AC and currently it is 283 AC, so my eggs will hatch 5 years earlier than the show. I also don't need to get naked in the fire so that's nice. I remember that Illyrio Mopatis gave Daenerys her eggs. I need ask him for the eggs so that there will be no eggs scattered in the world.

I look around the room once more in case I missed anything. But then, at the end of the room I noticed a sword stuck in dragonglass, like the sword in the stone story. There is also a crown hanging at the cross-guard of the sword.

I made up the room part so viserys gets dragon eggs

also since you guys want harem then harem it is but I have never written before so I don't know what will happen

I also want to make something up so that viserys is in story of game of thrones and not in essos all the time

Comment if you have suggestions

GudBrowncreators' thoughts