
Vipers touch (black hearts MC)

All she wanted to do was come home and see her sister. She didn't want to come home and believe the rumors but a early arrival, a brawl and a few sexy bikers later she realized the rumors were true. Now all she had to do was make sure that her sister quit that life just like she quit hers but will it come and bite her in the ass when she falls for one sexy biker.

FaeLover25 · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter Four (part two)


I moved my legs to straddle her waist as i kept her arms pinned down to her sides, how the hell did i end up in this situation? Oh, that right while she was passed out i had decided to change her to only be caught with the grey sweatpants on and me trying to remove the rest of her dress, i didn't even get to stare at her breasts because in the moment i rose the dress she woke up and began trying to punch me.

"Stop fucking moving!"

She pushed at my hold and gave me a glare that said if looks could kill this would be it, it actually just turned me on even more then normal. She winced once i was on her but i realized that pain was the only fucking way to get her attention.

"Are you done Belle or am i gonna have to tie you up?"

Her cheeks turned the vibrant shade of red as she lay in place her eyes on mine as she exhaled in defeat before speaking to me with a slightly trembled voice. "Why am i here?"

"well aside from me actually wanting to fuck you, you were losing to much blood at the club, Jose asked i bring you so that he could waist for the Don."

Groaning she lay back on the bed and nodded as she relaxed before looking to herself.

"Why am i in pants?"

I smirked and leaned down slightly my weight off her waist and stitches as i tilted my head and shrugged.

"Well baby girl as much as i would of loved to have ripped this dress off you, it was covered in blood and cut up since its just me here i thought it was a good idea to change you."

She swallowed nervously and looked away her gaze off me.

"I can do it."

"Will you behave?"

"get off me creeper."

I laughed and rolled off her as i stood, a few strands of my hair falling in my face as i watched her and held up one of my shirts, no offense to Sammy but i was not gonna miss the chance to see her in my clothes.

"here this is for you...i dont have any girl clothes so just wear mine."

"i wouldn't want to wear any of the girl clothes here anyway.'"

Sitting up she bared her back to me as she removed the dress, her hands quickly covering her chest with the shirt as she fumbled to get it on, a smile on my lips as i crawled onto the bed and grabbed a few strands of long hair, my fingers lightly trailing over her skin and i enjoyed the small shaky breath she let out. Leaning forward i pushed my luck as i trailed my nose along the side of her neck, my left hand moving to hold onto her hip lightly before breathing into her neck once i smelled the sweet scent of apples.

"Could always ask for help baby girl?"

She stood up quickly and groaned as she looked to her stomach before slipping my shirt on, the shirt hanging down past her thighs, i should of his the pants while i was at it. She looked at me with wide eyes and crossed her arms over her breasts, a serious look on her face.

"Please get out.....i want to sleep."

"Problem with that baby girl, Docs orders i got to keep an eye on you tonight and make sure your not feverish so i will be bunking here with you...dont worry i will sleep on the floor."

Her eyes widened as she shook her head in no quickly.

"Fuck that shit....sleep outside or check in on me if you want but you are not sleeping in here with me."

"baby girl you agreed no fighting." i stood and looked to her annoyed. "Get your cute little ass into bed or i am gonna pin your ass right back down!"

"Get the fuck out Creeper!"

That's it. Before she could react my left hand gripped her throat as i pulled her towards me and lay her flat on the bed, my body laying over hers as i had my other hand gripping her hair leaning down i kissed her roughly if not deeply. This little hell fire was going to fucking learn one way or the other, besides i had been wanting to do this for a long time.

She froze under me but did not push me back or fight me away, i groaned into her lip not liking that she did not respond to me i pulled away and whispered against her lips, my hand still holding her throat.

"if you do not kiss me back baby girl, i am gonna bite you."

I kissed her again more slowly this time and to my surprise she responded to me, her tongue tentavily licking my lower lip with her tongue the gesture making me press into her as i gripped her hair slightly harder, the hold on her throat still there but not as forceful. Her lips tasted like honey and apples how the fuck could those two things go together i will never know but my half hard dick did not seem to fucking mind it at all.


What the fuck am i doing? Why am i fucking kissing him? I mean yes he is sexy, dark, mysterious and talks to me without hesitation and fear its a turn on at sometimes but annoying at others. He tasted good, his lips moved expertly with mine and the taste of mint and something else i couldn't describe filled my taste buds, he felt muscled and huge over me in this very moment i felt small compared to him. His hand on my throat excited me and so did his hand gripping my hair, when he said he was going to bite me i believed him its why i decided to kiss him back but my curiosity got the best of me and my tongue ended up making its way past his lips and into his mouth. His breathing was heavy it matched mine and things probably would of gone far had it not been for the banging on the door, he growled litterly growled as he pulled off me and looked upwards towards the door to the room we were in.

"Hold that thought baby girl."

Reaper got off me and walked towards the door his hand pulling the gun out from his pants and walked forward his green eyes focused. Me, i lay in bed my mind going back to when i spoke to Emily. During our planning for last nights events.


Emily laughed as she heard what i told her about my encounters with Reaper, her head leaned back as her dark brown hair was tied into a messy bun, her skin a bit tan from her time here and her sunbathing habits which made her freckles on her nose more vibrant.

"Wait a minute your telling me you have Black Hearts MC president wanting to punch a hole in your V-card and your saying no because he had your sister in his lap and possibly in the shower?"

"laugh it up Cornelius!"

She laughed drawing the attention of the guy before shaking her head, her greenish gray eyes full of mischief as she walked over to Joses computer and began to type away. Pictures of Lukas Valentine AKA Reaper President of the Black hearts MC popped up, his age height, affiliations and everything else was blacked out. Looking at his pictures she gave a wolf whistle as she smirked and looked at me.

"Okay one find out whats up with your sister and him and two....stop being so fucking shy Bells, your 25 going on 26 and your the only one out of all of us whos never had sex, had a boyfriend, had a life. This is your last job everyone knows it even the Don, you need to start living for you Bells and that means taking risks....this is one of them."

I frowned and looked to Reapers picture as i nodded my head slightly. "i am not saying i do not find him attractive but he is a fucking asshole....he is fucking full of himself."

Emily laughed and looked to his picture. "if i looked like that Bells i would be too...find out whats the deal with your sister then if the answer is good just fucking take a risk...you only got one life Viper."

**********END OF FLASHBACK**********

Voices came from the living room, raised ones at that so i stood and made my way to the door quietly as i peeked out and looked to Reaper his back to me, he wasn't wearing his vest just his black wife beater, his muscles on full display as he spoke to the man with the dreads whos name i had never caught, he looked to me over Reapers shoulder, followed behind him was my sister Rosa and a few more bikers. I looked back in the room a raging anger rising in my stomach. Looking for the cell i found it on the table and groaned as i moved to quickly for it, i pulled on the stitches the pain not even stopping my anger.

"What are you doing here? And why are you wearing Reapers shirt?" Rosas voice said from the doorway.

"Mind your business Rose."

Rosalinda walked into the room and slammed the door behind her, her eyes full of anger as she starred at me, her hands in fists at her sides her clothes lets not even go there but she was dressed just the same way, proacative and flashing to much skin for my own fucking comfort. Walking towards the other side of the bed she grabbed onto my arm tightly her eyes full of anger as she starred at me her breathing slightly heavy.

"Answer me damn it."

My anger got the best of me and my rational side had soon dissappeared in this moment she was not my sister just another woman demanding answers and holding onto my arm a little to tight and it just happened to be the one shoulder that i was shot in.

"Or what?" i said starring at her.

"you going to cry, threaten me, fight me, challenge me pendeja tu cres q yo te voy decir algo?"

(idiot do you think i will tell you something about him?)

"You should Reaper is my man not yours or what being alone all those years make you desperate enough to steal your sisters man?"

"Not really your man now is he if he dosent claim you?" i sneered in anger my brows pushed together.

I attempted to pull my arm away but felt her hard acrylic nails dig into my arm as she starred at me her eyes flaring with anger as she gave me a slight shove, my balance not so great at the moment that i felt the stinging pain in my gut from the pull of the stitches.

"Alright Rosie....you wanna play? Then lets play."

Standing she came at me with a scream her fist decking me right in my already bruised lip, raising my left arm up to block her hit again, i punched her directly in the gut my eyes full of anger as i tossed her onto the bed, the banging on the door drew my attention and so did the yells from the guys.

"Open this door! Whats fucking going on there?" Reaper yelled pounding on the door.

I ignored the yelling i pulled the dresser in front of the door, my back to Rosa which was a mistake on my part, she gripped my hair and slammed me face first onto the dresser not once but twice as groaned the aching pain going through my nose, blood running down my face as i managed to raise my right elbow and hit her directly in the lip. The force was enough to get her off, turning around i yelled as i slammed her onto the floor raising my left first i hit her directly in the nose not caring that she was my sister, not caring that we were fighting for stupid reasons, not caring that my parents were probably rolling around in there graves seeing how we were at this moment, hell i am pretty sure any of our remaining relatives would fully disown us one they saw or heard what happened.

The pounding behind me got louder and my fists fell quicker the adrenaline taking over but the fact that i was hurt was an advantage to Rosie. She managed to punch me dead in the gut over my stitches the pain causing me to flinch and she saw it because after that she started hitting me dead on the pain was to much that i keeled over. One thing she was good at was head butting just like me and did just that. I could see stars as i fell to my side, she stood and began kicking me dead on in the stomach with her fucking black biker boots, I couldn't even cover myself i just gave out grunts and yells as i tried balling into a ball on my side, i was grateful for the fact that the shirt i wore was black and hid the fact that i was bleeding onto the carpet. The door slammed open the dresser being pushed out the way and the only thing i could make out before i let myself go back to sleep was Reaper kneeling over me and yelling only i couldn't hear him.


After Poison pulled out Rosie i had carried her sister back to the kitchen, it was barley 5 in the morning and i had no sleep but to deal with this seeing that both girls were fighting it out in the room was dare i see a fucking trip or just fucking stupid. Belle lay unconscious in my arms as i lay her back on the table, Poison had purposely brought Rosie along with Zed, Rex, his sister Sammy and a woman who's name i did not even get but she came in a black suv with Jose so i was guessing another snake from the group.

She looked at Belle and then me, her eyes filled with what looked like venom. To be honest she fucking gave me the creeps, she walked towards Rosie deathly quiet as she gripped her hair and slammed her into the floor, her right arm twisted behind her back as she just hed her in place a very deadly look on her face. I went to help her but smirked seeing that she had a gun pointed at Poison's balls her eyes on me as she spoke.

"Come closer and he looses his friend."

Jesus Christ. Were all the Italian woman this fucking crazy?

"Your the little shit who Anna fought to protect huh? Disgusting in my opinion i told her a long time ago to leave your bloody ass in a orphanage but no she wanted to be mother fucking teresa. You dont fucking deserve to call her blood. Your nothing more then a fucking wanker!"

Wanker, bloody? She was British not Italian.

"Enough Emily!" Jose yelled.

"Sure after i make it clear to this fucking princess you can do whatever you want Jose. Your sister fought hard and long to make sure you had everything you fucking needed and for what so that she could get letters and calls from people on how you parade around like a club whore wasting away your sisters hard earned money because you could never fucking work. Bitch if you ever touch my sister again i will make sure to cut that pretty face of yours up"

Emily stood her eyes still on Rosie who had gone completely still in the process of seeing the gun, her gaze soon landed on me.

"as for you...pick belle or the slut but if this happens again i swear to you i will personally collect the balls of every single biker wearing your patch...starting with this bloody mop head."

Poison wanted to say something but stopped when he saw Emily cock the gun it still being pointed at his dick.

"Say something i fucking dare you."

It was like watching a showdown and Poison he smirked as he raised his hands backing away from her.

Jose and Emily did not let me near Belle after that as a matter of fact Sammy didnt want me near her either so i stayed here in my room my cock hard as i thought about the kiss from earlier. Her smell and taste was that of apples, the though about burying myself between those thighs was just enough for me to head into the shower and jerk off, the fucking cold shower didnt do diddly shit. Emily was right though for days i had not taken up any club slut or even got my dick sucked when i needed relief i had stopped because all i wanted was to be between Belle, to have her under me, on me or even next to me something about her made me want to make her my old lady and i could careless if the Don agreed or not. Jose agreed to let Belle stay here for the week and during this week was when i was going to make sure she knew she belonged with me and only me.