
Talking Spells over Roast Chicken

Frustrated with her inability to make a profit, Hong Wu decided the only way to avoid being pushed around was to become stronger. With a determined look, Hong Wu downed her Fasting Pill and locked herself away, determined to reach the second layer of Qi Condensation.

After a week of secluded meditation, Hong Wu emerged from her home. 'Dammit! I'm close, but still not there yet. If I had a bit more time I could break through and begin practicing spells, but I need to gather some more food.'

The effects of the Fasting Pill had worn off, all her resources consumed, but Hong Wu was still just shy of the second layer of Qi Condensation. Her dantian now held two thin strands of white spiritual qi and there looked to be the makings of a third starting to coalesce, but it was still unformed. Sighing, Hong Wu resigned herself to another visit to the forest. 'At least I can go visit Yan,' Hong Wu thought to herself, trying to find a silver lining in her bleak situation.

Everyone had reached the first layer of Qi Condensation now; Cang Rong a few others had already reached the second layer. Hong Wu could accept losing to Lan Cixi, but not Cang Rong. Lan Cixi was the goddess of the Drifting Clouds Pavilion, adored by all her sister disciples. Cang Rong was a rude, arrogant, entitled brat that Hong Wu dreamed of taking down a peg.

Bemoaning her lack of progress in comparison to the others, Hong Wu ventured on into the woods until she arrived at Yan's campground. Not seeing her around, Hong Wu assumed that Yan was out hunting and decided to wait for her return. About an hour later Yan approached with a pair of chickens held by their feet. Seeing the wild girl Hong Wu brightened up, forgetting her current problems for a moment, "Yan!"

Yan showed surprise at finding Hong Wu back at her camp, but did not seem unhappy about it. "Run into any boars on the way?" Yan asked snarkily.

Hong Wu pouted. "I won't let something like that happen again. The experience has hardened me into a seasoned veteran," she announced with a tone of self-satisfaction.

Yan scoffed at this, "Yeah okay hero. Hungry?" she questioned, holding up the brace of fowl.

"Yes!" Hong Wu exclaimed, dropping all acts, eyeing the birds hungrily.

Hong Wu and Yan went to work plucking the chickens. While they did this Hong Wu gave an update of the events back at the sect. She happily chartered away leaving nothing out. From her cultivation, to the events with Old Sun, to the deal she struck with Hu Huan.

"Wait, ya told him about me?" Yan pointed a sharp look directly at Hong Wu.

Hong Wu knew Yan was a private person, but the emotions behind her gaze were more than being upset; her look made her seem almost wounded. "Just your name, how you broke through to the first layer of Qi Condensation, and didn't mix well with the others. I didn't tell him where you were living or anything like that."

Yan's stare softened a little before saying hoarsely, "Please don't tell that man anything else about me."

Hong Wu felt like she had done something wrong. Meekly, Hong Wu agreed, "Alright."

An awkward silence separated the two for a moment. Hating the tension, Hong Wu blurted out, "I just remember-."

Before she could get her words out Yan started at the same time, "Why did ya' tell him-?"

Both stopped to wait for the other. Unable to help herself Hong Wu let out a snort, before bursting into laughter. Her laughter was contagious. Soon Yan was laughing too. The two laughed until the previous tension was completely dispelled. Hong Wu was relieved. Hong Wu realized this was the first time she had ever seen Yan show emotion so blatantly. Looking at the girl sitting across from her, Hong Wu noticed Yan's wild beauty for the first time. Yan's untamed hair shook with every chuckle, her usually tight face loosened into an unadulterated smile. 'Cute.'

Hong Wu realized she was blushing, and quickly shook away superfluous thoughts. Seeing that Yan had not noticed, Hong Wu felt a sense of relief. Finished plucking the birds, the girls set their chicken to cook and resumed talking. Hong Wu offered, "You go first."

"Alright, why did ya say I was at layer one of Qi Condensation?"

Hong Wu marveled, "You're not?"

"How else did ya think I could use a spell to take down the boar."

Hong Wu suddenly had a revelation, "Of course! The first spell of the Coldmist Breathing Technique is the Shrouding Fog illusion spell. I wondered why you were able to emerge from the fog right next to the boar without alerting it."

After a cultivator reached the second layer of the Coldmist Breathing Technique, they could begin using the spell Shrouding Fog. With this spell, one could create a layer of fog with their spiritual qi to mask their presence from others and sneak up on them. It was the perfect stealth move. Still, one thing bothered Hong Wu.

"How were you able to break through so quickly?"

Again, Yan showed surprise, "The meat from the animals. The spiritual qi on the mountain invigorates all livin things here. The animals are too dumb to cultivate like us, but they naturally absorb trace amounts over time. It is not as much as the pills the sect makes, but if you eat it every day meat beats out pills easily. Didn't ya notice a rise in yer spiritual qi after eating the boar?"

Hong Wu was dumbfounded by this. "How is this possible!? First the pills, now the food? Why does nothing I eat work right?"

Disheartened Hong Wu fell into a depression. Yan's face contorted as if she wanted to comfort Hong Wu but did not know how to do it.

"Screw it, this maybe the most valuable thing I own, but I'm using it!"

Before Yan could ask what Hong Wu meant, Hong Wu pulled out the gray spirit stone Hu Huan had given her and began furiously absorbing spiritual qi from it using her Coldmist Breathing Technique. A few minutes later the rock in Hong Wu's hand disintegrated into ash, a look of hollow satisfaction on her face. 'The second layer of Qi Condensation!'

Hong Wu used her divine sense to observe two white strands of spiritual qi slowly moving around in her dantian with a third, gray strand now accompanying them. Exhausted from the effort, Hong Wu languidly looked over to Yan who was waiting patiently for Hong Wu to finish. Yan grinned, "Let me to be the first to congratulate ya on yer break through."

Hong Wu smiled back, "Thank you, I'm sorry for that outburst just now. I just keep thinking that I am being held back by not having the ability to cultivate as smoothly as I would like and I lost myself for a second."

"No problem, meat's ready."


"What did ya want to say?"


"Earlier, you were going to say somethin."

"Oh right! I almost forgot!"

Rummaging through her robes Hong Wu removed a pill bottle she had bought with her excess merit points. Inside were five Qi Drawing Pills. "Here you go."

"I can't-."

"Stop, I already told you that pills are useless to me. Take them, as thanks for saving my life."

Yan deliberately reached out and received the pill bottle voicing a small, "Thanks."

"No problem," Hong Wu warmly grinned.

The two ate heartily, enjoying each other's company. Throughout the dinner Hong Wu would ask questions concerning the Shrouding Fog spell and Yan would answer. The two traded cultivation experiences, and Hong Wu even suggested that they try to move the black rock in Yan's courtyard to her camp. Thinking it was a good idea the pair headed back to the Drifting Clouds Quarters to roll it back. As they arrived in the living quarters, the girls who were out and about quickly turned back to their homes after spotting Yan.

Hong Wu was upset with their rudeness, but it wasn't like they were any more welcoming to her. Hong Wu could tell that the others tolerated her thanks in part to Lan Cixi's gentle attitude of sisterhood and unity. "Don worry bout it. Let's just do what we came here to do."

Thanks to the girls' cultivation, their strength was beyond that of two average girls their age. Nevertheless, even with this amplified strength, moving the rock was a massive chore. It took half the day and numerous breaks before they were finally able to reach the camp. When they finally arrived, the sky had already gone dark.

As Hong Wu was about to head back to the Drifting Clouds Quarters, Yan declared, "It's pretty late; why don't ya stay here tonight?"

Nonplussed by the proposition, Hong Wu stood rooted in position dumbly staring back at Yan.

"I mean, we jus got dis rock here and wanna give it a try tonight. You can take the bed," Yan explained defensively.

Hong Wu blushed, 'She really is too cute!'

"Alright, I will take you up on your hospitality."

Hong Wu headed over to the makeshift shelter and snuggled in tightly. Exhausted from her recent push to the second layer of Qi Condensation and moving the rock, Hong Wu quickly fell asleep, a childish smile plastered to her face.

Finally got over 20,000 words up. Gonna try and make a request for some cover art on the forum. Wish me luck!

As always thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments.

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