
Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangster

Liao Yin stood on the outside of the Drifting Cloud Quarters' barrier looking rather uncomfortable. Hong Wu and Yan slowly emerged from the woods within barrier. Catching sight of the two young women, he stiffened up his posture and braced himself for what was to come.

Hong Wu approached the young man with Yan in tow, stopping right before the edge of the barrier. Liao Yin seemed hesitant to make eye contact with Hong Wu. Hong Wu on the other hand, stared right at Liao Yin without restraint. "You once told me all of our actions have consequences, cause and effect. You said that this is a reality of cultivation and of life and that if you go against the laws of heaven and you'll get crushed. I wonder if you still believe those words?"

Each word hit Liao Yin's heart like a fist. Finally looking up he replied, "Of course I do. This is a truth that all cultivators must face. If you don't want to believe me then that's fine, but you'll never grow your cultivation without accepting hard truths."

Hong Wu mulled these words over briefly. "You were right to say those things when you did, just as I am right so say them back at you now."

A bleak smile cracked Liao Yin's lips "You're learning."

Liao Yin sighed as his shoulders slumped into a more resigned posture. "So what now boss?"

Hong Wu replied without missing a beat, "I'll need someone to keep the others in line the same way Li Yu did for Du Hu. You'll be the intermediary between us and the rest of them."

Liao Yin didn't seem surprised by this in the way Hong Wu anticipated. "Anything else?"

"Yes. You'll also be the one to cash in the merit points and return them to me. Yan here will go with you when doing so to make sure you don't get any funny ideas."

Hong Wu gestured to a rather contemptuous Yan. This part did seem to throw off Liao Yin a bit. "You're not cashing them in yourself?"

Hong Wu didn't bother to explain, instead continuing, "I will be doing things rather differently from Du Hu. I may be using you, but I am not interested in keeping you all under my thumb forever. Any cultivator who can give me one thousand merit points will have their sect token returned."

This surprised Liao Yin even more than the responsibility of cashing in the merit points, but this time he held his tongue. One thousand merit points was nothing to sneeze at, but was achievable within a year for most of the industrious foragers within Du Hu's former camp. A single year of labor for freedom did seem a shade better than eking scraps for a lifetime under the thumb of the tyrannical Du Hu.

Hong Wu waited for a response. Receiving none she began to grow impatient. "Thoughts?"

Liao Yin snapped out of the thoughts that were currently running through his head and focused back on Hong Wu. Taking on a much more differential tone than before he replied, "Is that everything boss?"

"That's all for now. Go back to the rest and tell them what I've told you."

"As you wish," Liao Yin bowed and turned to leave.


Liao Yin stopped and turned back to Yan who had just called out. "Yes?"

"Ya'll need to get two-hundred and fifty merit points before da end of da month."

Hong Wu immediately realized what Yan meant by this. Almost a month had already gone by since Hong Wu had given up her cauldron to Du Hu and she only had a little over a month to get it back from him. "Yes, that is correct make sure they know that as well." Hong Wu took a slightly graver tone, "This is of grave importance to me, and will also be a good way to test your capabilities. I hope you prove up to the task."

"Consider it done," Liao Yin said, bowing once more before disappearing in the dense foliage.

Once it was certain he was gone Hong Wu exhaled forcefully, releasing all the imposing tension she had been trying to exude throughout the exchange. "I think that went well," she chirped smiling back at Yan.

"I don' trust him."

"You don't trust anyone. I had to work with him for a few weeks, I know what he is like. He's someone who follows the tides and right now we have all the power."

"Yer too cocky. This could blow up in our faces just as easily as it did for Du Hu."

Taking a slightly more serious tone, yet still holding onto some mirth, Hong Wu agreed, "I know this isn't going to be as easy as it seems, but I also know we can pull it off. You're too stiff sometimes Yan; you should learn a thing or two from Liao Yin and go with the flow from time to time."

Yan lightly scoffed at the idea of taking it easy for anything ever which only made Hong Wu laugh. Hong Wu then headed back withYan to their cave abode, excited at the prospects of what was to come from her new gang leader position.

So yeah...progress. It's slow goings and I know that not many people will be able to follow something with such irregular updates. I know I wouldn't. In fact, I have dropped many a webnovel when I realized they didn't update at least once a week. For the fans of this story who are still reading this even after my year hiatus between chapters 34 and 35...I have no idea why you would do that, but I love you more than I can ever express. For those of you who just saw a novel you don't know and took a chance on it, I can't thank you enough for doing so. I hope you can all be patient with me. Right now the goal is one chapter a month and to work my way up to one a week eventually. Hong Wu's story is only just starting and I hope I can do her justice.

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