
Viltrumite Power in Marvel

Eugene Thompson or Flash, he somehow get Viltrumite Powers.

Raj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs


Next morning, Eugene wakes up pretty early in the morning.

The first thing he did was to check what he saw was dream or real.

Its just waking up in strange environment, and looking at someone else face in the mirror, Eugene sighed.

As expected, it was all true.

Eugene went to the bathroom, first freshen himself up, and then he went to exercise.

Before breakfast, morning exercise is really important.

He want to finish his training Quest for atleast 5x times before he will have breakfast.

Luckily this doesn't take much time. 1 set of exercise can be finished in just 30 minutes, including rest time.

Eugene exercise till 8'o clock, and when he finished his goal, he went to get breakfast.

Breakfast is pretty simple, which is a hamburger.

He can't eat Indian food in New York city, after all, compared to India, it is 1000x times more costly.

With his current financial condition, he can't have a dinner in Indian Restaurant.

Eugene shook his head, and after having breakfast, he first rested for a while.

When he have super power, he can just flew to India, and eat whatever he wants.

Or go to china to have chinese dish.

Or Italy for Pizza.

Although Viltrumite don't have fancy super powers, but whatever powers they have, they are pretty good.

He can atleast run away from the danger, when he can't handle it.

Yes, Eugene didn't have any plan to become superhero.

Reason is pretty simple.

He saw Image Comics, and a lots and lots of Viltrumites were killed.

This proves that Viltrumite are not invincible. They can be killed.

Plus this world has just too many villians. How can he protect himself.

If he became Kryptonian, he might try... but Viltrumite are several times weaker than Kryptonian.

Among Viltrumite, maybe only Thragg is powerful enough to compete against Kryptonian.

Eugene just lie on the stool in the park, and looked towards the sky.

Soon he will have the power to fly. Hope he will not be foolish enough to fly into space like first time Invincible did it.

Thinking of this, Eugene stand from his place, and once again started to exercise.

He wants to earn atleast 50 points today.

100 Pushups, 100 Situps, 100 Squats, and 10 kilometer race.

Eugene is constantly exercise in repeated fashion.

100 Pushups, 100 Situps and 100 Squats can be completed together, within 5 minute. And after 5 minutes rest, he started running which consume 20 minutes to finish 10 kilometers race.

Normally Eugene would be completely tired after doing it once. But as the energy in his body increases, his body produces less and less fatigue toxins.

As for going to school, today is sunday. And most importantly he already decided that he will not return to school until he awaken his powers.

Time started to pass, and around 2'o clock, finally Eugene stop for lunch.

He also opened his panel, and checked.

Power: 28/28

Still not enough power to awaken his bloodline.

Eugene sighs, and went to have lunch.

His lunch is also junk food, which literally have no nutritional value.

Eugene rested till the food settle downs in his stomach, and then once again started to exercise.

Eugene returned his house when it was already 10'o clock.

He don't stay outside so late normally.

After all, this is not a safe place. Robbery incident is pretty normal.

Eugene made dinner for him, and then went to sleep after taking bath.

As for Gwen, today she is busy.

You have to know, Gwen is a intern in OsCorp Industries. This is also one of the reason why her parents thinks that she is wasting her time on this useless boys.

Inside the whole Stacy family, everyone believes that Gwen is the talented girl who has the potential to bring family out of Middle Class status, and enter into Upper Middle Class Status.

And according to them, Eugene is the roadblock who was stoping her from achieving this.

On the other side, OsCorp right now is in complete mess.

Some idiot made a mistake, and few Genetically Enhanced Spiders actually run away.

Only few staff members know about this, but to save their job, they act ignorant.

Gwen Stacy is also among them.

Most importantly, she actually know who that Idiot was, who let those Genetically Enhanced Spider run away.

That person is Peter Benjamin Parker. His classmate.

She is the person who is incharge of tour for some journalist.

She recognized that Peter Parker is not Journalist, but she still allowed him to take the tour.

She thought Peter come here to follow her, but she never thought fucking bastard has some other plans completely.

Although she throw him out, but accident already happened.

If Management found about this, then not only she got kicked out of the company as intern.

And there may even be chances that OsCorp file case on her, and send her to jail.

Luckily no one has found about Peter Parker yet.

Today, her day is really really bad.

So she came home with depressed mood.

On the other side, Peter Parker, he actually beaten by Genetically Enhanced Spider, and now feeling pretty weird.

He went downstairs, and bring 3 bottles of coke, and lots of sugar to his room, and then started to consume it.

His DNA is constantly changing, and combining with Spider DNA. And this process consume too much energy.

And human get energy from glucose.

Because of this, his body also carving sugar.

After drinking two 2-liter bottles of coke, and eating 1 kg of sugar, Peter fall on the ground, and fainted.

Its just his DNA mutation has not stopped.