

Hulk charged Abomination and hit him with a punch exuding massive force. Abomination tanked the punch and returned it but failed to notice the smaller hand sneaking up under him hitting him up in the air.

Invincible chased after the grey mass and knocked him towards the dirt filled construction site of the new mall. Watching Abomination fall he flew down grabbed Hulk by the arm and flew into the air. With a quick spin he turned Bruce into the deadliest Missle ever.

After launching Hulk he heard a giant boom and rushed towards the scene to see Hulk beating the Abomination into the ground senselessly as he yells.

"HULK THATS ENOUGH," Invincible yelled after seeing the unconscious monstrosity already had his eyes white side up. Hulk looked back at me and clenched his fist before getting in one more swing and begrudgingly walks away.

"WatchTower it's Invincible we have The Abomination down and out, requesting pick up and the strongest containment protocols." Im calling in the cavalry to pick up the mashed monster that i fail to notice Hulk looking up at the sky.

Suddenly i hear the sound of helicopter blades in the distance getting closer and closer. I turn around to see Hulk staring up and tracing his line of sight i see a unmarked helicopter flying overhead back towards the city. I ignore it and wait for a minute until a warp shows up in front of me with Colossus dragging a giant adamantium box.

Hulk starts snarling catching my attention for a bit but i wave it off helping Colossus put away the grey man. "Colossus how's the clean up going?"

"The damage is intensive but doesn't go past 2 blocks so its manageable" the metal man responds.

Making a mental note to have Star Enterprises assist in rebuilding the city, i hear a loud crashing sound and the sounds of screaming coming from the city. Hulk doesn't wait and immediately launches off.

With a sigh i tell Colossus "Handle the transport, no incidents and no room for errors. If he escapes you're going three rounds with me." After leaving the terrified Russian i fly off back towards the city to deal with whatever else wanted to interrupt my day.

Back in the city The rest of OverWatch was busy rescuing the citizens who were caught in this massive battle. Peter was lifting up large pieces of rubble with Gwen as Kitty and Scott dragged them out of the rubble.

"Whew," Peter said dropping his side of the rubble as he looked at his mentor "I didn't expect it to be like this. All of this destruction for a fight that doesn't even last 10 minutes?"

Gwen looked at her protege "It doesn't get easier but just remember what your uncle is always telling you. This responsibility is huge, people die when we mess up. So thats why we dont do it alone. If one of us misses something, if someone messes up, we watch each other's back. Just because we have these powers doesnt make us anything more than human."

Peter stood there in a daze watching his heroes go around the city trying to save as many as they can. He was 10 years old when the worlds first superhero Invincible showed up on the T.V. At first he was awed and he couldnt wait to go talk to Ned and M.J. about it. His friends were all nerds like he was so all they could talk about was the flying man.

Over time their talks became more and more diverse as so many different superpowers were publicized by the media. All of OverWatch was just inspirational, putting their lives on the line to save everyone.

The time he got bit by that random spider he never thought he'd get the same powers as GhostSpider. He was just shocked. He let himself get absorbed into the power and even started using it to make money for his small family to live easier.

That all changed the night his uncle was almost killed. If GhostSpider hadn't intervened he would've lost Ben due to his own reckless. From that day onwards he vowed to always do right by the little guy. It took a whole week of wearing his jeans and red hoodie and stopping minor crimes before he was approached by GhostSpider again.

That time he didnt hesitate to ask her to teach him. He's been training at OverWatch H.Q. along with Sam Alexander aka Nova. The two of them along with the new girl Lunella who's an orphan that works with the technical team.

There was supposed to be two other new girls to join their team coming in soon a squirrel and a tiger but before that happens he has to get through this mess.

"SPIDERMAN ARE YOU LISTENING!" Gwen yelled bringing Peter out of his daze "sigh if you keep dozing off to do your monologuing that might get someone hurt kid. C'mon we're moving on Phoenix confirmed there's no one left here."

"Yes ma'am im ready!" I said when i felt my spider senses tingle. Gwen and I both went on Alert looking around for the danger. "Ummm GhostSpider i dont really see anything dangerous around?"

"Lesson number 18 kid" Gwen started "If your spider sense goes off early that means the threat is even bigger. Based on how bad my senses are screaming we have an Abomination level threat en route."

Peters eyes widen as Gwen reaches for her badge and calls out "All Watch members on my location, we have a big one incoming."

A series of rogers and confirmations comes through as Kurt is the first to arrive and start looking around. A minute later we hear a helicopter coming. We all look to the sky to see an unmarked helicopter floating above the city, we initially assumed it to be a news copter, but when the doors open and a figure jumps out we all get alert.

The rest of the team arrives just in time to see the figure crash into the ground with a massive crater.

"Ive come a long way to find you freaks." a rough gravelly voice said as it shook the surroundings. The team all take a step back and await the creature when a giant red muscled arm comes out of the smokey crater leaving a 5 finger indentation in the concrete.

"Now be good little mutants and die!" The figure yells as it jumped out of the whole. The team all gasps as a gigantic 14 ft red hued Hulk appears before them and lets out a massive bone shaking yell before charging at them.

"Oh this is not my lucky day," Peter quipped.

Bonus Scene

Senator Kelly was walking through a secret corridor accompanied by Bolivar Trask, Samuel Sterns and Nathaniel Essex.

Trask stepped forward as he led his new companions through a double door leading into a large hanger with a team of people working on a 1/4 finished robot.

"Gentlemen" Trask started "When we came together i promised you results. Let me introduce you three to the culmination. of our research and partnership. I call it the Sentinal Master Mold."

"Yes, brilliant with this we should have zero issues stopping OverWatch with all the samples provided by Dr. Essex. If this can be mass produced, no mutant, no lab experiments, nothing will stop us" Kelly said with a maniacal grin.

Samuel looked at it and said "Hmm if Ross can manage to deal enough damage to those pesky kids and the city with all those enhancements i gave him then we should have all we need to get the positive vote."

Essex smiled and said "Gentlemen this is the beginning of a brilliant partnership."