
Ch 3 Esmé

Standing in front of 1000 students not including professors and other staff.

I would know afterall.

Aster stood with me along with the new 37 students.

My eyes were on anything but the ceremony.

All I had to do was listen for my name Esmé Castiel , I chose the last name myself although Gregory insisted on adding the valentine name at the end I believe it may make life now slightly difucult to approach Lucius.

I knew aster everyone did she was valentines daughter however most people who approached her were superficial I wanted to seem inconspicuous as possible.

"Stop searching the crowd darken houses members always like to take their time, you saw enough attention already"

A group of people waved towards aster motioning her to them but most they were looking at me I suppose they're are curious.

I couldn't help but smile at them which seemed to stop to make some of them pause. "Did I do it wrong?"

"No you smiled fine, let's just say they're attention towards you are for different reasons" aster explained in whispers tiptoeing slightly while tilting her head to whisper.

"I see, humans do love beautiful things and people, I believe I feel that way towards Lucius I find his features enchanting." I could not help but smile back at aster and her friends, now recieving some smiles back after looking surprised.

"Please stop talking like that , I understand your new to vanity and please don't be soo modest about your looks" laughing silently while waving back the grand hall of assembly were starting to fill up.

Giving my hand a little squeeze aster seemed almost reluctant to leave me. 

"I'll be alright besides ice seen this ceremony almost the same number as you, you can join your friends."

"Try to stop talking like that, your making me worry for you"

"Talking like what, is it my accent?"

Chuckling at my question aster replied" like your an omniciet seer"

Gasping I replied "never only the father in heaven is omniciet noone is capable of knowing everything"

"Right ignore what I said I'm on the 3rd table I'm going to go now, remember the instructions when your with the the hawthorn tree, I hope you could be house Fiddlefolk with me. "

"I like fiddlefolk I hope it's fiddle folk too" although I won't mind Darken if I did get it fiddlefolk

Aster seem to read what was in my head.

"He's here" aster turned in confusion.

I couldn't help but stand straighter to see him swagger in with his group of followers.

Before aster made her way back to the table she she gave me a tired sigh.

"Take it easy, consentrate of the sorting"

As if on an instinct his eyes looked over to the front of the hall with the 1st standing ground below the highest ground for the headmaster and the other professor's of specialities, overcome with emotions I as I lock my eyes on his deep blue orbs he didn't smile but because einonew him I saw that pause as we lock eyes I'm sure my golden orbs were shining my heart seem to want to jump out before. Then a familiar site of my ward walked past him Peter and Rowan the overwhelming of emotions were calmed with he entrance of Peter although I could see it I felt the aura behind his his new guardian.

From y distraction I tried to find Lucius again to find him there no more looking towards the 6thbtable where he woould normally sit in the darken table I saw him now looking angry and annoyed and the boy who was walking with him seemed to avoid him leaving him to sit like a lone prince on dining table I hoped he would look up again just once more.

"Students please quiet down so we may proceed with the he ceremony, welcome back to the academy. Another term begins as we all gather here today. May we welcome our newest students of SAGE. "

The grand hall echoed with the thindrus claps of all students including the new ones I seemed to have missed missed the cue of clapping with others so I didn't bother.  It seemed to not matter as professor Grendel went to stand next to the hawthorn tree at the highest of the ground.

The steps towards the tree was inlid with the green garept with golden embrodary the school use during this time. Each student was to make their way one at a time after being called to the tree.

"This year studentswe will have a new student to joing 3rd year of SAGE. I understand his is unusual, however please welcome miss Esmé Castiel and help her understand the faerie ways "

Looking towards me Gregory extended his arms towards me to walk up to the hawthorn"

Just before I caught sight of Lucius whos cold face was with an unbotherd smirk. I knew it was a mask I already knew his weakness but he was good at covering it up.

Before walking towards professor Gregory i gave him a slight smile I can't seem to help it but it seemed to stop his smirk and made him emotionless.

Professor valentine after leading me towards the tree too the other side of the tree next to Mrs Grendel who gave me a reassuring smile.

The tree extended his branch toward me as a carving if his feature seem to appear. His voice raspy like an old man's. The branch felt warm the wood smooth to the touch.

"How peculiar. This has never happened before , dear child you are if the father am I correct"

I nodded I expected a similar situation  the thought of the tree filled my head.

"I can't seem to sort you blessed child I see courage, intelligence above all other empathey and spirit.. maybe Lumiere you'll stand out too much with fiddlefolk hmm Athenia "

"No Lumiere or Athenia,  fiddlefolk will be fine, it's a shame your indoors isn't that unlucky in your customs"

The tree buckled and shook some leaves off.

"What is an angel doing on earth ;please feed my curiosity"

"I want to save someone special and change his fate"

I felt a bit of warmth again like a comforting caress. 

"Thankyou for humouring me child, fiddlefolk doesn't seem to be wrong you won't invite on Lumiere and Athenia sis you object, your heart seem to seek another I'll humor you for humering me "

The tree rumbled again preparing to shout the sorting. I was also prepared each house had a chosen colour when he house is chosen the

"Esmé Castiel house of Darken"

The air woosehed out of me but there was joy I had hoped for a happy accident I guess I didn't have a choice I'll. Just have to be try not to look like a stalker I did omcist on fiddlefolk but the tree pulled a trick.

"Traitor "

The tree rumbled in what seemed like laughter again. Still I decided to bless him back.

"You seem to need help making your mind up"

The tree shook another bunch of leaves a small flower landing in my hands


Before I eped down I gave the hawthorn tree a small blessing of healing.

"Thankyou child"

Our conversation are retained by a barrier so I never worried about others hearing us.

Peoplencheered as made my way towards Darken tablel. My eyes fell on aster for a moment to see the wife eyes of shock while she chuckled and cheered with other for the sorting.

I also could help but smile back.

People from Darken also cheered as they welcomed mebtoneveryone surprised I walked and took the empty seat next to Lucius king who just frowned.

"Hello I'm Esmé , your lucius I've been wanting to meet you." I hope that came out ok His face was confused and nnoyed face looked aborabken I know he was slightly shocked.

"Did I say you can sit next to me"

I sighed right I forgot his of his defencive personality.

"No but I really wanted to sit next to you"

A bunch of ohh came from the boys at the table my smile didn't falter.

"Shutup! You must be a fool, I don't even know you "

"I see that's is quite unfair for you I know you but you don't know me.

He looked baffled bedroew he could respond the his eyes fell behind me to the tree turning to look I saw the tree was now covered in little red berries.

Coering it like freckles.

The chattering surrounme as people started speaking in surprised wisters. Gregory gave a nod barely notisible as he quitned down the pupils.

I should have controlled my powers more my healing was only meant to extent towards his root. The root of the hawthorn tree was in knots stopping him from absorbing oxygen there all o tried to do was removed the root root caused by the root knotting and untangled it this can now help his breathing and improve his voice.

Although I controlled my powers I Wasent expecting this much of a reaction now the hawthromln tree is good as ever and made a bow towards me the people surrounding us errupted in to talking curious and admiring gazes but also filled with contempt and confusion.

Their emotions were giving me a headache .

"Quiet down now pupil we just went through a slight reaction from the tree let us now rocked with the sorting ceremony"

As valentine continued and called upont the next student the person opposite now introduced himself.

"Hi , I'm Paddy I swear we all thought you were going to be sorted into Lumiere or fiddlefolk"

I also extended my hand to hake his hand

"I thought I preferred fiddlefolk but Darken is wat I really wanted it seems"

Turning my head slightly to see Lucius ignoring our conversation.

I knew he was hearing Lucius always knew what was goin on I'm sure he already figure out the I'm related to what happend with the hawthorn tree just now.

The houses continues to cheer as they welcomed ne members to their tables

"Why did you join late?"

Paddy continued to whisper across watching Lucius I saw a slight twitch in his closed eyes.

He's not really sleeping he's actually very much aware of what happening all around him. If I remember correctly during this time of the beginning of the year he started to withdraw from his friends to to the awakening of his familiar , then later going out of control and hurt his sister who stepped in between the father son fight. They fought often ever since his father blamed him for his mother's death.

As everyone grew wary of him he himself started to believe he is evil.

My heart suddenly clenched , not all parents deserve to have kids. His father was s great example.

The villains origin were indeed painful.

I hope to be the one to celebrate his birthday for the first time in his life.

I know he is aware of me yet hes soo good at ignoring. Unknown to him im used to being ignored so it never bothers me infarct it gave me comfort.

"Where will you go after the ceremony ends?"

I asked in curiosity there will be no class after the ceremony students are given the time to get acostumed to the dorms and settle in while the 1st year were given elwborate tours and teaching. i don't have to do that ofcourse I seem to have 9 years more experience than anytudent here mostly because I'm the only one with the mwmmoney of hat happend in the past life.

The annoyance on his face was slightly more real this time as he replied "what's it to you?"

"Will you come with me to receive the darken uniform?"

He ignored me,paddy jumped in "why don't you ask us we come with"

"It's alright I'll just come get it tomorrow i guess I can go with aster "

"Who aster valentine ?"

"I nodded we share dorms"