
Ch 2 Ezmé

"I told father father it's was better to just do the ceremony by ourselves here, now although your joing 3rd year with us your going to have to stand with 1st years for sorting ceremony"

Aster seem to like talking it's was always fun to listen to her she talked fast and very passionate in all her speech she always sounded a bit angry. This time as she talked she was tying my tie for me something I still couldn't get the hang of.

"I alright i believe Gregory believes in strong introductions. Lthough I've never stood in the presence of soo many people atleast not seen"

Aster just signed as she heard this as she collapsed on to my bed. She was ready before me her chestnut hair artfully straightned using a divide that seemed torturous. Although I knew both the human and Fae realm girls used this alot. It was fascinating I never seen Holly use it she seemed to embrased her hairs big joyous locks.

Sometimes I missed them , I knew I can still look out for them , peter properly has a new guardian already.

"What are you doing you can't put your skirt that long your going to school not a monastery" aster seemed to enjoy dressing me up she ensured I she was Right now she was shortening my skirt above my knee. It's looks pretty good I remember girls do that too even Holly.

I sighed again thinking of facing everyone I suppose I can have a better view of where he was.

Sage sorting ceremony of houses was a jolly event I have observed many and eventually the hawthorn tree is said to take In our consideration if there 0is enough determination.

Gregory was already in the sage as sorting for first tears is one of the most enjoyable and busy times in the academy.

Aster and my now adoptive mother Galen were in the process of creating a portal to ensure our safe delivery to SAGE.

"Esmé you look nervous! " Signed Galen.

"So thats what that feeling was. It seem you may be right It feels hard to breathe" I tilted my head studying the swirling portal resembling the eye of a green tornado.

Aster looked at me in what seem like sympathy then turned to look at Galen.

"Mother me maybe this a little too early"

Before fallen could speak I smiled and

Took a step forward towards the portal. Ive seen this portal many times it was a normal form of commute in the faerie realm .

"I'll be fine I'm not nervous about the people I'm looking forward to meeting my favourite person"

I believe they both knew I was referring to Lucius.

This seems to make them both even more nervous.

Suddenly galen agreed "now make sure you stay away from that boy he is the type of trouble that is hard to shake off lass"

Aster saw asi odded in agreement with her mother

They both knew some of what was happening for the sake of protecting me Gregory wanted this to be a secret.

"It's time to go is it not ? Anyway I'll be there she won't be in trouble but we will be if the headmasters daughter is late with the new enrolee"

Aster steeped flowers as she took my hand. All the school materials were spelled to be in our form room with I will be sharing with Aster. Alright lets go find my villain.