
Villains also get second chance

Marianne e de Luca got married to the Arch Duke of Forchestier Empire, as his second wife. In the greed to have her own child, with her husband, She hated Killian the current heir and only son of Duke Cassius. She made every attempt to torture him and even made schemes to kill him. She even became crazy to the limit of forgetting Duke, the love of her life. Killian, when became an adult the first he did was to kill his evil stepmother. When dying, she realised her faults but it was too late. "If only I will get a second chance, I will be a good mother to him" that was her last words when she died. But the next morning when she woke up she was back to the time when she got married. Would she mend her ways or follow the same destiny again. THIS BOOK IS BRONZE TIER WINNER OF WPC#153, THE WORLD OF VILLAINS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover page is not mine. if the owner claims i can take it down

nishidurani · Histoire
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386 Chs

cutting the roots

"I want to plead for justice." Finally, the girl spoke when they held each of her hands to drag her out.

"Very well, then you should be at the royal court. Why here?" I asked, raising a brow.

First, she was confused as I wasn't afraid of listening to her threat. Then she nodded.

"Very well, but I would plead justice in the court meeting of duke Cassius, as I don't want our family matter to go out," she said in a pitiful voice.

"Looks like, not only you have blisters but memory loss and delusions too. I had said that before and I would repeat myself, we are not family. Anyways you can plead wherever you want, lady Isabella. Just excuse us so that we can resume our meeting." I asked her to shoo impatiently.

She bit her lip, but nodded and walked out of the room.

"What was that?" asked Roselia, looking at the disappearing figure of the girl and then at me. "If I am not mistaken, she is the sister of the previous duchess, right Mary?"

'Mary! It has been ages since someone called me that.' "yes, she is' 'I replied, taking a piece of cake in my mouth.

"Did you do something to her, why was she blaming you." she again intrigued and concerned both.

I shook my head, though I did not want to lie, the wall has ears. There would definitely be a spy of Isabella among the maids.

"She was rude, you should ask your husband to not entertain these types of relatives," she added, shaking her head.

"Let her do what she wants. Forget about her, I just want you to protect me and Killian as I can only trust you Roselia. Can you do that?" I asked her sincerely.

"Of course I would. I am your knight Mary." although confused at my words, she replied in a sincere tone.

I nodded, "very well, then go and familiarize yourself with the new place." Then I turned to my maids and said: "Penny help sir Roselia in giving a tour to the duchess chamber and all other areas where we usually go."

Both bowed their heads and went out.

"Daisy go and bring the butler back"

"Yes, your highness" she replied bowing but didn't go out.

I eyed her, she bit her lip as she spoke hesitating "your highness, your breakfast."

"I am not hungry. Now hurry," I said as she was still standing there.

15 minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Your highness, did you need me?"

A well-dressed butler came in and greeted politely. He was here since a long time if i remember correctly. 

"I also bought some snacks for you, your highness. Please try it and inform the maids if you wish to have something else."

"It was not needed at all, Lucas,"

I took the piece of pie and ate it to respect his goodwill. There are only few who show me care and respect here.

He put a thick book on the table gently,

"This is the list of the staff of the whole palace, that you had requested your highness"

I nodded, he must be a skilled person as he remembered well what I wanted without telling twice.

"Well, I have a few questions to ask"

"yes, your highness."

"it contains the correct information of each member of the staff working in the palace, right?"

"Of course, your highness. I had personally collected it," he replied assuredly.

"Their names, position, their portrait and other personal detail, their native place and the details of their families, their location etc. hmmm. By the way, can you look into one more thing?"

"Anything you ask, your highness. What should I investigate more?" he asked bowing politely.

"I want you to investigate the personal details of their family members. When you do that, review the existing list carefully, whether it is correct, especially look into if there was any sudden source of income in their family." I informed him, just then something clicked my mind "And keep this matter to yourself.'' I added in case there would be any suspicious person around him.

"Sure, I will look into it and report back to you as soon as possible, your highness," he replied, bowing his head.

After he received the list back, the butler was about to leave. I remember the morning rambling of Daisy with Penny.

"Oh, by the way, your wife had given birth to a daughter a few days ago. Right"

"Yes, that's right. Your highness" he replied with surprised eyes

I smiled softly at him, who was obviously touched by my consideration.

I took out a small pouch filled with gold coins,

"Your wife and daughter need you right now, let me give you a week of vacation, starting tomorrow, so you can spend some time with your family.

Take this money, and get some herbs that are good for the mother and baby and some nutritional tonic and foods."

"Your highness, the work here.." he replied hesitated but I could clearly see the gleam in his eyes.

"It's fine, assign the most trusted employee the work. A week would not be a big deal. Have a good vacation." I replied, raising my hand in the middle of his sentence.

"Yes your highness, thank you," he replied, though his voice was full of respect from starting but it had warmth now.

He bowed deeply before leaving. I felt it would take a bit more time to investigate the personal details of the staff, the case would definitely start before that.

I sighed, it would take more time to cut the root of the poisonous tree name Isabella then I had thought.

"Your highness"


"Lord Killian had arrived. He is requesting for an audience."

I looked at the watch, it's already been past noon. I didn't even realise how the time flew.

"Send him in, and bring fresh cutlery and tea for him" I ordered a Penny looking at the cake. He surely would like it.